Active Learning: from Theory to Practice… but how?


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Active Learning: from Theory to Practice… but how?

Ya hemos visto…. Constructivismo Clases interactivas Trabajos en grupo Enseñanza basada en los alumnos Y ya sabemos que los estudiantes de hoy son diferentes que los de antes…

Clases en la escuela Características: Tienen actividades significativas a la vida real? Reflejan la realidad presente de nuestra vida? Promuevan actividades colaborativas? Involucran participativamente a los alumnos?

Experiential Learning “All genuine education comes about through experience.” John Dewey. What does this mean in your teaching situation?

Passive vs. Active Learning Leyendo en un libro de texto Viendo al pizarrón y escuchando al maestro Viendo un video Viendo un PowerPoint = Evaluando, comparando, contrastando lo que pasa en la lectura con la vida. Sintetizando la información Intercambiando ideas después de ver un video Haciendo un artefacto para compartir = Most of the time, in a typical classroom setting, students are involved only passively in learning, i.e., in listening to the instructor, looking at the occasional overhead or slide, and reading (when required) the text book. Research shows that such passive involvement generally leads to a limited retention of knowledge by students, as indicated in the 'cone of learning' shown below what is active learning? Quite simply, it is involving students directly and actively in the learning process itself. This means that instead of simply receiving information verbally and visually, students are receiving and participating and doing. The latter grouping is what is meant by active learning. So, in simple terms then, active learning is: engaging students in doing something besides listening to a lecture and taking notes to help them learn and apply course material. Students may be involved in talking and listening to one another, or writing, reading and reflecting individually.

Comparación Enseñanza tradicional Enseñanza colaboracionista 1. Linear, sistemático 2. Deductiva-los expertos ya determinaron los componentes y establecieron las respuestas correctas. Activa e intuitiva Inductiva- los alumnos colaboran con sus experiencias colectivas para crear indicadores de resultados deseados. Characteristics Traditional Approach (Linear/Systematic) Scenario-Based Approach (Iterative/Intuitive) Scope Deductive: experts determine the scope of learning by examining the subject and its components and establish right and wrong answers Inductive: stakeholders assemble to share experiences about the subject event, create indicators of successful outcomes, and establish descriptions of successful and unsuccessful behaviors Focus The object or subject to be mastered The learner's behavior

Comparación de enfoques La materia. La información para dominar Los comportamientos y resultados de los alumnos. Comparación de objetivos de enseñanza Estática Basados en juicios subjetivos; posibles productos no relacionados a la instrucción Dinámica Basados en el proceso interacción, colaboración, mas producto-presentación) mas el producto. Learning objectives Listed and prioritized objectives based on judgments about knowledge and skills required Static; based on the lesson's building Outcomes of learning event based on use of device or interaction Dynamic around the flow of the scenario experience; particular

La experiencia del aprendizaje Tradicional y pasiva Jerárquico Linear Basado en reglas Control en el maestro Calificaciones u uso de correcto/incorrecto Activa y colaborativa No-linear, sistémica Oportunidades múltiples por realimentación Control en el investigador Evaluativa Nature of learning and structure of learning experience Hierarchical, linear, rule-based, l branching points, l instructor control, l examples/contrived context l few paths, l low data availability l grading, l right and wrong answers ,l scoring Systemic, non-linear with multiple feedback, evaluative l decision points l learner control l realistic context l controlled and multiple paths l high data availability l advice and guidance l problematic solutions l performance feedback Design process Systematic prototyping Action research

Comparación de Posibles Temas Temas sencillos Temas bien conocidos con altos requisitos de conocimientos Enfocado en memorización. Temas complejos con necesidad de interacción. Requisitos basados en la practica. Enfocado en comportamientos aprendidos. Subject types best suited to Relatively simple, well-known, and wellstructured topics often with high knowledge requirements Knowledge-focused Complex topics with high interaction or practice requirements Performance-focused

Ejemplo: Exposición a información en un texto; al cómo, cuándo y por qué es importante. En un examen, identificas la información nuevamente. Un escenario (poster, video, cuenta) te inserta en un ambiente donde necesita usar esa información. Recibes descripciones de posibles resultados. Evalúas las decisiones tomadas anteriormente y haces sugerencias. Text or narration tells you about a particular device. You're exposed to its features, told why the features are important, and shown how the components interact. Finally, a test asks you to identify the device, its components (or the concept and related ideas), and the functions they fulfill. Now, consider a different example. A picture or video thrusts you into a realistic scenario. The situation is described, and you're given descriptions of possible outcomes. Whether the results are good or bad depends on your actions. You make decisions, as each branches into additional choices.

Recepción y participación Edgar Dale’s Cono del Aprendizaje. del libro ‘Audio Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd edición) Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1969 Recepción verbal Recepción visual Recepción y participación Haciendo 10% de lo leído 20% de lo escuchado 30% de lo visto 50% de lo visto y escuchado 70% de lo dicho 90% de lo dicho y hecho Lectura Escuchando palabras Viendo ilustraciones Viendo una película Visitando una exhibición Observando una demostración Participando en una discusión Dando una plática Dramatizando Simulando Haciendo una actividad estudiado

Características del aprendizaje colaborativo Son actividades que involucran los alumnos en interacción mientras aprenden el material del currículum. Desarrollo de habilidades sociales y académicos. collaborative learning, which is: a subset of active learning activities that engage students in interacting with one another while learning and applying the course material. Usually it involves breaking the class into small groups (of 2 or 3 students) and me posing a question, often of a conceptual nature, and allowing each group to discuss a possible answer for a period of a minute or two. I then seek answers at random.

Características de colaboración Agrupando alumnos juntos para realizar trabajo en libros no consiste en trabajo colaborativo. Se requiere participación Dosificación de tareas Negociación Soluciones a problemas encontrados durante el proceso It is important to realize that students sitting in a group and studying together, or group projects in which one or two students do all the work, do not constitute active nor collaborative learning. Instructors and students alike will want to know ... "What are the benefits of active and collaborative learning?" In addition to the obvious advantages of information retention many research studies show that there will be improvements in: student-faculty interaction, student-student interaction, academic achievement (i.e., grades), communication skills, higher-level thinking skills, teamwork, attitude towards the subject and motivation to learn. The reason why it works is that: individual students may get stuck on a problem and give up, whereas groups of students tend to keep going, students become exposed to alternative problem-solving strategies, students are much less fearful of generating and answering questions among themselves than individually and directly to the instructor in class, and as McKeachie says, (see the quote at the top of the page), students learn best what they teach! I am an advocate of active learning because I have used it and seen that it really does work! ... honestly! * Adapted from R.M. Felder and R. Brent Effective Teaching Workshop, North Carolina State University, 1997.

Beneficios de aprendizaje colaborativo Que crees que son? Mejoramiento en: Interacción maestro/alumnos Interacción alumno/alumno Aprovechamiento académico (calificaciones) Habilidades comunicativas Habilidades de pensamiento y conocimiento, Habilidades de colaboración en grupo Actitud hacia la materia y la información La motivación para aprender What are the benefits of active and collaborative learning?" In addition to the obvious advantages of information retention many research studies show that there will be improvements in: student-faculty interaction, student-student interaction, academic achievement (i.e., grades), communication skills, higher-level thinking skills, teamwork, attitude towards the subject and motivation to learn. The reason why it works is that: individual students may get stuck on a problem and give up, whereas groups of students tend to keep going, students become exposed to alternative problem-solving strategies, students are much less fearful of generating and answering questions among themselves than individually and directly to the instructor in class, and as McKeachie says, (see the quote at the top of the page), students learn best what they teach! I am an advocate of active learning because I have used it and seen that it really does work! ... honestly! * Adapted from R.M. Felder and R. Brent Effective Teaching Workshop, North Carolina State University, 1997.

Funciona porque… Alumnos trabajando individual- mente pueden rendirse y empezar a distraerse sin aprender. Alumnos en grupos muestran tendencia de continuar, usando las habilidades colectivas del grupo. Ejercen estrategias para resolver problemas Sienten menos miedo al desconocido en grupos Aprenden mejor lo que enseñan. The reason why it works is that: individual students may get stuck on a problem and give up, whereas groups of students tend to keep going, students become exposed to alternative problem-solving strategies, students are much less fearful of generating and answering questions among themselves than individually and directly to the instructor in class, and as McKeachie says, (see the quote at the top of the page), students learn best what they teach!

Colaboración! Planeación Instrucción Evaluación A través del curriculum: Planeación Instrucción Evaluación Actividades significativas Fomentar colaboración Los alumnos toman decisiones Activity: Voicethread

Bibliography Active Learning Online. (2000). Abilene Christian University: Center for Teaching Excellence. Retrieved July 2, 208 from Dale, E. (1969). Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd Edition). Holt, Rinehart, and Winston (1969). Retrieved July2, 2008 from Richard-Amato, P. (2003). Making it happen: from interactive to participatory language teaching (3rd ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc. SCORE teacher activity bank: Learning log. (2000). Schools of California Online Resources for Education Aligned to the California Content Standards. Retrieved December 12, 2007 from