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Estrategia de comunicación digital y de redes sociales

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Presentación del tema: "Estrategia de comunicación digital y de redes sociales"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Estrategia de comunicación digital y de redes sociales

Nos vamos juntos Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…

3 ¿Por qué se decidió articular el Plan y el PTCE?
Para que los mismos establecimientos educativos (que han sido focalizados) se vean beneficiados por una máxima cantidad y calidad de intervenciones, en materia de dotación y formación Para aprovechar el trabajo de formación situada que realizan los formadores y los tutores que ya conocen las escuelas Para racionalizar la inversión educativa en las instituciones focalizadas por el PTCE Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way… 3

4 Objetivo del Plan desde el Sector Educativo:
Fomentar el desarrollo de las competencias en lectura y escritura con el mejoramiento del comportamiento lector, la comprensión lectora y la producción textual, de estudiantes de educación preescolar, básica y media, a través del fortalecimiento de la escuela como espacio fundamental para la formación de lectores y escritores y de la vinculación de las familias en estos procesos Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…

5 La formación de lectores y escritores en el Plan
El Plan, se propone incidir en los escenarios básicos de transformación de una sociedad lectora: el hogar, la escuela y la biblioteca, formando lectores y escritores voluntarios, animados por la necesidad de comunicar Las experiencias de lectura y escritura, planeadas y acompañadas asertivamente, inciden en la manera como se analiza, se comprende y se aprende acerca del mundo. En el proceso de mediación, el Plan reconoce el papel protagónico que cumplen los docentes puesto que las principales acciones de lectura y escritura se desarrollan en el aula Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…

6 Nivel 1 - Estrategias básicas
Para lograr el objetivo del Plan de mejorar el comportamiento lector, la comprensión lectora y la producción textual, se contemplan: Estrategias de lectura compartida : La lectura en voz alta y la lectura de imagen para el mejoramiento del comportamiento lector Estrategias de comprensión lectora: la formulación de preguntas de comprensión que trascienden el nivel literal Estrategias de escritura significativa usando activadores creativos para la construcción de textos Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…

7 La formación (a los formadores y tutores) del Plan en el nivel 1 - 2012
Los formadores y tutores son los actores a cargo de orientar, asesorar y acompañar a los docentes mediadores de lectura y escritura en los establecimientos educativos Ellos se apropian de los contenidos de la formación del Plan para orientar las visitas usando guiones pre-establecidos que contienen teoría, talleres de prácticas, rutinas y estrategias didácticas para favorecer lecturas y escrituras significativas en el aula y el entorno escolar Orientan el trabajo de las jornadas de formación del Plan durante las visitas que realice el PTCE

8 ¿Qué acciones contempla la formación en el primer nivel del PNLE?
Unos fundamentos conceptuales y pedagógicos claramente definidos, de acuerdo con el enfoque del Plan Un trabajo de formación presencial Un trabajo de acompañamiento in situ y de seguimiento, usando insumos de observación y registro Unas tareas asignadas para el trabajo entre pares (maestros), entre visita y visita, con el fin de desarrollar estrategias y usar herramientas de lectura y escritura, en todas las áreas y asignaturas, y dentro y fuera de la escuela

9 Tiempo de ejecución de la formación del PNLE en 2012
De junio a noviembre En junio, formación a formadores del PTCE En julio, formación de los formadores a los tutores del PTCE en los contenidos del PNLE, en regiones En agosto, visita 1 de los tutores a los establecimientos En septiembre, visita 2 de los tutores a los establecimientos En octubre, visita 3 de los tutores a los establecimientos En noviembre, visita 4 de los tutores a los establecimientos ¿Qué es el Plan, qué se propone y con qué cuenta? T2. ¿Cómo formar lectores y escritores en el marco del Plan? T3. ¿Por qué formar lectores voluntarios en el hogar y la escuela? T4.¿Cómo consolidar el PNLE en la IE?

10 Contenidos de la formación del PNLE para las visitas en 2012
Visita 1. Qué es el PNLE, la Colección Semilla y el taller de diversidad discursiva Visita 2. Qué es el comportamiento lector, estrategias para su mejoramiento y taller de lectura en voz alta (y de lectura de imagen de ser posible) Visita 3. Qué es la comprensión lectora, estrategias y taller de las preguntas de comprensión Visita 4. Qué es la producción textual, estrategias y talleres de producción significativa

11 Acciones de seguimiento para las visitas efectuadas en 2012
Construcción de un equipo base del PNLE en la visita 1 (ampliar el equipo base del PTCE) Insumo de indagación de experiencias en los procesos de lectura y escritura Compromiso de directivos y docentes en las acciones del Plan Asignación y revisión (en la visita siguiente) de cumplimiento de tareas, a través de los insumos: hoja de tareas asignadas, y planilla de registro de tareas Adopción de las estrategias didácticas por parte de los docentes para el trabajo en clase en las distintas áreas, y dentro y fuera del aula

12 Logros esperados con la implementación del PNLE al cierre de 2012
La instalación y fundamentación del PNLE en los establecimientos, en una llegada junto con el PTCE El reconocimiento de la Colección Semilla (dotación del PNLE) acerca de qué es, de dónde sale y cómo es El desarrollo de un taller de diversidad textual, en una muestra de cómo usar la colección y los materiales preexistentes en la institución, en las diversas áreas y grados La comprensión de los objetivos del Plan y las herramientas básicas para desarrollarlos: Qué es y cómo se desarrolla el comportamiento lector; qué es y cómo se desarrolla la comprensión lectora; qué es y cómo se desarrolla la producción textual

13 Sabemos que lo estamos logrando cuando en los EE:
Conocen la Colección los docentes, estudiantes y padres Se visibiliza la llegada de los libros y se ponen en uso con equidad y co-responsabilidad El equipo de base promueve acciones de reconocimiento y fortalecimiento del Plan Se construye comunidad lectora y escritora Se desarrollan actividades de trabajo con familias y con estudiantes de 10 y 11 Se generan espacios, ambientes y prácticas de lectura compartida dentro y fuera de la escuela Hay producción textual estudiantil y docente con formas de difusión en la comunidad escolar Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way… 13

14 Los insumos para la ejecución del PNLE en 2012
Esta presentación (insumo 0) se acompaña de cuatro carpetas descriptivas de las visitas (1,2,3,4) En cada carpeta hay un guión para la visita a desarrollar, con los insumos de formación numerados para ser usados en cada actividad propuesta Además, una presentación en Power Point con las preguntas frecuentes al PNLE que pueden ayudarle a tener respuestas previstas Es muy importante que revise el guión y prepare los insumos de visita Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way… 14


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