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¿Cuál es la calidad del forraje?

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Presentación del tema: "¿Cuál es la calidad del forraje?"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ¿Cuál es la calidad del forraje?
La calidad del forraje es un complejo conjunto de rasgos en plantas y está influenciada por una serie de factores, entre ellos: Agronómico Medio Ambiente Genética What is Forage Quality? Forage quality is a complex set of traits in plants and is influenced by a range of factors including : Agronomic Environmental Genetic

2 Efecto del nitrógeno sobre el rendimiento y valor relativo
Effect of Nitrogen on Yield and Relative Feed Value Fertility has little effect on Relative Feed Value While nitrogen has been shown to increase the amount of forage, it has little effect on the relative feed value of forage. One item that can have a big impact but is not measured in relative feed value is the amount of water soluble carbohydrates. Water soluble carbohydrates can be manipulated by you for both higher or lower levels as necessary to benefit the animal. Fertilidad tiene poco efecto en valor relativo de alimentación

3 ¿Como son creados los carbohidratos solubles en agua?
La fertilidad y manejo pueden afectar el nivel de carbohidratos solubles en agua (WSC’s) ¿Qué son los carbohidratos solubles en agua? Carbohidratos solubles en agua están compuestas de azúcares simples (fructanos, fructosa, glucosa y sacarosa). Reservas de la WSC son una fuente primaria de carbono para el nuevo crecimiento después de la defoliación o cuando uno se alivia la tensión ambiental. Fertility & Management can affect the level of Water Soluble Carbohydrates (WSC’s) What are water soluble carbohydrates? Water soluble carbohydrates are composed of simple sugars (fructans, fructose, glucose, and sucrose). WSC reserves are a primary source of carbon for re-growth after defoliation or when an environmental stress is relieved. How are water soluble carbohydrates created? Water soluble carbohydrates are stored in the crown of grasses( the bottom 2-3 inches depending on species) and to a lesser degree in the roots. In forages featuring taproots water soluble carbohydrates are more balanced between the roots and the crown of the plant. ¿Como son creados los carbohidratos solubles en agua?

4 WSC’s se crean mediante la fotosíntesis
La luz del sol Dióxido de carbono Agua Azúcar Oxígeno WSC (Azúcar) Almacenamiento Zona WSC’s are created via PHOTOSYNTHESIS Water soluble carbohydrates are created through photosynthesis. WSC’s are created in the leaves of the plants and are transported to the crown or base of the plant where they are stored for later use.

5 El proceso es similar a la generación de energía solar
Process is similar to solar power generation Plants create wsc’s much in the same way that solar cells create electricity. The base or crown of the plant is similar to the battery in the system. If you harvest/graze the plant too low, you damage the “battery” thereby hampering the plants ability to store the energy or wsc’s. In this example WSC’s are analogous to electricity En este ejemplo la CSM son análogas a la electricidad

6 Los carbohidratos solubles en agua
Carbohidratos solubles en agua son lo que permite a la planta para vivir. Las plantas deben acumular WSC durante condiciones favorables para que puedan sobrevivir a las condiciones desfavorables. WSC aumentar los niveles en fresco los días soleados o parcialmente nublados. WSC se crean en las hojas y se almacena en la base de la planta para su uso futuro. Water soluble carbohydrates are what allows the plant to live. The plants must accumulate wsc’s during favorable conditions so that they might survive the unfavorable conditions. WSC levels increase on cool sunny or partly cloudy days. WSC are created in the leaves and stored in the base of the plant for future use. WSC levels decrease during periods of rapid plant growth, during the night, or during hot and/or humid conditions As the water soluble carbohydrate levels diminish the plant becomes more susceptible to disease, fungus, and drought. Plants with low reserves are also more vulnerable to heat or cold damage. So the take home message is DO NOT graze/cut your forage to low. This is especially important right before known periods of extreme stress, such as winter or late summer. WSC disminuir los niveles durante los periodos de rápido crecimiento de la planta, durante la noche, o durante el calor y / o condiciones húmedas

7 De proteínas vegetales
¿Qué WSC a hacer? Punto de vista tradicional de la degradación de la proteína de forraje en el rumen Intestino delgado De proteínas vegetales Los microbios Los microbios Péptidos Aminoácidos What do WSC’s do? Traditional view of forage protein degradation in the rumen Water soluble carbohydrates provide the microbes the energy needed to breakdown forage into protein. Forages with higher levels of wsc’s provide the microbes more energy than low wsc forages and as a result the animal is able to derive a greater benefit from the consumed forage. Amoniaco Rumen

8 = Los pastos son FÁBRICAS DE AZÚCAR
Cool-season grasses are sugar factories. They are very efficient in converting, via photosynthesis, sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients into sugar which the animal can utilize. FÁBRICAS DE AZÚCAR

9 La variación diurna Carbohidratos solubles en agua (WSC’S) se acumulan durante el día y en horas pico a mediados de los días. WSC’s son utilizados por la planta durante la noche y se encuentran en el nivel más bajo en la madrugada. Diurnal Variation Water soluble carbohydrates accumulate during the day and peaking in mid-day. WSC’s are utilized by the plant throughout the night and are at the lowest level in the early morning. You can take advantage of the diurnal variation effect no matter what kind of forage you are growing. Alfalfa, orchardgrass, tall fescue, ryegrass, and other forages have all shown to consistently have higher levels of water soluble carbohydrates in the mid-afternoon. So if you want to get a bigger bang for your buck cut your hay/silage in the afternoon or give your livestock more grazing time in the afternoon.

10 Diurnas Preferencia de Forrajes
Idaho Diurnal Preference As you see in this video, animals prefer forages higher in water soluble carbohydrates or as they are referred to in this clip as non-structural carbohydrates. No matter how hard they tried the steers in this video wanted nothing to do with the low wsc alfalfa. So not only do ruminant animals benefit from the high carb diet…they prefer it! pasto alto de azúcar pasto alto de azúcar de control de control

11 Variación estacional La capacidad de almacenamiento de agua soluble en hidratos de carbono es finito. En condiciones favorables la planta utilizará una parte de los carbohidratos solubles en agua recién creado para facilitar el crecimiento. En condiciones desfavorables, la planta gasta menos energía para facilitar el crecimiento y dirige un mayor porcentaje de almacenamiento. Una vez que las condiciones de deterioro en la medida en que la planta no puede crear los carbohidratos solubles en agua más rápido de lo que se utilizan, la planta comenzará a cerrar (caída de verano o el letargo del invierno) Si la planta no es capaz de almacenar la energía suficiente para llevar a cabo el período desfavorable que se pierda. Seasonal Variation WSC storage capability is finite. During favorable conditions the plant will use a portion of the newly created wsc’s to facilitate growth. During unfavorable conditions, the plant expends less energy to facilitate growth and directs a greater percentage to storage. Once conditions decline to the degree that the plant cannot create wsc’s faster than they are used, the plant will begin to shut down (summer slump or winter dormancy) If the plant is unable to store enough energy to carry it through the unfavorable period it will perish. While heat, humidity, or drought are obvious signs that conditions are unfavorable, how does a plant now when conditions are favorable? As we saw in the previous time lapse videos, the plants send out “test” leaves to determine if conditions are good. If conditions are not favorable, that is wsc depletion is greater than creation, the plant will wait and then at a later time the plant will extend a few more “test leaves”. Once the plant determines conditions are favorable all of the living tillers will begin to grow.

12 La manipulación de los niveles de carbohidratos solubles en agua en el forraje
Carbohidratos solubles en agua en las hojas disminuye cuando el tejido está en crecimiento activo. Pastos con aplicaciones de nitrógeno de alta experimentará un crecimiento rápido de las plantas. Una mayor fertilidad de forraje = aumento y disminución de los niveles de carbohidratos solubles en agua. Forrajes cosechados a mediados de la tarde tendrá un mayor nivel de carbohidratos solubles en agua. Manipulating the Levels of WSC’s in Forage WSC’s in leaves decrease when tissue is actively growing. Pastures with high nitrogen applications will experience rapid plant growth. Higher fertility = increased forage and decreased levels of wsc’s. This can be a good thing if you have a horse that is prone experienced laminitis. Forages harvested in mid-afternoon will have a higher level of wsc’s. You need to be careful to not apply too much nitrogen before known periods of adverse conditions as you can make the plant use up so much of the plants reserves that it is unable to live through the stressful period.

13 Manipulación genética de los niveles de carbohidratos solubles en agua
Científicos de todo el mundo están manipulando las plantas para aumentar los niveles de carbohidratos solubles en agua. Via GMO’s tanto transgénicos y cisgenic Pastoral Genomics de Nueva Zelanda A través de la selección natural IBERS de Wales, UK Grassland Oregon de los Estados Unidos Manipulating the Levels of WSC’s in Forage WSC’s in leaves decrease when tissue is actively growing. Pastures with high nitrogen applications will experience rapid plant growth. Higher fertility = increased forage and decreased levels of wsc’s. Forages harvested in mid-afternoon will have a higher level of wsc’s. Pastoral Genomics is the leader in cisgenics. Cisgenics is where they manipulate the plants genome to get the desired result where as transgenic organism require the insertion of foreign dna. The leaders of naturally increasing the levels of wsc’s is IBERS in Wales.

14 Los científicos de Aberystwyth IBERS en donde el primero en manipular los niveles de carbohidratos solubles en agua a través de la selección natural Scientists at IBERS in Aberystwyth where the first to manipulate wsc levels via natural selection And they remain the leaders in creating high sugar ryegrasses today.

15 Todas las hierbas no nacen iguales
IBERS científicos reconocidos IBERS scientists recognized All grasses are not borne equal While many other plant breeders are attempting to catch up, the Ibers varieties, all featuring an aber pre-fix, lead in wsc levels. IBERS literally examines the wsc levels of tens of thousands of plants on a yearly basis Todas las hierbas no nacen iguales

16 Tome selecciones de pastos en altidudes altas
Take grass selections from altitude The original source material for the IBERS program came from ryegrasses collected high in the alps. These plants had naturally adapted over the centuries to accumulate large quantities of wsc’s in a very short time frame.. The plants had to as their survival depended on it. Tome selecciones de pastos en altidudes altas

17 Las hojas verdes son las fábricas de azúcar
¿Cuál es la solución? Las hojas verdes son las fábricas de azúcar Desarrollar para productividad …… Agregar en todos los demás characteristicas "convencionales“ rendimiento persistencia resistencia a las enfermedades digestibilidad What is the solution? Breed grasses for leafiness Green leaves are sugar factories They then crossed into the material collected from the alps more conventional traits yield persistency disease resistance digestibility That are needed to make the resulting varieties successful forage varieties.

18 Plant, Animal and Microbial Science
Mejora de la variación diurna La variación diurna en el agua carbohidratos solubles en el raigrás perenne de hojas 06.00 08.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 18.00 Time (h) % WSC Alto WSC Normal WSC July 1998 Improving diurnal variation This slide shows that all forages, even grasses bred for higher wsc levels, can benefit from diurnal variation. Note that both the high wsc and the control exhibit higher levels of wsc in the afternoon. Plant, Animal and Microbial Science

19 Plant, Animal and Microbial Science
Mejorar la variación estacional Cambio de temporada en el contenido de carbohidratos solubles en agua (1998) %WSC contenido Alta Control Improving Seasonal Variation In this slide you see that both the high wsc variety and the control increase the amount of wsc prior to summer and winter, and quickly replenish the depleted reserves upon better growing conditions. Plant, Animal and Microbial Science

20 El efecto sobre el agua alta en carbohidratos solubles en el forraje en la vaca lechera.
Estiercol Orina The effect on high wsc forage in the dairy cow. High-sugar grasses bred at IBERS provide a greater amount of readily available energy and therefore allow the rumen microbes to process more of the grass protein. Research has shown this can result in increases greater than 10% of additional protein being used for production and hence we see higher milk yields and improved liveweight gains from these ryegrasses. When more nitrogen is used for production, less is wasted, so ultimately we see an added environmental benefit as well. Leche Pasto azul = normal y rojo = alto wsc

21 Mejorar la eficiencia de la digestión
Proteínas solubles en el forraje Forraje solubles contenido de carbohidratos Mejorar la eficiencia de la digestión La síntesis de proteína microbiana Duodenal de aminoácidos La absorción de ácido amino Productividad Calidad Contaminación Forage soluble carbohydrate content increases Soluble forage protein decreases Improve the efficiency of digestion Increasing Microbial protein synthesis Duodenal amino acid flow & Amino acid absorption Increasing Quality and productivity and decreasing pollution When the ratio is higher than .7 the animal experiences a greater utilization of available protein and less is wasted. Studies also have shown that once this ratio is exceeded methane emissions from the livestock decrease. Australia y Nueva Zelanda, los científicos también han documentado los beneficios de aumentar el% de carbohidratos solubles en agua en el forraje. En los juicios que han demostrado que un hidrato de carbono soluble en agua a razón de proteína cruda de 0.7 o mayor es necesaria para optimizar el rendimiento del rumen.

22 Lácteos Los estudios de la vaca
The scientist at IBERS have conducted a large amount of studies on the effect of high levels of wsc on lactating dairy cows.

23 Resumen de los experimentos de producción de leche
Tres años de trabajo Los primeros (2000), medio (1999) y tardía (1998) las vacas lecheras Cero pastoreo para permitir la ingesta de precisión y mediciones de N partición Continuos experimentos a corto plazo el diseño Summary of Milk Production Experiments Three years work Early (2000), mid (1999) and late (1998) lactation dairy cows Zero-grazed to allow accurate intake and N partitioning measurements Short-term continuous design experiments

24 Experimentos de producción
8 a 12 vacas por experimento Medidas de las covariables sobre los pastos de pasteo Nivel elevado de azúcar y el Control de las hierbas cortadas de parcelas y cero pastoreo El doble ordeño diario, 4 kg concentrados / día Production experiments 8-12 cows per experiment Covariate measurements on grazed grass High sugar (HS) and Control grasses cut from plots and zero-grazed Twice daily milking, 4 kg concs/d

25 Lácteos de Primera Instancia
Consumo y digestibilidad del forraje Dieta Total vías de Materia Seca Dairy Trial Forage Intake and Whole Tract Diet Dry Matter Digestibility In this slide you can see that dry matter intake increased, the digestibility increased and the important part…milk yields increased

26 Lácteos de Primera Instancia Balance de N y creación de particiones
Dairy Trial N balance and Partitioning This slide shows that a greater percentage of nitrogen in the milk for the high wsc grass versus the control grass. As the animal was able to greater utilize the consumed nitrogen, the amount excreted in the urine and feces was greatly diminished and as a result better for the environment.

27 21% Forraje y consumo de la producción de leche
Forage intake and milk yields 21%

28 El estudio de ganado de carne
BEEF STUDIES Ibers also examined the high wsc effect on beef cattle

29 Función Estudio del Rumen y Carne 2000 de admisión y el flujo de nutrientes
Beef Rumen Function Study Intake and Nutrient Flow This slide shows greater intake of the high wsc grasses.

30 Función Estudio del Rumen y Carne 2000 de pasto composición química
Beef Rumen Function Study Grass chemical composition And this slide shows that the increased level of wsc per kilogram of consumed forage. Note the crude protein level is lower in the high wsc grass than the control. This is part of the crude protein:wsc ratio I spoke of earlier. The decrease in crude protein is not adverse to the animal as the animal is more efficient and less of the protein literally goes to waste.

31 Aumento de peso vivo g/día
Estudios de Producción de Carne Bovina 2002 y 2003 El aumento de las ganancias de peso hasta en un 35% Aumento de peso vivo g/día Beef Production Studies 2002 and 2003 Increased live weight gains by as much as 35 % This is data taken from a government funded project carried out at IBERS which is currently in the process of being published. This was an a trial involving Charolais – cross steers grazing high sugar grass You have a clear difference in live weight gain between AberDart and the control variety over 2 harvest years. Control 31

32 Estudio de ovejas IBERS also looked at sheep

33 Diseño experimental de parcelas replicadas
Experimental design for replicated plots 4 Singletons + sward adjustment animals to maintain sward height. (weekly). LWG of core lambs. Production per hectare from all animals including adjustment ewes and lambs. Carrying capacity of swards.

34 Rendimiento Cordero (g / d)
Lamb performance (g/d) In this slide you can see that the sheep experience a greater percentage in daily live weight gains when the difference in the levels of wsc were the greatest.

35 Resultados Mayor crecimiento de los corderos de 50 gramos por día
El aumento de las ovejas por hectárea aproximadamente 8 animales Aumento de la producción de cordero por esta empresa 34 kg / ha Resultados The high wsc’s variety exhibited: Increased lamb growth by about 50 grams per day Increased the carrying capacity per hectare by about animals Increased lamb production by 34 kg lwg/ha

36 Pastos de alto azúcar - Conclusiones
Digestibilidad de mayor consumo y mejor promueve el aumento de la producción de carne y leche El aumento de agua contenido en carbohidratos solubles promueve el uso más eficiente de los pastos N Más de N en la carne y la leche = menos N excretado en la tierra Los niveles más altos de carbohidratos solubles en agua también han demostrado reducir las emisiones de metano High sugar grass – conclusions Higher intake and better digestibility promotes increased meat and milk production Increased wsc content promotes more efficient use of grass N More N in meat and milk = less N excreted onto land Higher wsc levels have also shown reduced methane emissions

37 ¿Cuáles son los principales beneficios económicos?
LECHE = Mejora la producción de leche Leche hasta un 6% más respecto a la temporada de pastoreo GANADO / CORDERO = Mejora de las ganancias de peso vivo Hasta el 35% de aumento GENERAL = mayor consumo de materia seca hasta 2,2 kg / cabeza / día What are the main economic benefits? DAIRY = Improved milk yields Up to 6% more milk over grazing season BEEF/LAMBS = Improved live weight gains Up to 35% increase OVERALL = Higher dry matter intakes Up to 4.41 lbs/head per day

38 ¿Hay algún otro beneficio?
Existen importantes beneficios ambientales De nitrógeno hasta un 24% menos excretado Are there any other benefits? There are significant environmental benefits Up to 24% less nitrogen excreted

39 ¿Hay beneficios retenidos en ensilaje?
La investigación en curso está mostrando mayores niveles de carbohidratos del agua solubles en pastos puede conducir a un mayor valor alimenticio para ensilaje Are benefits retained in silage? Ongoing research is showing that higher levels WSC’s in grasses can lead to higher feed value silage, as the increased levels of sugars encourage an efficient fermentation. Trials have shown that you can improve the quality of legume silage with the addition of high wsc grasses. In one study where high wsc grasses were combined with red clover, the silage quality and yield of silage per acre was greater than the legume or grass by itself, indicating some sort of symbiosis occurred by planting the two together. Early trial data is showing that the benefit is realized with other legumes as well, such as alfalfa.

40 Que más alto es el contenido de WSC en variedades desarrolladas en IBERS cuando son comparadas con otras variedades de pastos? The level of water soluble carbohydrates in all grass varieties varies according to the seasonal conditions and the growth period. Due to seasonal and management induced fluctuations in WSC content, comparisons cannot be made between varieties in different trials. However, research has shown that the HSGs used in sucraSEED consistently contain higher levels of sugar when compared with other varieties in the same trial. Up to 115 g/kg higher Hasta 115 g / kg más alto


42 Las gramíneas de alta azúcar están disponibles en los productos de marca SucraSEED!


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