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Conceptos centrales de marketing Core Concepts This CTR corresponds to Figure 1-1 on p. 4 and relates to the discussion on pp. 3-10. Also to the CTRs numbers 4 - 8 which follow. Conceptos centrales de marketing Ofertas de MKT: Productos, servicios y experiencias Necesidades, deseos y demandas Conceptos centrales de marketing Core Concepts Needs. These emerge from a state of felt deprivation. Ask students to distinguish among physical, social, and individual needs. Wants. These are the form taken by human needs as they are shaped by culture and individual experience. Have students provide examples for different wants based upon geographical differences, gender, age, wealth. Link culture to socio-economic standing, education. Demands. These are wants backed by buying power. Discuss such popular items as dream vacations or favorite cars to illustrate the difference between wants and demands. You may want an Acura Legend but drive a Subaru Justy. Introduce the idea that demands are often for a bundle or group of benefits and may address a number of related needs and wants. Products. These are anything offered for sale to satisfy a need or want. Have students discuss an extended view of products to include services and ideas. Discuss the role of value in distinguishing products. Discussion Note: Ask students to identify their product choice set for cars, vacations, dating partners, or college professors. Exchanges. These are the act of obtaining desired objects by offering something in return. Link to barter economies and promises to pay (i.e., credit, checks). Transactions. These are an actual trade of value between at least two parties. Transaction marketing is part of the larger concept of relationship marketing in which parties build long-term, economic ties to enhance quality and customer-delivered value. Markets. These are the set of actual and potential buyers of a product. Markets may be decentralized or centralized. Markets exist wherever something of value is desired, such as in the labor market, the money market, even the donor market - for human “products” such as blood or organs. Mercados Valor y satisfacción Intercambio, relaciones y transacciones

¿Qué motiva a un consumidor para actuar? Necesidades – estados de carencia. Físicas, sociales (afecto, pertenencia) e individuales (conocimiento, expresión). Ejemplo: “Tengo sed.” Deseos – forma que adopta una necesidad humana moldeada por la cultura y la personalidad individual. Ejemplo: “Quiero una Coca-Cola.” Demandas – deseos humanos acompañados por el poder de compra. Por ejemplo: “Tengo dinero para comprar una Coca-Cola.”

Propuesta de valor: Conjunto de beneficios Ofertas de MKT: Productos Servicios Información Experiencias Personas Lugares Organizaciones Ideas

¿Cómo escoger entre tantas ofertas? Valor para el cliente – Diferencia entre los valores que el cliente obtiene al poseer y usar un producto y los costos de obtener el producto. Valor percibido. Satisfacción de los clientes – Grado en que el desempeño percibido de un producto concuerda con las expectativas del comprador.

¿Cómo obtienen productos y servicios los consumidores? Intercambios – acto de obtener de alguien un objeto deseado ofreciéndole algo a cambio. Transacciones – intercambios de valores entre dos partes. Por lo regular intervienen dinero, condiciones previamente acordadas, un momento de acuerdo y un lugar de acuerdo. Relaciones – establecer relaciones a largo plazo con consumidores, distribuidores, concesionarios y proveedores. Red de marketing para competir.

¿Quiénes compran productos y servicios? Mercado – compradores que comparten: Tienen una necesidad o deseo Cuentan con los recursos Están dispuestos a invertir Compradores reales Compradores en potencia

Sistema de marketing moderno Proveedores Sistema de marketing moderno Modern Marketing System This CTR corresponds to Figure 1-3 on p.11 and relates to the material on p. 10. Competidores Empresa Intermediarios de marketing The Marketing System A modern marketing system consist of four levels of activity. In a very real sense, each level influences the other levels. Each level adds value to the system. Discussion Note: Consumers add value to the system when they buy products. Their purchase price in turn funds the efforts (as profits) of each of the other layers to create more value as the system continues the cycle. Suppliers. This level provides the inputs to the production of goods and services. Company and Competitors. Each company adds value to supplies to create the products (goods, services, or both) offered to various markets. Marketing Intermediaries. Because of specialization, one or more other firms can get products to consumers more efficiently than most producers can (though there are important exceptions). End User Market. The consumer is the “final cause” of the efforts of each level of the marketing system. Discussion Note: Ask students to comment on whether the schematic should have “dotted line” feedback connection from the end user to each level of the system. What form of communication does that feedback take? Purchase? Satisfaction level? Brand loyalty? Brand switching? You might encourage students to remember this system perspective throughout the course and relate examples back to this CTR from time to time. Entorno: Demográficas, económicas, físicas, tecnológicas Entorno: políticas/legales y sociales/culturales Mercado de usuario final

Gestión de MKT El arte y ciencia de seleccionar mercados objetivos y de crear relaciones rentables con sus agentes. Creación, oferta y comunicación de valor = gestión de la demanda.

Enfoques de gestión de marketing Five Marketing Philosophies This CTR relates to the material on pp. 12-17. Teaching Tip: You may find it useful to ask students to give their definitions of philosophy. How do they use philosophies for studying? dating? planning their time? Work from their examples to the idea that businesses too have philosophies about how to get things done. Enfoques de gestión de marketing Vid 1 Vid 2 Los consumidores prefieren productos disponibles y costeables La gerencia debe mejorar producción y distribución Útil: D>O, Entonces aumentar producción. Costo alto, entonces mejorar productividad. Concepto de producción Concepto de producto Los consumidores prefieren productos que ofrecen la mejor calidad, desempeño e innovaciones. Hay que trabajar en la R&D. Estrategias de MKT Concepto de vender The Production Concept. One of the oldest concepts, it holds that consumers favor products that are available and affordable. Management emphasizes production and distribution efficiency. Examples from the text include Ford's Model T and Texas Instruments. The Product Concept . This concept focuses on the actual product in an effort to continuously improve quality, performance, and features. May lead to marketing myopia or the tendency to too narrowly define the scope of one's business. Consumers buy products for their benefits, not their features. The Selling Concept. This concept views consumers as unwillingly customers whose inherent opposition must be overcome to make a sale. It is most often used today for unsought goods. The selling concept tends to encourage sellers to misrepresent the true nature of their products or services and can lead to problems in maintaining high customer satisfaction. The Marketing Concept. This concept links the company's success with the consumer's continuing satisfaction. Its "outside-in" approach starts with a well defined target market, an analysis of their needs and wants, and then builds the company's offering around meeting those needs better than the competition (Note: the selling and marketing concepts are contrasted on the following CTR of Figure 1-4). The Societal Marketing Concept. This concept adds to the marketing concept the idea that the company should contribute to the betterment of society as a whole (Note: The societal marketing concept is developed in more detail on a following CTR of Figure 1-5 and the accompanying notes). Los consumidores sólo compran productos si la compañía los promueve o vende por sus beneficios. Bienes no buscados: seguros, cuentas de ahorro. El logro de metas se centra en conocer necesidades o deseos de los mercados meta y en satisfacerlos mejor que los competidores. Afuera hacia adentro. Concepto de marketing Concepto de marketing para la sociedad Se centra en necesidades o deseos y en proporcionar un valor superior, siempre que el bienestar del consumidor y de la sociedad se mantenga a un nivel similar o superior.

Concepto de marketing para la sociedad: equlibrio Societal Marketing Concept This CTR corresponds to Figure 1-5 on p. 16 and relates to the material on pp. 16-17. Concepto de marketing para la sociedad: equlibrio Sociedad (Bienestar humano) Concepto de marketing para la sociedad The Societal Marketing Concept The Societal Marketing Concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets. In delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than the competition, the company should also maintain or improve both the consumer’s and society’s well being. Discussion Note: You may wish to consider extra-textual class discussion identifying the pros and cons of the societal marketing concept. Pros: Reasons for adopting the societal marketing concept include: 1. Public expectations. Social expectations of business have increased. 2. Long-run profits. Socially responsible marketing may lead to more secure long-run profits. 3. Ethical obligation. Business should recognize that responsible actions are right for their own sake. 4. Public image. A good public image helps firms gain more customers, better employees, access to money markets, and other benefits. 5. Better environment. Involvement by business can help solve difficult social problems, creating a better quality of life and a more desirable community in which to attract and hold skilled employees. 7. Balance of responsibility and power. Marketers have a large amount of power in society that requires an equally large amount of responsibility. 8. Stockholder interests. Socially responsible companies are considered less risky and safer investments 9. Possession of resources. Business has the financial resources, technical experts, and managerial talent to provide to support public causes. Cons: Reasons for not adopting the societal marketing concept include: 1. Violation of profit maximization. 2. Dilution of purpose. The pursuit of social goals dilutes business’s primary purpose. 3. Costs. Many socially responsible activities don’t pay their way. 4. Too much power. Business is already one of the most powerful institutions in society. 5. Lack of skills. Marketers may be poorly qualified to deal with social issues. 6. Lack of accountability. There are no direct lines of social accountability from the business sector to the public. 7. Lack of broad public support. Even favorable attitudes are general and lack consensus on specific actions marketers should take on social issues. Consumidores (Deseos) Empresa (Utilidades)