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6: Entendiendo los datos de nutrición

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1 6: Entendiendo los datos de nutrición
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Tu Salud ¡Sí Cuenta!: Nutrición saludable 6: Entendiendo los datos de nutrición

2 Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición
Los datos de nutrición Usando la etiqueta de nutrición para elegir comida saludable While we should all focus on eating foods without labels (like fresh fruits and vegetables), many more foods today are packaged. One of the most important parts of nutrition education is helping people understanding the Nutrition Facts label so we can help maximize the health benefits of our food choices, like we saw with the family in the video. Presentado con la información de Food and Drug Administration Centro para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Aplicada de la Oficina de Productos Nutricionales, Etiquetado, y Suplementos Dietéticos y la Asociación Dietética Americana sitio Web

3 Preguntas claves de la etiqueta de nutrición
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Preguntas claves de la etiqueta de nutrición ¿Cuántas calorías estoy comiendo? ¿El número es bajo o alto? ¿Cuáles nutrientes debo de limitar o consumir y porque? ¿Qué es %DV? ¿Cómo me ayuda el %DV a elegir comida saludable? Here are the key points we’ll address in this presentation.

4 Los datos de nutrición Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Let’s begin by looking at the label most of us see. Each of us uses the label for different reasons. If you’re like most people, you probably look at calories and fat first. But does the Nutrition Facts label educate you? Probably not; and it was never meant to. It’s goal is to provide information (Nutrition Facts), but not to teach people how to interpret them; they need more guidance to make informed decisions. The label doesn’t teach nutrition but is a valuable nutrition education tool.

5 Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición
Now, take a look at this educational version of the Nutrition Facts label. It identifies the 6 basic messages/skills for health professionals, educators and consumers. But before going into detail, let’s just look at this label as if it only had two sections, not 6. Can you identify the two parts and how they differ? The colored section on top (all but #5) contains product-specific information (serving size, calories, and nutrient information) that can vary with each food product. Now look at the footnote at the bottom of the label. It contains the Daily Values for the nutrients listed and dietary advice generally consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The footnote, which is not found on smaller product labels, never changes from product to product. We’ll discuss it more later. Start with the Serving Size -- Look here for both the amount for one serving and the number of servings in the package. Compare your portion size (the amount you actually eat) to the serving size listed on the panel. So how Many Calories are you actually eating? Many people answer this question by simply looking at the calories listed on the label ? (Not you of course!) So the first thing you want to do is to look at the serving size AND the number of servings per container: then determine the calories actually consumed.

6 ¿Cuántas porciones? Porcion: 1 taza (228g) Porciones por envase: 2
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición ¿Cuántas porciones? Porcion: 1 taza (228g) Porciones por envase: 2 % Valor Diario In this example, the serving size is one cup. If you eat two cups, you are getting twice the calories, fat and other nutrients listed on the label, including the percent Daily Values which we’ll discuss more in a moment. As you can see, the number of servings you consume determines the number of calories and nutrients you actually eat. It’s smart to cut back on calories and fat if you are watching your weight. Next Question: In terms of calories, what amount is low, moderate or high?

7 Guía general de calorías
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Guía general de calorías 40 calorías es bajo 100 calorías es moderado 400 calorías es alto Here’s a general guide to calories. Notice how it gives a context for determining calorie amounts based on 2,000 calories. You may need more or less than 2,000 calories per day. 40 calories is low-- is actually a nutrient content claim. 100 calories is moderate is--5% of 2,000 calories 400 calories is high-- is 20% of 2,000 calories. Basado en una dieta de 2,000 calorías

8 El porcentaje de valor diario - %DV
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición El % DV esta basado en 100% del valor diario para cada nutriente. % DV te dice si una porción de comida es alta o baja en un cierto nutriente. What are Percent Daily Values? You can use percent Daily Values (%DV) to help evaluate how a particular food fits into your daily meal plan. The %DV tells you if a serving of food is high or low in a nutrient – the %DV column does not add up vertically to total 100%. Instead, each nutrient with a %DV (Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Vitamins A and C, Calcium and Iron) is based on 100% of the daily requirement for that nutrient for a 2,000 calorie diet. In this example, one serving provides 18% of the total fat you need in one day. How can you tell if the %DV is high or low? (click to next slide)

9 Limita estos nutrientes
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Guía rápida a % DV 5% DV ó menos es bajo Limita estos nutrientes Obtén suficiente de estos nutrientes Use the Quick Guide – it gives you a frame of reference for deciding if a food is high or low in a nutrient. 5 percent or less is low. Aim low in total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium. 20 percent or more is high. Aim high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Notice how easy it is to apply the 5/20 Quick Guide to % DV for determining highs and lows. You can use the %DV not only for highs and lows, but also to compare claims and to make diet trade offs so that if you choose a food that’s high in a particular nutrient like saturated fat, you can balance your remaining choices for the day with foods low saturated fat. Next question: Which nutrients should I limit and why? (click to next slide) 20% DV ó más es alto

10 Limita estos nutrientes
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición La meta es mantenerse DEBAJO del 100% del DV (Valor Diario) para cada uno de estos nutrientes por día. When we say, “Limit These Nutrients,” the goal is to stay BELOW 100% of the DV for each one of these nutrients per day. Eating less fat and cholesterol may help reduce your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. Total fat includes saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fat. Limit to 100 %DV or less per day. Saturated fat and trans fat are linked to an increased risk of heart disease. High levels of sodium can add up to high blood pressure. Remember to aim for low percentage DV of these nutrients. So, which nutrients do we need to get in adequate amounts? (click to next slide) Grasa, Colesterol, y Sodio

11 Obtén suficiente de estos nutrientes
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Obtén suficiente de estos nutrientes Trata de consumir 100% del DV (Valor Diario) para cada uno de estos nutrientes cada día. We can use the food label not only to help limit the nutrients we want to cut back on, but also to help increase those nutrients we need to consume in adequate or greater amounts. Eat more fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium and iron to maintain good health and help reduce your risk of certain health problems such as osteoporosis and anemia. Choose more fruits and vegetables to get more of these nutrients. Remember to aim HIGH for percentage DV of these nutrients. Eating enough of these nutrients can benefit your health and help reduce the risk of some diseases and conditions. Fibra, Vitaminas, y Minerales

12 Lee los datos sobre azucares totales
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Lee los datos sobre azucares totales Sugar is a type of carbohydrate along with starches and fiber. The best carbohydrates to eat are whole grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta plus fruits and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars occur naturally in foods such as fruit juice (fructose) or come from refined sources such as table sugar (sucrose) or corn syrup. Although sugars have no % DV, limit your intake by comparing two products and choosing the one with the lowest amount. To compare, look at the Nutrition Facts label to determine the TOTAL amount of sugars in a food. Note that the total amount includes both naturally-occurring sugars and sugars added to the food. In this case, the food on the left has 10 grams of sugar in one serving; the food on the right has 44 grams of sugars, 2 to 3 times the amount of sugar found in most candy bars! So how can you tell if either of these foods has added sugars? (click to next slide)

13 Revisa la lista de ingredientes y busca los azucares agregados
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Revisa la lista de ingredientes y busca los azucares agregados Ejemplo de Comida #1 INGREDIENTS: CULTURED PASTEURIZED GRADE A NONFAT MILK, WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE, PECTIN, CARRAGEENAN. Ejemplo de Comida #2 INGREDIENTS: CULTURED GRADE A REDUCED FAT MILK, APPLES, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, CINNAMON, NUTMEG, NATURAL FLAVORS, AND PECTIN. CONTAINS ACTIVE YOGURT AND L. ACIDOPHILUS CULTURES To find if sugars and caloric sweeteners have been added, you need to look at the ingredient list. Foods with more than one ingredient must have an ingredient list on the label. Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight. Those in the largest amounts are listed first. This information is helpful to individuals who wish to avoid or limit added sugars.  What is the difference between these two lists of ingredients regarding sugars? For Food Sample #1 listed on top, no added sugars or sweeteners are listed in the ingredients, yet 10 grams of sugars were listed on the Nutrition label. This is because, there are no added sugars, only naturally-occurring ones in this particular food. Food Sample #2 listed on the bottom has 44 grams of sugars -- added sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup. If you are concerned about your intake of sugars, especially added sugars, make sure that they are not one of the first two or three ingredients listed. Some other names for sugar are: corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate, maltose, dextrose, sucrose, honey, and maple syrup. We’ll talk more about sugar and sweeteners in the next presentation. Jarabe de maiz y/o fructosa

14 Actividad: La lucha entre alimentos
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Actividad: La lucha entre alimentos Let’s put your new label knowledge to the test in a friendly round of Food Fights!

15 ¡Reto! Revisa tu despensa esta semana.
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Revisa tu despensa esta semana. Apunta que artículos necesitas reemplazar por opciones más saludables. ¡Reto!

16 Resumen de puntos importantes
Datos de nutrición Resumen de puntos importantes Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Comienza con tamaño de porción Revisa las calorías totales, grasa, y azúcares Deja que el % Valor Diario sea tu guía – Manteniéndose en porcentajes bajos en la sección de arriba y altos en la seccion de abajo Revisa y lee detalladamente la lista de ingredientes Que tu consumo mayor sea de alimentos no empaquetados como las frutas y verduras frescas.

17 Cambia a la presentación de Planear Comidas
Tu Salud іSí Cuenta!: Nutrición Saludable Entendiendo los Datos de Nutrición Cambia a la presentación de Planear Comidas Segue: So now that you know about energy balance, portion distortion versus healthy eating, the basic nutrients and how to read and understand food labels, it’s time to do some meal planning!

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