Seguridad de los Alimentos en Caso de un Desastre


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Seguridad de los Alimentos en Caso de un Desastre Adaptado por: Jason M. Behrends & Frida Bonaparte MSU-ES

Contenido del Taller Modulo I Modulo II Modulo III Hechos sobre los alimentos y las inundaciones Modulo II Preparando las comidas durante un corte de luz Modulo III La preparación de las comidas y la seguridad de las mismas luego de una inundación

Modulo I No es riesgoso ingerir alimentos? Modulo 1 En contacto con el agua de inindaciones En contacto con el agua proveniente de las cañerías rotas? Modulo 1 Identifica los alimentos que no presentan riesgo alguno Is Food Safe to Eat? Foods can be dangerous to use if they come into contact with flood waters or water from broken pipes Module 1 will help identify those foods that can be used after a flood or water damage.

Modulo I Los alimentos en latas que no fueron dañadas pueden ser guardados Métodos de limpieza Use tinta a prueba de agua para las etiquetas Elimine las etiquetas de papel Lave y raspe Sumerja en lavandina Seque al aire Elimine las latas que estuvieron en contacto con residuos o desperdicios Si tiene dudas, TIRELO! Canned foods that are not dented or damaged may be kept. Follow these cleaning methods. Mark contents on the can with a permanent ink pen Remove paper labels, since as they can harbor dangerous bacteria. Wash cans in strong detergent solution with a scrub brush. Carefully clean areas around lids and seams Soak cans in a solution of two teaspoons of chlorine bleach per quart of room temperature water for 15 minutes Air dry cans before opening. NOTE: Throw away any cans that may have come in contact with industrial or septic waste. If you are unsure throw it out!

Modulo I Alimentos de reposteria/frescos deberian ser tirados si estuvieron en contacto con agua de inundacion. El agua de inundacion puede llevar aguas cloacales, aceites u otros desperdicios. Si dejo afuera los alimentos que requieren refrigeracion, deberian ser tirados a la basura. Throw away any pantry-type foods or fresh foods that came in direct contact with flood water. Flood water may carry silt, raw sewage, oil, or chemical wastes. Refrigerator/freezer foods need to be thrown out if your power has been out for an extended period of time.

Modulo I Agua para beber, cocinar, o limpiar Considere todas las aguas son riesgosas! Anuncios públicos Hierva el agua para prevenir la contaminación debido a : Virus Bacterias Parásitos Contacte la oficina local del departamento de salud Water for Drinking, Cooking, or Cleaning After a flood, consider all water unsafe! Listen for public announcements on the safety of your water supply before using any water for drinking, cooking, or cleaning. If you must use water from your faucet, bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute (3 – 5 minutes if you live in a high altitude area). Boiling water makes water safe from bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases. Contact your health department for specific recommendations if there has been a chemical contamination of your water.

Module I Discard all of these: Descarte estos productos Productos frescos Productos en botes Recipientes con: Corcho Cera Tapas selladas Partes que deben ser peladas Sellos de cera Cajas de cartón Alimentos enlatados si: Dentados Herrumbrados Con pérdidas Con salientes Fueron enlatados en casa Especias/condimentos Recipientes abiertos Alimentos secos y sólidos Discard all of these: Fresh Produce All glass/jarred foods, including “never opened” jars, such as mayonnaise and salad dressings. Containers with cork-lined, waxed cardboard, pop tops, peel-off tops, or paraffin (waxed) seals are nearly impossible to clean around the lid/opening. All food in cardboard boxes, such as juice boxes, paper foil, cellophane, cloth or any other kind of flexible container. Canned goods that are dented (on lids or seams), leaking, or bulging. Canned goods that are rusted Home canned foods Spices, seasoning, and extracts Open containers and packages of any kind Flour, sugar, grains, pasta, coffee, and other stables stored in canisters.

Modulo I Consejos para consumición Alimentos que requieren del frío <40°F Alimentos calientes >140°F Alimentos perecederos fuera de la heladera < 2hrs. Mantenga todo limpio Consumer Tips Always keep cold foods cold (< 40F); and hot foods hot (> 140 F). Never keep perishable foods at room temperature for any longer than 2 hours, including time to prepare serve, and eat. Keep everything clean: hands, utensils, counters, cutting boards, and sink

Modulo I Corte de Energía 2-3 hrs. en el refrigerator Freezer Freezer lleno – 2 days Mitad lleno – 1 day Guarde para recongelar con hielo Power Outage Food in a refrigerator is generally safe if the power were out for less than 2 or 3 hours. Food in freezer will last longer Full, free-standing freezer safe for about 2 days Half-full freezer for about 1 day It is safe to refreeze thawed foods that still contain ice crystals.

Modulo I Corte de Energía No se lleve de las apariencias Bacterias se multiplican luego de 2 hrs. a temperatura ambiente. Descarte los siguientes luego de 2 horas por encima de 40°F Carne cruda Leche/crema, yogurt, queso blando Pasta cocida Huevos Pizza con carne/carne p/almuerzo Caserolas Soupas Mayonesa Masa para preparar galletitas Masas rellenas con crema Power Outage Do not rely on the appearance or odor of a food to determine if it is safe. Bacteria that causes foodborne illness can multiply on perishable foods that have been at room temperature for more than 2 hours Discard the following perishable foods if kept above refrigerator temperature (>40F) for more than 2 hours. Raw or cooked meat, poultry or seafood Milk/cream, yogurt, soft cheese Cooked pasta, pasta salads Fresh eggs, egg substitutes Meat or cheese-topped pizza, luncheon meats Casseroles, stew or soups Mayonnaise, tartar sauce, and creamy dressings Refrigerated cookie dough Cream-filled pastries

Modulo I Alimentos que generalmente no ofrecen riesgo luego de algunos dias a temperaturas superiores a 40°F Manteca/margarina Fruitas frescas/vegetales Frutas secas Mermeladas, salsas Quesos duros Descarte si tiene signos de hongos o mal olor. Temperaturas mas altas = Más rápida descomposición. Foods that are generally safe without refrigeration for a few days. Butter, margarine Fresh fruits and vegetables Dried fruits Opened jars of peanut butter, jelly, relish, taco sauce, barbecue sauce, ketchup, mustard, olives, oil-based salad dressings Fruit juices Hard or processed cheeses However, double check each food and discard the food if it has signs of mold or has an unusual odor or look. These foods spoil and lose quality much faster at warmer temperatures.

Modulo I Limpieza de la cocina Raspe y desinfecte Solucion de cloro Desinfecte lod platos y vasos Hierva los utensillos de metal Descarte los utensillos de madera y de plástico Incluyendo las tetinas de mamaderas y los chupetes Estos absorven y atraen bacte- rias Lave los linos en agua caliente Use lavandina Clean the kitchen Remember to clean and sanitize any kitchen area/items that have come in contact with flood waters Scrub kitchen counters, pantry shelves, refrigerators, and stoves with warm, soapy water. Rinse and wipe with a solution of 2 teaspoons of chlorine bleach to 1 quart or water, using a clean cloth. Sanitize dishes and glassware the same way. To disinfect metal pans and utensils, boil them in water for 10 minutes. Discard wooden spoons, wooden cutting boards, plastic utensils, and baby bottle nipples, and pacifiers. These items may absorb or hide bacteria, making them difficult to clean and sanitize. Wash all kitchen linens in detergent and hot water. Use chlorine bleach to sanitize the linens, following directions on the bleach container

Modulo II Durante el Corte de Energía Cambie los hábitos de cocinar y comer No caliente No refrigere Limite el agua Pueden aumentar los riesgos a la salud por la contaminación o pueden au- mentar los alimentos en mal estado. During a power failure, you will have to change cooking and eating habits. You may have no heat, no refrigeration, and limited water. Health risks from contaminated or spoiled food may increase.

Modulo II Cuando se preparan alimentos durante un corte de energia, siga los siguientes consejos: Ahorre combustible Conserve el agua Observe las precauciones de la salud Use el freezer y el refrigerador para la seguridad de los alimentos

Modulo II Ahorro de Energía Tiempo de cocción Elija los alimentos que se cocinan rápido Use las comidas que no requieren cocinado (listas) Opciones alternativas de cocinado En el hogar a leña Platos calientes Calentadores a base de velas Cocinas de campamento Save Fuel Consider the amount of cooking time needed for particular foods. If you have limited heat for cooking, choose foods that cook quickly. Prepare casseroles and one-dish meals, or serve no-cook (ready to eat) foods. Here are some cooking choices Fireplace – Many foods can be skewered, grilled, or wrapped in foil and cooked in the fireplace. Electric utensils – if gas is cut off but you still have electricity, use electric skillets, hot plates, or coffee makers to heat food. Candle warmers – You can use devices with candle warmer, such as fondue pots, if no other heat sources are available. Camp stoves and charcoal burners – you can use these outside your home. Never use fuel-burners inside your home, even in a fireplace. Fumes from these stoves can be deadly. Do no cook frozen foods unless you have enough heat for cooking Do not cook frozen foods unless you have enough heat for cooking. Some frozen foods require much more cooking time and heat than canned goods. Also if the power is off it is best to leave the freezer door closed to keep food from thawing. You can eat commercial canned foods straight from the can Do not use home canned vegetables unless you can boil them for 10

Modulo II Alimentos congelados Alimentos enlatados No cocine a menos que tenga una fuente de calor suficiente Requieren mas calor que los alimentos enlatados Déjelos en el freezer si hay un corte de energía Alimentos enlatados Los comprados en lata pueden ser ingeridos directamente de las latas No use los enlatados hechos en casa a menos que los hierva por diez minutos Do no cook frozen foods unless you have enough heat for cooking Do not cook frozen foods unless you have enough heat for cooking. Some frozen foods require much more cooking time and heat than canned goods. Also if the power is off it is best to leave the freezer door closed to keep food from thawing. You can eat commercial canned foods straight from the can Do not use home canned vegetables unless you can boil them for 10

Modulo II Conserve el Agua Reserve los líquidos de los alimentos enlatados. Use estos líquidos para cocinar. Drene los líquidos de las latas de frutas y guárdelos Use los jugos como medios líqui- dos en ensaladas y bebidas.

Modulo II Observe las Precauciones de la Salud Hierva el agua que usará p/cocinar por 10 min. Sin refrigeración: Abra solo lo que usará para una comida Algunas pueden ser mantenidas por un corto tiempo sin refrigerar Los paquetes de alimentos no afectados no ofrecen riesgo alguno No sirva los alimentos que se des- componen fácilmente Ej: Carnes Troceados o picados Cremas Tartas de carnes Observe Health Precautions Boil all water you use in food preparation for at least 10 minutes If you are without refrigeration, open only enough food containers for one meal. Some foods can be kept a short time without refrigeration. If available, packaged survival or camping foods are safe. Do not serve foods that spoil easily, such as ground meats, creamed foods, hash, custards, and meat pies.

Modulo II No use leche fresca La leche enlatada dura por horas Para el preparado de la leche del bebe use una lata por cada mamadera Use solo agua desinfectada para mezclar la leche en polvo Use los jugos de las latas y envasados If necessary, substitute canned and powdered milk for fresh milk. Canned milk keeps safely for many hours after you open the can. If you are using canned milk to feed a baby, however pen a fresh can for each bottle. Use only boiled or disinfected water to mix powdered milk. Use reconstituted milk immediately after it is mixed if you have no refrigeration. If you don’t have safe water or water disinfectants, use canned or bottled fruit juices instead of water.

Modulo II Preparación de la Comida Ingiera los alimentos directamente de los recipientes que los contienen Esto elimina la desinfección y el lavado de platos Prepare and eat foods in their original containers, if possible. This helps if dishwashing facilities are limited.

Modulo II La Seguridad de los Alimentos Congelados Anticipando el corte de energía o la inundación Coloque el refirgerador y el freezer en el frío máximo Si el agua entra al freezer Descarte todos los alimentos que no se encuentren en bolsas cerradas al vacío Safety of Frozen Foods after a Power Failure or Flood When anticipating a power failure (as before a flood warning) Set the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting to build up a cooling reserve. If flood water enters your freezer or refrigerator, dispose of all food not sealed in metal airtight cans or glass jars.

Modulo II Mantenga el Freezer Cerrado! Los alimentos pueden durar 2-3 dias Los alimentos bien aislados en un freezer de 4 pies cúbicos no se descompondrán en <3 dias. En un freezer de 12-36 pies cúbicos los alimentos no se descompondrán en <5 dias o mas. Solo abra el freezer para mover los alimentos o colocar hielo seco. With the freezer closed, foods usually stay frozen at least a day, or perhaps two or three days, depending on insulation. Food in well-fitted, well-insulated 4 cubic-food home freezers will not begin to spoil in fewer than three days; In 12- to 36-cubic-foot freezers, food will not begin to spoil in fewer than five days and may be all right seven or eight days if the food is very cold. Open the freezer only to take out the food for moving to a locker plant or to add dry ice.

Modulo II Proporcion del Descongelado La mayoría de los freezers si permanecen cerrados están por debajo de 40°F for 3 dias La porción descongelada depende Del tiempo que esté en el freezer Del tipo de alimento De la temperatura del alimento Del aislamiento del freezer Del tamano del freezer No coloque alimentos calientes en el freezer Cúbralos y descártelos en 2 hrs. Thawing Rate With the door closed, food in most freezers will stay below 40F up to three days, even in summer. Thawing rate depends on – How much food is in the freezer. A full freezer stays cold longer than a partly-full one. The kind of food. A freezer filled with meat stays cold longer than a freezer filled with baked goods. The temperature of the food. The colder the food, the longer it will stay frozen. The freezer. A well-insulated freezer keeps food frozen longer than one with little insulation. Size of freezer. The larger the freezer, the longer food says frozen. Note: Do not put hot foods in the freezer, since this will raise the temperature. Keep hot foods covered, and discard if not eaten within 2 hours.

Modulo II Medidas de mergencia MANTENGA LA PUERTA CERRADA Mueva los alimentos Fíjese si hay una planta de almacenaje de alimentos Envuelva y guarde en heladeras portátiles Lleve los alimentos rápidamente a la planta Haga los arreglos con la planta con tiempo ante la posibilidad de una emergencia. Emergency Measures Keep the door closed. If possible, move food to a locker plant. Call the locker plant to see if it is operating and if so whether it has room for your food. If space is available wrap food with blankets or insulated containers, such as a cooler. Rush the food to the locker plant. It is best to arrange well in advance with your local locker plant to take care of food in an emergency.

Modulo II Si no encuentra una planta disponible Déjelo en el freezer y cúbralo No cubra las ventilaciones de aire Use hielo seco Coloque los alimentos en latas If you can’t take food to a locker plant, leave it in your freezer and cover the freezer with blankets quilts, crumpled newspaper, or excelsior. Do not cover air vent openings. Use dry ice if it is available. Wear gloves to handle dry ice, and proceed as recommended. Can the food if it is possible to do so under sanitary conditions and with proper equipment.

Modulo II Cuando los alimentos se descongelaron La calidad de los alimentos disminuye Las carnes rojas son menos afectadas Se pueden re-freezar los alimentos si hay cristales de hielo presentes Si la temp. > 40°F, tírelo When Food has Thawed Partial thawing and refreezing reduces the quality of foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and prepared foods. Red meats are affected less than many other foods. You may safely refreeze foods if they still contain ice crystals or if they have been kept at < 40F for no more than 2 days. If the temperature if > 40F, throw food away. Foods that cannot be refrozen but are safe may be canned immediately.

Modulo II Tratamiento de los alimentos descongelados: Frutas Re-freeze si se encuentran en buen estado Frutas que comienzan a fermen- tar no ofrecen riesgo alguno Cenas congeladas No lo re-freeze si está desconge- lado Treat thawed foods as follows: Fruits – Refreeze fruits if they taste and smell good. Fruit that is beginning to ferment is safe to eat but will have an off flavor. You can use such fruit in cooking. Frozen dinners – Do not refreeze frozen dinners that have thawed.

Modulo II Vegetales No los re-freeze si fueron descongelados Bacterias se multiplican rapidamente La descomposicion comienza antes que el olor se hace presente Re-freeze solo si hay cristales en el paquete Si duda, TIRELO! Vegetables – Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Bacteria in these foods multiply rapidly. Spoilage may begin before the food smells bad. Such spoilage may be very toxic. Refreeze vegetables only if there are still ice crystals throughout the package. If you question the condition or any vegetables, discard them.

Modulo II Carnes y Pollo Presentan riesgo cuando comienzan a descomponerse Descarte si presenta olor Descarte si la temp. está por encima de 40°F Descarte el pollo relleno Cocine inmediatamente las carnes o pollo que está en buenas condiciones Las carnes cocinadas pueden ser re-freezadas Meat and Poultry – Meat and poultry become unsafe to eat when they start to spoil. IF any package of meat has a bad questionable odor or if the freezer temperature has reached > 40F for 2 hours or longer, don’t use. It may be dangerous! Discard all stuffed poultry. Immediately cook thawed but unspoiled meat or poultry. You can refreeze cooked meat.

Modulo II Pescado y alimentos de mar Extremadamente fácil de descomponerse No re-freeze a menos que haya cristales de hielo en toda la superficie Fish and Shellfish – These are extremely perishable. Do not refreeze unless there are ice crystals throughout the package.

Modulo II Using Dry Ice During a Power Failure Hielo seco durante un corte de energía Ayuda a prevenir la descomposición Mas hielo seco = mayor tiempo que los alimentos se conservan congelados Caro/difícil de encontrar Localice donde adquirirlo antes de un desastre Lo puede encontrar en: Negocios de venta de productos lácteos En negocios de almacenaje La compañía de energia puede locali- zar un negocio Using Dry Ice During a Power Failure If freezer will not be operating properly within one or two days, dry ice may help keep some frozen foods from spoiling. The more dry ice you use, the longer the food will stay frozen. But Dry ice is very expensive and is not easy to get in some areas. If a flood is predicted and you decide to use dry ice, find a source ahead of time and get it quickly. You may be able to buy dry ice from a local dairy or cold storage warehouse, or your power company may be able to direct you to a source of dry ice.

Modulo II Uso del hielo seco Manejo y consejos: Use guantes 2-3 lbs./pie cúbico Mueva productos desde el freezer al área de almacenaje. Coloque cartones encima de los alimentos Coloque el hielo seco arriba de los cartones Using Dry Ice During a Power Failure Follow these guidelines for using and handling dry ice: Wear gloves when handling dry ice. Do not touch it with your bare hands; it causes severe frostbite and tissue damage. Allow 2 to 3 pounds of ice per cubic foot of freezer space. You will need more for an upright freezer, because you wil need to put ice on each shelf. Move any food from the freezing compartment to the storage compartment of the freezer. Place boards or heavy cardboard on top of packages. Place dry ice on top of boards. In an upright freezer, place ice on each shelf.

Modulo II Uso del hielo seco Cubra el freezer No bloquee las ventilaciones de aire Abra ventanas o puertas para permitir que salga el gas You may cover the freezer with blankets, quilts or some other covering, but do not lock it or cover air vent opening. It will help to put crumpled newspaper or excelior between the cabinet and the blankets. Gas given off by the dry ice needs a place to escape. Open basement or room windows or doors to vent out gas from dry ice.

Modulo II La seguridad de los alimentos refrigerados luego de un corte de energía Las carnes, pollo y pescado no deberían ser dejadas a temperatura ambiente por mas de 2 hrs. Si se va de la casa sin hielo Lleve los ingredientes de la ensalada frios Coma en cuanto llegue Tire los restos de comida Safety of Refrigerated Food after a Power Failure Most chopped meats, poultry, and seafood sandwich fillings should not be left unrefrigerated longer than 2 hours. If you have to leave your home without an ice chest containing ice, take cold salad ingredients to mix and eat as soon as you arrive. If any salad is left, throw it away.

Modulo II La seguridad de los alimentos refrigerados luego de un corte de energía Cocine las carnes que estén en buen estado immediatamente y manténgalas por encima de 140°F Trozos grandes no se descompondran tan facilmente Los embutidos se contamina facilmente Carnes molidas crudas se descomponen rápidamente Descarte luego de 12 houras sin energía No confíe su sentido del olfato You can extend your food supply by cooking all unspoiled meat immediately,. Cooked meat needs to be kept above 140F if it cannot bee cooled below 45F within two hours. Large, solid unboned pieces of fresh beef or lamb such as rump roast or leg of lamb are least susceptible to quick spoilage. Uncured sausage is easily contaminated because it is free of preservatives. Keep frozen until you must leave, and then cook before it thaws. Raw chopped meats, like hamburger, spoil quickly. Pork, fish, and poultry spoil quickly. Dispose of them if they have been in the refrigerator without power for 12 hours or more. Do not trust your sense of smell.

Modulo II La seguridad de los alimentos refrigerados luego de un corte de energía Leche se descompone rápidamente Tírela Usela para horneados Alimentos cremosos se descomponen rápidamente y pueden causar enfermedades. Productos con alto contenido de proteina /humedad no deberían ser transportados Milk spoils quickly without refrigeration. Throw out spoiled milk. You can use sour milk in baking. Custard, gravies, creamed foods, chopped meats, poultry , and seafood sandwich fillings spoil quickly when unrefrigerated and provide ideal growing places for organisms causing foodborne illness. Dispose of these foods if they have warmed to room temperatures. Harmful bacteria are difficult to detect, since there is no bad smell or taste. Commercially made baked goods with cream fillings are not safe to take when evacuating unless you have a cold place to keep them. It is best to leave cream pies and all foods containing high protein and moisture at home unless you store them in a cooler with ice.

Modulo III Meal Preparation and Food Safety after a Flood Preparación de los alimentos luego de una inundación Alimentos contaminados Alimentos que descartar Otros alimentos enpaquetados Alimentos que guardar Disinfectado de latas y botes ¿Cuanta lavandina a usar para purificar el agua? Los productos de la huerta inundada Productos inmaduros Productos maduros Medidas de desinfección de productos Meal Preparation and Food Safety after a Flood Flood Contaminated Foods Food to Discard Other Packaged Foods Food to Keep Disinfecting Cans and Commercial Glass Jars How much bleach to use for purifying water Flooded Garden Produce Immature Produce Mature Produce Produce Disinfecting Measures

Modulo III Alimentos contaminados por la inundación Aguas de inundación acarrean: Sedimentos Desechos cloacales Aceites Desechos químicos Bacterias Examine todos los alimentos cuidadosamente Si tiene dudas, tírelos! Contaminated foods may be a problem after any storm with flooding. Floodwaters may carry silt, raw sewage, oil, or chemical wastes. Filth and bacteria in flood water contaminates food, making it unsafe to eat. Thoroughly inspect any food left in the house after a flood. Floodwater may have covered it, dripped on it, or seeped into it. If you are in doubt about the safety of a food, throw it out rather than risk disease

Modulo III Alimentos a descartar Recipientes abiertos Botes con sellados de cera sin abrir Aderezos/especies Harina, granos, y azucares Productos de cajas Latas con abolladuras Do not try to save any of these foods: Opened containers and packages that have come in contact with flood waters. Unopened jars and bottles with paper waxy seals such as those containing mayonnaise or salad dressing. Containers of spices, seasonings, and flavorings. Flour, grains, sugars, and coffee in canisters or bags. Paper, cloth, fiber, or cardboard boxes, even if the content seems dry. This includes salt, cereals, pasta products, rice, and any “sealed” packages of crackers, cookies, or mixes within a larger paper box. Dented seams, bulging, rusty or leaking tin cans, or cans that have been tossed about and are found far from their normal storage spot. Seams on these cans may have been weakened, or their seals may have broken, causing contamination and spoilage.

Modulo III Alimentos a descartar No trate de guardar ninguno de los siguientes: Botes sellados con parafina Recipientes que no tienen tapas selladas Botellas de bebidas Paquetes de aluminio Frutas frescas y vegetales Alimentos enlatados en casa Jam or jelly sealed with paraffin. Containers with non-sealed, fitted lids, such as cocoa or baking powder. Commercially-bottled carbonated beverages. If the cap is crustd with silt, don’t attempt to wash, since pressure in bottles may cause an explosion. Foil or cellophane packages. All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as leafy vegetables, that do not have a peel, shell, or coating you can remove before use. Fresh meat, fish, and poultry that has been in contact with floodwaters. Home-canned foods, even if the jar seems tightly sealed. In some cases, tightly sealed home-canned foods may be safe, depending on the flood conditions. If your supply of canned food is extensive, contact a food preservation specialist, who can advise you after learning specific facts about the flood conditions.

Modulo III Otros alimentos empaquetados Tambores de metal/barriles de madera Examine si hay pérdidas Destruya los recipientes Examine los recipientes de aluminio o de celofán Descarte si : Están rajados Tienen manchas Cualquier evidencia de contaminación por agua Carefully examine sealed metal drums, metal-linked casks, or cases and wooden barrels such as those used for liquids. If you find leaks, put aside for health teams to check. Destroy containers that cannot be put where no one will use the foods until they are checked; they may be dangerous. Examine sealed foil or cellophane containers carefully for leaks or breaks and discard any damaged containers. If food in these containers is normally finely divided (powdered or granulated) but is now caked or not free-flowing, discard. Discard sound foil packages that show stain on the inner paper wrapper. Unbroken packages with evidence of outer water contamination may be wiped dry and used.

Modulo III Food To Keep Alimentos a guardar Alimentos que no presentan riesgo alguno: Latas no dañadas Hierva las latas para mayor seguridad Papas Lave y desinfecte Seque y pele antes de cocinarlas Frutas cítricas Pele y caliente a 160°F por 10 min. Manzanas y frutas que pueden ser desinfectadas y envasadas al vacío Food To Keep The following foods are safe if you wash and sanitize food and containers that cook foods before use. Do not eat raw fruit, even if it has been sanitized. Undamaged tin cans. Be sure to wash and sanitize the outside of he container before opening the can. For added safety, boil food before using. Potatoes Wash, sanitize, dry, peel , and cook before using. Citrus frits. Wash well, sanitize, peel, and heat to 160F for 10 minutes before using. Apples and other fruits that can be sanitized, peeled, and cooked before eating.

Modulo III Disinfectando latas y botes de vidrios p/venta Deben ser desinfectados y lavados Revise y destrúyalos si tienen daños Remueva las etiquetas y todos los sedimentos Remoje 15 min. en una solución fría de cloro Retire y enjuague Guarde p/evitar futura contaminación Disinfecting Cans and Commercial Glass Jars All cans and commercial glass jars free of rust or dents must be washed and sanitized before they are opened. Inspect cans and destroy any that bulge or leak (indication s of spoilage) Remove labels and wash in a strong detergent solution with a scrub brush. Remove all silt. Immerse scrubbed containers for 15 minutes in cold (60 to 70F chlorine solution. Household bleaches contain from 2 percent to 6 percent chlorine. The amount of bleach to add to water depends on the percent chlorine it contains. Remove containers from solution, rinse in clean water, and air dry before opening. Relabel if possible. Use as soon as possible, since containers may rust. Store containers where they will not be contaminated again.

Modulo III Otras formas de desinfectar latas y botes Cantidad de cloro a usar para desinfectar el agua Cantidad de cloro en la lavandina Volumen de lavandina a agregar por cada quart de agua Volumen de lavandina a agregar por cada galón de agua 2% 2 tsp 2 tbsp mas 2 tsp 4% 1 tsp 1 tbsp mas 1 tsp 5% ¾ tsp 1 tbsp 6% ½ tsp 2 tbsp Here are two other ways to disinfect cans and commercial glass jars: Immerse in some other sterilizing solution if local authorities recommend it. Rinse in clean water. Place containers in boiling water and boil vigorously for at least 10 mi9nutes. Dry cans to prevent rusting. Relabel cans. NOTE: Chlorine and most other sterilizing solutions are poisonous. Be careful so family members, pets and livestock cannot swallow it. Otras formas de desinfectar latas y botes -Sumerja en solución esterilizada y enjuague Hierva por 10 min., seque y coloque etiquetas NOTa: Cloro y otras soluciones esterilizantes son tóxicas. Use extrema precaución.

Modulo III Producción de la Huerta Inundada Algunos productos presentarán riesgo si los ingiere La seguridad depende de Tipo de producto Maduréz del producto Tiempo del año Severidad de la inundación Duración de la inundación Contenido de bacterias en el agua Probabilidad de otra contamina- ción If floodwaters have covered a garden, some produce will be unsafe to eat. Here are some things the safety of unharvested fruits and vegetables depends on: Kind of produce Maturity of produce at the time of flooding Time of year flooding occurred (possible recurrence of flood in the same week) Severity of flooding (depth of water and silt) Duration of the flooding Bacterial content of floodwater Likelihood of contamination from sewage or other bacterial contaminants

Modulo III Producción Inmadura Productos inmaduros por más de dos semanas de inundación deberían no presentar riesgo al momento de la maduréz Disinfecte y cocine antes de ingerir para mayor seguridad In general, fruits and vegetables that were more than two weeks immature at the time of flooding should be safe to eat by the time they are ready for harvest. For additional safety, disinfect produce, and cook it before eating.

Modulo III Producción Madura Evite en lo posible usar la producción contaminada a menos que: Pueda ser desinfectada Pelada Muy bien cocinada Unless flooding was light and there is no danger of bacterial contamination from flood water, avoid using fruits and vegetables that were ready for harvest at the time of flooding, unless you can disinfect them, peel them, and thoroughly cook them. Some fruits and vegetables are more susceptible than others to bacterial contamination.

Modulo III Algunas frutas y verduras son mas suceptibles que otras a la contaminación por bacterias. Las verduras de hojas son altamente suceptibles a la contaminación por bacterias No coseche las frutillas contaminadas Los cultivos de raíz, bulbos y tubérculos son menos suceptibles de ser contaminados Desinfecte, pele y cocine antes de ingerir Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, mustard, kale, collards, spinach, Swiss chard, celery, and fleshy vegetables, and berry fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, strawberries, and peppers would be highly susceptible to bacterial contamination. Don’t pick contaminated strawberries unless there were a quick recession of flood waters and a lot of immature fruit at time of flooding (two weeks before ripening). Silt and other contaminants might be embedded in the leaves, petioles, stems, or other natural openings of fleshy structures and could be difficult to remove. Root, bulb, and tuber crops such as beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, onions, and potatoes would be less susceptible to bacterial contamination. Disinfect these vegetables, and peel and cook them thoroughly before eating. Wash and disinfect produce with a protected fruit or tough outer skin such as peas, melons, eggplant, or winter squash before you remove the outer shell, skin, or husk. Then shell, peel, or husk the produce and cook it. Covered sweet corn molds. Discard it.

Modulo III Lave muy bien, desinfecte y cocine cualquier producto antes de ingerirlo. Lave en una solución fuerte de detergente Remoje15-20 min. en solución de cloro Enjuague muy bien Pele y cocine Wash in strong detergent solution with a clean scrub brush. Remove all Silt. Immerse produce for 15 to 20 minutes in chlorine solution. Household bleaches contain from 2 percent to 6 percent chlorine. Rinse thoroughly with safe drinking water. Peel, if possible, and cook thoroughly before eating.
