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PERDER PESO. GANAR SALUD. DIETA COHERENTE PERDER PESO. GANAR SALUD. Welcome to this presentation on Canada’s Food Guide.

“Salud no es ausencia de Enfermedad”. Dieta Coherente Inflamación Metabólica Salud Enfermedad “Salud no es ausencia de Enfermedad”. Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips in Canada’s Food Guide will help: Meet your needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. Contribute to your overall health and vitality. Obesidad. Diabetes Tipo 2. Cardiopatías. Cáncer. Alzheimer.

Dieta Coherente Estilo de Vida Saludable y PARA SIEMPRE. Desarrolla el potencial físico, mental y emocional. Peso y Composición corporal saludable. Reduce exceso grasa. Control apetito 4- 6 horas. Estimula Defensas: ↓ riesgo obesidad, diabetes, enf. cardiovascular, ciertos cáncer y osteoporosis (PG1, PG3). Optimiza ejes hormonales. Retrasa el Envejecimiento: Ajuste Calórico, ↓ Radicales libres y Cortisol. Antiestrés: ↓ Estresores Nutricionales, ↑ Serotonina y Dopamina. Síntesis de Eicosanoides Buenos

Dieta Coherente OBJETIVO: IMC=20-25 Peso (Kg)/Altura2 (m2) % GRASA CORPORAL: 22% (mujer) 15% (hombre) “ Deja que los alimentos sean tu medicina y que tu medicina sea el alimento” (Hipócrates) Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips in Canada’s Food Guide will help: Meet your needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. Contribute to your overall health and vitality.

Dieta Coherente 5-6 comidas al día. Menos de 5 h entre comidas. Desayunar 1 h tras levantarse. Comer sentados y masticando con tranquilidad. Atractivas, con diferentes colores, sabores y texturas. Proteínas 30% Grasa Poliinsaturada 5-10% Hidratos Carbono 40 % Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips in Canada’s Food Guide will help: Meet your needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. Contribute to your overall health and vitality. Grasa Monoinsaturada 20-25%

Alimentos FAVORABLES MENOS FAVORABLES H C: pan, pasta, arroz, patatas, cereales desayuno, plátano, uvas, higos, frutas secas, pasas, maíz, zanahoria, vino, cerveza. Al mediodía y NO MEZCLAR. Mejor integrales, de grano entero. HC: frutas, vegetales y verduras. Avena. Proteínas: pollo, pavo, ternera magra, pescado (blanco/azul), soja (tofu, tempeh...). Grasas insaturadas: aceite de oliva virgen extra, aceitunas, frutos secos, aguacate. Agua: 1,5-2 L fuera de comidas.

Alimentos DESFAVORABLES H C: azúcar, bebidas azucaradas, sal. Proteínas: carne grasa, vísceras, yema del huevo, embutidos grasos… Grasas: saturadas (carne grasa, tocino, mantequilla, panceta…). Hidrogenadas o trans (margarina, bollería, pan molde, salsas, helados …). Estresores Nutricionales: café, té, coca-cola, alcohol, azúcar, zumos, refrescos, light, (estimulan insulina). Snacks salados.

Comida Coherente VERDURAS Y FRUTAS 2/3 plato Excepciones: 1/3 plato PROTEÍNA BAJA EN GRASA VERDURAS Y FRUTAS Aceite de oliva Frutos secos Aguacate Aceitunas GRASA INSATURADA 2/3 plato Excepciones: 1/3 plato Pan, pasta, arroz, patatas. Cereales desayuno. Plátano, uvas, higos, pasas, Maíz, zanahoria, frutas secas. Cerveza, Vino. Pollo, ternera, pavo. Pescado (blanco/azul). Claras de huevo. Soja (tofu, tempeh). 1/3 plato

Desayuno Comida más importante del día (40 %) Rompe el ayuno nocturno y restablece suministro energía. 1 vaso de agua fría con un chorrito de limón. No zumos de frutas, mejor la pieza. Ejemplos: Café descafeinado con leche “semi. Bocadillo (60 g pan integral, una loncha de jamón y queso) una pieza de fruta y 4 nueces. Infusión y Pan Tumaca (60 g pan integral, tomate, 2 lonchas de jamón serrano y 1,5 cucharadas de aceite de oliva). Té descafeinado con leche “semi”. 2 Tostadas de pan integral (60 g) con queso fresco (50 g) y mermelada sin azúcar. 10 almendras. 200 ml de leche con 80 g cereales integrales sin azúcar. 2 nueces.

Tentempié Repone fuerzas, controla el nivel de insulina y el apetito. Ejemplos: Una fruta, una tajada de jamón serrano/queso/jamón cocido (30 g) y dos nueces. Bocadillo con 30 g pan integral, 30 g jamón/ atún/ lomo/ pavo/ salmón (tomate) y 5 pistachos. Café con 200 mL leche semi y 3 almendras. Yogur desnatado, una fruta y una nuez. Rollito jamón y queso, una fruta y cinco cacahuetes.

Pirámide Coherente Alcanzar requerimientos: macronutrientes, vitaminas y minerales. Basada en evidencias científicas. Resumen visual de la Dieta Coherente. Tan importante la calidad como la frecuencia consumo. Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips in Canada’s Food Guide will help: Meet your needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. Contribute to your overall health and vitality.

Pirámide Coherente Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips in Canada’s Food Guide will help: Meet your needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. Contribute to your overall health and vitality.

Frutas, Verduras y Algas Ácido fólico y vitamina A. Una verde oscura y una naranja cada día. Fibra soluble e insoluble. Mejor fruta y verdura íntegra que los zumos. Antioxidantes protegen a proteínas y enzimas de la oxidación por radicales libres y mantienen integridad membrana celular. A. depuradores: atrapan radicales libres (A, C, E y glutation); Enzimas antioxidantes: bloquean producción (peroxidasa de glutation, superóxido dismutasa y catalasa). Cofactores necesarios: Se, Zn, Mn, Cu y Fe (vegetales de hoja verde oscuro, frutos secos y semillas). Again, lets start with the Vegetables and Fruit food group. Eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day to help you get enough folate and vitamin A. Dark green vegetables are important sources of folate. Some examples of dark green vegetables are asparagus, broccoli, and romaine lettuce. Orange vegetables are rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Some examples of orange vegetables are carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Some orange-coloured fruit are also high in vitamin A. Some examples include apricots, cantaloupe, and mango, and can replace an orange vegetable. Choose vegetables and fruit prepared with little or no added fat, sugar or salt. Most vegetables and fruit are naturally low in fat and calories. They become high sources of fat when they are breaded, fried or served with cream-based sauces, butter or cream. Enjoy vegetables steamed, baked or stir-fried instead of deep-fried. Have vegetables and fruit more often than juice This will help you get more fibre. Suggested Activity: Ask the participants to think about the strategies and tips they use to reach their recommended number of Food Guide Servings for Vegetables and Fruit. Do they eat a vegetable and fruit at each meal and snack? Do they add extra vegetables to their favourite soups and casseroles?

IG x g HC /porción CG = ------------------------ 100 Cereales Fibra, magnesio. Integrales y Cocinados “al Dente”. HC Glucosa INSULINA. HIPERINSULINEMIA provoca: Acúmulo GRASA abdominal. Inhibición lipólisis (No se queman depósitos). Hipoglucemia y Sensación de hambre. Principal factor riesgo cardiovascular. CARGA GLUCÉMICA: Cuantifica el efecto glucémico de una ración de alimento (Secreción Insulina). Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day. Eating whole grains will help you get enough fibre and magnesium. A diet rich in whole grains may also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Examples of whole grains include barley, oats, brown rice or wild rice. Choose grain products that are lower in fat, sugar or salt. Most grain products are naturally low in fat, but the way we eat them can add extra calories and increase the total fat consumed. For example, if you add spreads or sauces to your pasta or bread, use small amounts. Make sandwiches on whole grain bagels, baguettes, bread, buns and tortillas instead of croissants. Trade the morning cinnamon bun for an English muffin spread with nut butter. Buy lower fat and lower salt (sodium) versions of crackers. Suggested Activity Ask the participants to think about the ways in which they limit the amount of fat they add to their favourite grains and grain products. For example, do they spice up noodles and rice with fresh herbs or curry spice instead of rich, creamy sauces? Do they spread their sandwiches with mustard rather than butter?   IG x g HC /porción    CG =    ------------------------                   100    

Lácteos y Grasas Insaturadas Lácteos semidesnatados: leche, queso, yogur Calcio y vitamina D. 2 vasos de leche al día o derivados. En niños leche entera salvo sobrepeso u obesidad. Grasas Insaturadas: Aceite de oliva virgen extra, aceitunas, frutos secos, aguacate. Drink skim, 1% or 2% milk each day. In order to get adequate vitamin D, you should drink 500 mL (2 cups) of milk. Fortified soy beverages can be used as an alternative to milk. They contain added vitamins and minerals to make them a nutritionally adequate alternative to milk. Look for the word “fortified” on the package. Select lower fat milk alternatives. Milk products with high milk fat content such as cheese and some yogurt contain high amounts of fat, saturated fat and calories. Look for lower fat yogurt (2% M.F. [milk fat] or less), and lower fat cheese (15% to 20% M.F. or less). Replace half the cheese in a recipe with a variety of cheese that is lower in fat. Serve lower fat vanilla or fruit-flavoured yogurt as a dip for fruit. Suggested Activity Ask the participants to think about their favourite and creative ways to reach their recommended number of Food Guide Servings for Milk and Alternatives each day. For example, do they choose to have a latté with low fat milk? Do they use low fat milk when preparing scrambled eggs, hot cereal, casseroles and soups? *Bring in food labels to demonstrate where to find nutrition information.

Proteínas Carne y Derivados magros no más de 4 veces por semana. Pescado y Marisco al menos 3 veces por semana. Grasa poliinsaturada. Omega 3. Legumbres muy interesantes: habas, garbanzos, lentejas, etc. Fibra y menor contenido en grasa saturada. Potajes. When it comes to meat consumption, times have changed. Many of us grew up in households where meat took centre stage on the dinner plate. Today, a balanced meal includes meat alternatives or smaller amounts of meat. Have meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu often. This will help lower your saturated fat intake and increase your intake of fibre. Eat at least two Food Guide Servings of fish each week. Regular consumption of fish helps reduce the risk of heart disease. All fish contain at least some omega-3 fats which are important for health. Good choices include char, herring, mackerel, rainbow trout, salmon and sardines because these have very high amounts of omega-3 fats. Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with little or no added fat or salt. To help you reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat, Canada’s Food Guide emphasizes lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry. Instead of frying or deep-frying meats, bake, broil, poach or roast them and allow the fat to drip off. Luncheon meats, processed meats and sausages add extra fat and sodium. If you eat these products, choose lower fat and lower salt varieties. Suggested Activity: Ask participants how they can incorporate alternatives to meat such as beans, lentils and tofu into their meals. For example, do they top a salad with beans, nuts or seeds? Do they add tofu, peas, beans or lentils to soups, stews and casseroles?

Otras recomendaciones Variedad. Moderación. Agua: 1,5-2 litros al día. Alimentos frescos/ temporada, ligeramente cocinados o crudos. Fruta fuera de las comidas principales. Especias depurativas y antioxidantes: perejil, cebollino, puerro, ralladura limón o naranja, hierbas aromáticas, mostaza o jengibre. Ejercicio Físico. Paseos al aire libre (tomar el sol). Suplemento Omega 3. Canada’s Food Guide also recommends: To drink water regularly. It can satisfy thirst and provide hydration without adding calories. Drink more water in hot weather or when you are very active. To eat different foods within each food group. It will help you get all of the nutrients you need. Suggested Activity All beverages provide hydration. However, water is a calorie-free way to quench your thirst. Ask the participants to make a list of the beverages that they usually drink in a day. Is water on the list?

Ejercicio Físico Caminar siempre que sea posible. 30- 60 min. actividad física moderada al día. Al menos 90 min. los niños y adolescentes. Calentar y Estirar. Along with eating well, being active is also an important part of being healthy. There are many reasons for eating well and being active regularly. These include: Better overall health Lower risk of disease A healthy body weight Feeling and looking better More energy Stronger muscles and bones

• Gran crecimiento y desarrollo muscular. Menor apetito. 5 comidas. Niños • Gran crecimiento y desarrollo muscular. Menor apetito. 5 comidas. Introducir nuevos sabores y texturas. Pequeñas cantidades muy nutritivas. No restringir el contenido en grasa. Servir de ejemplo. Following Canada’s Food Guide helps children grow and thrive. Because young children have small stomachs that tend to fill up quickly, children need to eat small amounts of food throughout the day. One Food Guide Serving from a food group can be divided up into smaller amounts and served throughout the day. For example, a Food Guide Serving of Meat and Alternatives can be split and served at two different meals. One egg can be served at lunch and about 30 g (1 oz.) of chicken for dinner. Since young children need calories for growth and development, the Food Guide recommends not restricting nutritious foods because of their fat content and serving a variety of foods from the four food groups. Be a good role model. Children look to parents and caregivers to learn eating behaviours and develop a taste for healthy food. Suggested Activity Ask participants to think of ways that they can be a good healthy eating role model. e.g. Have meals together. Eat vegetables or fruit at every meal.

• Necesidades extra Calorías y Nutrientes. Embarazo o lactancia • Necesidades extra Calorías y Nutrientes. Carga Glúcemica (Diabetes Gestacional) Suplementos vitamínicos. Ácido fólico. Iodo. Hierro. Specific advice is provided for women of childbearing age: Although folic acid is found in some foods, such as dark green vegetables, beans, lentils, orange juice and some grain products, all women who could become pregnant and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding need a daily multivitamin containing 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folic acid. This supplement, together with the amount of folic acid obtained by following Canada's Food Guide, will help decrease the risk of neural tube defects and meet the extra folic acid needs for those pregnant and breastfeeding. In addition, pregnant women need to ensure that their multivitamin also contains enough iron. A health care provider can help them find the right multivitamin.

Mayores de 60 años • Menor apetito. Alteraciones gusto y olfato. Terapias farmacológicas. Interacciones Menor capacidad autocuidado. Dieta atractiva, no abundante y fácil masticación. Suplemento. Vitamina D: 10 µg (400 IU). Ejercicio Físico. Tomar el sol. Vitamin D needs increase after the age of 50 and are higher than can be obtained by following the Food Guide. In older adults, vitamin D intake is associated with highest bone mineral density, improved muscle strength, reduced fracture rates, reduced rates of falling and improved mobility. Therefore, all adults over 50 should take a supplement containing 400 IU of vitamin D in addition to following the Food Guide to meet their vitamin D needs. Note to presenter: 400 IU (international units) of vitamin D = 10 µg (micrograms) of vitamin D.

Acidez Medio Interno pH Sangre: 7,35-7,45, ligeramente alcalino. Dieta occidental muy acidificante: Vinagre, zumos, fruta (ácida o muy madura), tomate, cereales, miel, legumbres, carne, pescado, marisco, queso, huevo, yogur y alcohol. Agota Reserva Alcalina sales minerales (Ca, Mg y K): huesos, dientes, articulaciones, uñas y cabellos (osteoporosis y anemia). Provoca: cansancio, palidez, dolor cabeza, reumatismo, gastritis, depresión, hipersensibilidad, contracturas musculares, intolerancia al frío, caries, cabellos desvitalizados, uñas quebradizas y debilidad del sistema inmune. Prevención: Alimentos alcalinizantes: Verduras, hortalizas, patatas, aguacate, perejil, frutos secos. Frutas no verdes ni muy maduras. Agua con chorrito de limón.

Estrés Crónico Emociones. Pérdidas o cambios Patologías: Inflamación. Infecciones. Enf. crónicas. Alergias. Taquicardias. Ejercicio excesivo/ agotamiento. Estresores nutricionales: café, té, cacao, cafeína, azúcar, alcohol. Déficit nutric./ Deshidratación. Sobrepeso. Mala digestión: falta HCl o enz. alt. biliares, no masticar, parasitosis, candidiasis, etc. Alt. menstruales. Antibióticos y Anticonceptivos. Deprime las defensas. Engorda (resistencia insulina). Acumulación grasas, en el vientre. Disminuye la inteligencia (mata neuronas del hipocampo). Piel pierde densidad y más fina. Inflamación Metabólica. Debilita Flora Intestinal ( riesgo Candidiasis Crónica: Ansia por dulce, hinchazón vientre, molestias intest., migrañas, dolor muscular y articular, cansancio, insomnio, picor de oídos, cambios humor, ansiedad, depresión, acné, etc. Nutrition information on food labels can help you make wise choices. To help you choose products which contain less fat, saturated and trans fats, sugar and sodium, read the Nutrition Facts table on food labels. Keep in mind that the calories and nutrients listed are for the amount of food found at the top of the Nutrition Facts table. Note to presenter: Health Canada’s Food Guide Web site provides additional information on label reading, including links to the Interactive Nutrition Label and Quiz. ( Suggested Activity To help your audience better understand food labels, bring along some food labels to look at. Compare labels on similar products, such as crackers, cheese, or cereal. Suggested Handout The Nutrition Labelling tearsheet provides information on reading food labels. To order copies, visit the Health Canada Web site:
