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Grupos Focales.

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Presentación del tema: "Grupos Focales."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Grupos Focales

2 Recordemos los diferentes métodos cualitativos!
Grupos focales Entrevistas a profundidad Observación directa

3 Observación directa Entrevistas Grupos Focales
Características de los Diferentes Métodos de Investigación Cualitativa Observación directa Entrevistas Grupos Focales ¿Quien? – Participantes locales Grupal e individual Individual Grupal ¿Por qué? -- La razón de utilizar este método No existe otro método alterno para estudiar el comportamiento (p.e. comportamiento de los bebes) Es oportuno para obtener información profunda y es flexible en cuanto a tiempo. Los humanos son seres sociales Estudio explorativo La interacción de grupos es necesaria como una fuente de información importante ¿Donde? -- En que tipo de espacio se realiza En los espacios naturales Espacios formales e informales Espacios formales ¿Qué? – Qué se estudia Comportamiento natural Actitudes y sentimientos ¿Cómo? -- Cómo se interactua con el investigador No hay interacción directa Pregunta-respuesta Conversación Interacción y discusión entre los participantes ¿Cómo? -- Papel del facilitador Utilizando sus sentidos (En su mayoría la vista) Haciendo preguntas Dirigiendo y discutiendo sobre problemas o temas Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

4 Es un método de investigación cualitativa
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre GFs y otros métodos de colección de datos? Es un método de investigación cualitativa Busca algo más que una interacción pregunta – respuesta como en la encuesta Propósito: Obtener información profunda, conceptos, percepciones e ideas de un grupo respecto a un tema específico. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

5 ¿Qué es un grupo focal (GF)?
Es un proceso de grupo estructurado para obtener información específica, que es guiado por un facilitador y donde los participantes pueden hablar libremente de sus ideas y percepciones. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

6 Estructura de un GF Numero de participantes: 6 a 12 de preferencia homogéneos. Si la audiencia que estás entrevistando tiene ambos géneros (por ejemplo, agricultores mujeres además de hombres), se hace un GF por cada género por separado. Duración: mínimo 30 minutos, máximo 2 horas. Metodología: uno o varios facilitadores guian y mantienen la discusión haciendo una serie de preguntas que estimulen la discusión. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

7 ¿Porqué se usan los GFs en PRIDE?
Validan o corrigen nuestra percepción de las audiencias meta. Exploran las actitudes y sentimientos de los participantes. Nos ayudan a comprender los elementos desconocidos para lograr el cambio de comportamiento deseado. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

8 ¿Cómo se usan los resultados de los GFs en PRIDE?
La información cualitativa generada en los GFs nos ayuda a: Desarrollar objetivos y estrategia de campaña Identificar incentivos para el cambio de comportamiento Validar materiales de campaña Y mucho más! Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

9 Pasos para realizar un GF
Determinar el número de GFs a ejecutar (al menos 2 GFs por cada audiencia meta) Preparar guía de preguntas (indirectas en base a las 7 preguntas de investigación cualitativa) Seleccionar y elaborar invitaciones Preparar el facilitador/moderador y el tomador de notas Preparar el equipo, materiales y logística Gestionar el espacio apropiado Desarrollar el GF Capturar la información Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

10 Recordemos las siete preguntas de investigación cualitativa:
¿Por qué llevan a cabo sus comportamientos actuales? ¿Qué perciben como barreras para llevar a cabo el nuevo comportamiento(s)?  ¿Qué perciben como beneficios sobre llevar a cabo el nuevo comportamiento(s)? ¿Hay múltiples audiencias que necesiten cambiar su comportamiento(s)?  ¿Hay audiencias que influyan sobre su audiencia primaria?  ¿En qué fuente de información confían para asuntos relacionados con el cambio de comportamiento deseado? ¿De dónde obtienen información para asuntos relacionados con el cambio de comportamiento deseado?

11 Tabla para entender comportamientos de las audiencias meta (McKenzie-Mohr &Smith, 1999)
Comportamiento actual Comportamiento deseado Beneficios Barreras NOTA: El orden de la conversacion tiene que ser fluido Aquí redactaras preguntas indirectas que orientaran la conversación hacia las 7 preguntas de investigación cualitativa anteriores.

12 Guía para la discusión durante el GF
Presentación Formular preguntas indirectas utilizando la tabla para entender comportamientos y barreras como guía Pregunta acerca de las fuentes de información confiables Agradecimiento y cierre

13 Ejemplo de una discusión durante el GF
Hola me llamo Jacobo y agradezco que hayan aceptado hablar conmigo durante una hora el día de hoy. Como les dije, por el tiempo que me conceden hoy (diga el tiempo acordado) les daré un cupón de dos por uno para una cena en el restaurante Almendros. Les haré una serie de preguntas sobre las actividades que todos los días realizan, sus experiencias, problemáticas y expectativas para mejorarlas. No hay respuestas buenas ni malas, solo lo que piensan y hacen. Queremos que todos participen por igual. Gracias y empecemos.

14 Ejemplo de preguntas para guiar discusión
Comportamiento actual PREGUNTAS Comportamiento deseado Beneficios Que están haciendo actualmente para proteger la microcuenca? Como están involucrando a diferentes actores clave? Han tenido experiencias en Arreglos Recíprocos por Agua o algún esquema parecido? Que estrategias de mercadotecnia social usa actualmente? Quienes tienen palabra sobre las decisiones que se toman dentro de sus proyectos de trabajo? Que ventajas percibe de incorporar la mercadotecnia social a los esquemas ARA/ PSA? Barreras Cuales son algunas de las problemáticas que enfrentan trabajando con los esquemas ARA/ PSA actualmente? Que les impide no usar las herramientas de mercadotecnia social en sus esquemas ARA/ PSA? Existe alguien dentro de sus organizaciones que se resista a usar la mercadotecnia social?

15 Ejemplo de pregunta de fuentes confiables y cierre
Si oyen rumores sobre las ventajas o desventajas de usar las mercadotecnia social dentro de sus esquemas ARA/PSA ¿a dónde se dirigirían para aprender más sobre ello? Muchas gracias por su tiempo y participación en este grupo focal.

16 Disfruta tu Grupo Focal

17 Capturando la información
Cuando la sesión termina anota: Aspectos que no se grabaron o tomaron en cuenta, como la comunicación no verbal importante que notaste. Por ejemplo, si en una pregunta en especial el grupo se quedo callado o se mostro hostil. Cualquier retro-alimentación de los participantes. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

18 Analizando la Información
Busca conceptos e ideas claves que se repitieron. Agrupa las palabras y frases en categorías de manera que respondan las siete preguntas de investigación cualitativa. Resume esta información en tabla de analisis de comportamientos (barreras y beneficios). Identifica vacíos de información. Now let us spend a moment on the idea of ethics (often referred to as moral philosophy or morality). While there are a number of complicated definitions, ethics is really quite simple. Ethics helps us reflect and deliberate on the ends and means of life. What this means is that it helps us establish what goals we should strive for, and how we can best meet those goals. Another way of saying this is that ethics helps us identify, clarify and evaluate the moral values that should guide our lives. Perhaps the best definition of ethics was by Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates said ethics is about 'how we ought to live' (Socrates, in Plato's Republic, 1:352d). What Socrates meant by this is that people should ask the big questions about how we live our lives, and how our decisions and actions affect the well-being of others. In sum, ethics is about how we ought to live, with special attention to the intentions and consequences of our actions for the well-being of humans, animals and the rest of nature.

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