This is a compound verb (2 part verb) Use the present tense of HABER + the PAST PARTICIPLE:


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VIERNES EL DIEZ DE ABRIL Responde en frases completas  ¿En tu vida, has roto un hueso?  ¿En tu vida, has escrito una carta de amor?  ¿Siempre te has.
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Español 3-3 Sra. Carpinella. Haber  to have (only with other verbs) Past Participle  For an –ar verb, drop the –ar and add ado  For an –er or –ir verb,
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El Presente Perfecto.  The present perfect tense is used to say what a person has done.  In English, the verb “has” is an auxillary (helping verb) and.
To talk about what you or someone else has done in the recent past:
The Present Perfect. In English we form the present perfect tense by combining have or has with the past participle of a verb: he has seen, have you tried?,
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Haber He hemos Has Ha han. Yo he aprendido Tu has aprendido El ha aprendido Ella ha aprendido Nosotros hemos aprendido Ellos han aprendido Uds han aprendido.
The Present Perfect In English we form the present perfect tense by combining have or has with the past participle of a verb: he has seen, have you tried?,
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J. POMAR Present Perfect. What is present perfect?? It is used to describe an action completed very _________ in the past. Some time expressions frequently.
—¿Has visto la película 2050? ¿Qué tal es? —Pues, me fascinan las películas de ciencia ficción, pero no he visto esa película todavía. Los críticos han.
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Review of Vocabulary to plant to grow to improve to get worse to change _________________ 1.
The Present Perfect p. 331 Realidades 2 We form the present perfect tense by combining have or has with the past participle of a verb: he has seen.
To form the present perfect tense, combine the present tense of the verb haber with a past participle. You generally use the Spanish present perfect in.
Transcripción de la presentación:

This is a compound verb (2 part verb) Use the present tense of HABER + the PAST PARTICIPLE:

 he  has  ha  hemos  habéis  han  DROP THE ENDING OF THE INFINITIVE AND ADD...  –ado for -ar verbs  –ido for –er/-ir verbs  Pronouns g o before the WHOLE verb phrase (¿Lo has comido?).

 Caer – caído *  Leer – leído *  Decir – dicho  Devolver – devuelto  Escribir – escrito  Hacer – hecho  Morir – muerto  Poner – puesto  Romper – roto  Ver - visto

1. Mi amigo ______ ____________ (oír) sobre una película nueva. 2. Nosotros ______ _____________ (hacer) la tarea para esta clase. 3. ¿_______ _______________ (escribir) tu informe para la clase de inglés? 4. Mi familia _______ _____________ (alquilar) muchos videos este año. 5. ¡Yo no _____ _____ ____________ (vestirse) ya, mamá! 6. ¿ _____ __________ (devolver) Uds. el video? -No, porque no ___ _______ ___________(ver)? ha oído hemos hecho Has escrito ha alquilado me he vestido Han devuelto lo hemos visto

Escribe 3 preguntas para tu compañero. Find out what he/she has done recently (ie. Has seen on TV, has done after school or in a class, has learned, etc…).