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El desarrollo del lenguaje de niños de cero a tres años

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Presentación del tema: "El desarrollo del lenguaje de niños de cero a tres años"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El desarrollo del lenguaje de niños de cero a tres años
El desarrollo del lenguaje y las experiencias significativas 5 min. – Welcome everyone. Have them sign in.

2 Objetivos de aprendizaje
Al final de la sesión los participantes serán capaces de: Discutir sobre la importancia que tienen las experiencias significativas en el desarrollo del lenguaje Explorar maneras para crear experiencias significativas tempranas para los niños de cero a tres años. 15 min. – Before reviewing objectives – state: in the previous session we looked at how being a responsive care teacher promotes cognitive and language development. Today we will be focusing on the role that meaningful experiences play in supporting early language development. Review objectives Mini-Lecture: When we think about meaningful experiences, we want to acknowledge that what may be meaningful to one person may not be meaningful to another. Where we currently are in our lives, our past experiences, individual temperaments, culture and family dynamics underline what experiences will hold meaning for us. Certain places, pictures, sounds, smells, and textures may bring up different memories for each one of us. (1st two key points adapted from Zero to Three: Cradling Literacy Module 3: Session 7). Ask for a few participants to recall and share a meaningful experience from their childhood. Childhood experiences have a long lasting effect on our lives. Support of emotional growth and development in infancy is one of the most important aspects of a care teacher’s job. A genuine caring for the infant/toddler will naturally lead many care teachers to behavior that facilitates this area of development, such as “being warm” or admiring the child’s new abilities. (Key points 3 and 4 adapted from PITC Trainer’s Manual: Social-Emotional Growth and Socialization Lesson 9) These warm caring and supportive relationships can help us in providing positive and meaningful experiences for children.

3 Objetivos de aprendizaje (continuación)
Al final de la sesión los participantes serán capaces de: Explicar sobre como los niños se benefician de tener un maestro que es cariñoso, paciente y que admira sus logros al igual que se convierte en su compañero en el juego y en otras interacciones. Desarrollar estrategias para modificar el comportamiento del maestro y así poder cumplir con todas las necesidades individuales de cada niño. (continued) Mini-Lecture: Support of emotional growth and development in infancy is one of the most important aspects of a care teacher’s job. A genuine caring for the infant/toddler will naturally lead many care teachers to behavior that facilitates this area of development, such as “being warm” or admiring the child’s new abilities. (Objectives 3 and 4 adapted from PITC Trainer’s Manual: Social-Emotional Growth and Socialization Lesson 9) These warm caring and supportive relationships can help us in providing positive and meaningful experiences for children.

4 Reflexión Tome unos minutos para reflexionar sobre lo siguiente:
Piense en una experiencia memorable y que significa mucho para usted. ¿Qué hace que la experiencia tenga significado? (personas, lugar, tiempo, tradición) ¿Qué clase de experiencias hacen que usted aprenda mejor? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuáles son algunas maneras para crear experiencias significativas de lenguaje para los niños de cero a tres años? Adaptado de: Cradling Early Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III, Sección 7) 20 min. – Allow participants 5 minutes to reflect on these questions. Question 1 – ask them to write who the people were that made it meaningful; was it a special place, e.g. grandparent home; how old were they; was it a family tradition/ritual). Dyads -- After they’ve had 5 minutes to reflect by themselves, ask them to turn to a partner and share their responses to these questions. Allow 5 minutes for discussion with a partner. Large group – Ask a for a few volunteers (3 – 4) to share their discussion with the larger group. After some have shared, summarize by stating the following: “The experiences that are often most meaningful are those that connect us to the things/people we know, love, or are interesting to us. Think about those experience that make connections for the children in your care”

5 Muévase alrededor del salón
A medida que se mueve, mire las fotografías que están expuestas en el salón. Tome un momento para reflexionar sobre las experiencias significativas que podrían estar pasando para las personas que están en las fotografías. Escriba una o dos palabras en un papel que se adhiere (sticky note) y péguelo a un lado de la fotografía. 10 min. – For this activity provide participants with 3x5 sticky note paper – they write one or two words to describe the meaningful experience and post them next to the picture Ask participants to move around and look at the five pictures and reflect on what might be meaningful for the individuals in the pictures. Trainer moves around among participants.

6 Elementos de las experiencias significativas
Interacciones con alguien que es importante para nosotros. Respuesta emocional. Cumplió con mis necesidades. Fue interesante para mi. Me ayudo. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III, Sección 7) 30 min. – Mini-Lecture– Before showing this slide ask participants “So thinking about the two previous activities, what elements do you believe make an experience meaningful?” -- Write their responses on chart paper. Distribute Handout: Elements of Meaningful Experiences and connect their responses to these “elements”. --As you review these elements, ask them to think about how this looks for an infant/toddler and how does it relate to supporting children’s language development? Pause after each element and allow participants to interject their thoughts. If not brought up by participants – Add: “these help us to build relationships with children – this is what we want to have in a reciprocal, responsive and respectful relationship with children”. You can also ask them to think of a meaningful experience they had where it was meaningful because it helped them to learn something new, it made a connection for them because it expanded on what they already knew and it was engaging. Ask a few participants to share their experiences.

7 Elementos de las experiencias significativas (continuación)
Me enseño algo Fue relevante para mi Me conecto a algo que yo se Me involucro Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III, Sección 7)

8 Video ¿Qué hace que esta experiencia sea significativa para el niño?
A medida que mira los segmentos cortos del video, reflexione sobre lo siguiente: ¿Qué hace que esta experiencia sea significativa para el niño? ¿Qué esta aprendiendo el niño sobre el lenguaje y la comunicación? ¿Cuáles elementos de las experiencias significativas están pasando? 20 minutes – Foundations video Disc 3 – Birth to Four Months Before showing the video ask them to look at the handout “Elements of Meaningful Experiences” again – they will be using it as part of an activity with the video. Show the first segment on the Newborn – Olivia at 7 weeks – this segment is about 3 min. 10 sec. – Ask them to write some notes about what they see happening as it pertains to these questions. Stop the video and have them discuss these questions with their group – allow 5 minutes for discussion Show the next segment 4 months old – Ella playing with her father and Anaya playing with her father and others – this segment is about 3 min. 28 sec. Stop at the end of this segment before Interpreting & Responding to Early Development. Again have them discuss the questions with their group – allow 5 minutes for discussion 15 minutes for large group sharing – ask for volunteers and have each group share regarding one of the questions. If no one mentions it – remind them of how in order for experiences to be meaningful – the adults in the video vignettes were responsive to the child. They were responsive in the way they listened to and understood the child’s communication of their needs and interests.

9 ¿Por qué son importantes las experiencias significativas?
Las experiencias significativas son importantes porque: Proveen un apoyo emocional que los niños necesitan para poder tomar riesgos cuando aprenden cosas nuevas. Les envían un mensaje implícito a los niños de que lo que ellos valoran y necesitan es importante. Les ayudan a los niños a hacer conexiones con aquellos que son importantes en su vida (familia, compañeros de clase y maestros). 15 min. – Mini-lecture – Show this slide – as you show these points, you can add the following: Meaningful experiences provide emotional support for young children when we provide the emotional support which gives them confidence in their new abilities. By being responsive care teachers and being “in tune” we give children the message that what they value and need is important. When young children are able to connect new experiences with those that already hold meaning for them, they are better able to make sense of new information. For infants, meaningful experiences primarily happen through the use of their senses and within the context of meaningful relationships. Infants use their senses to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch as they interact with their world. When a loving , nurturing adult supports their exploration by naming and commenting, language and social connections are made. For young children, meaningful experiences are often recalled through play. Young children use play and exploration as an essential pathway to learning. Ask” “What can you do to support families in understanding the importance of meaningful experiences”? Allow about 5 min for this activity -- Ask them to write their responses on sentence strips or 5x 7 cards– collect them and post them around the room. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III, Sección 7)

10 DESCANSO 15 Minute Break – ask participants to please return in 15 minutes. This is the end of a 2 hours session if providing 2 hour training – break if providing 4 hour training

11 “La conexión entre las emociones y el aprendizaje es de hecho la más fácil de ver en un bebé que se moviliza y quien ha empezado a explorar y a aprender de sus maestros y del ambiente. El aprende que con sus gestos, tal como tocar la nariz de su padre, lo puede llevar a que le responda con una sonrisa y con una caricia . Como resultado, esta primera lección es parte de un razonamiento casual. Esta clase de interacción emocional con adultos ayuda a los infantes y a los niños a desarrollar destrezas de comunicación, razonamiento y resolución de problemas.” Hawley, 1998, p. 7 Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo IV, Sección 12) 5 min. – Read this quote – then add, “As we have been discussing positive, meaningful relationships with a responsive adult helps children to make connections and feel safe in exploring the world. It is the basis for meaningful experiences”. After this slide, show the next slide which shows a mobile infant exploring HER environment.

12 Ask participants – what do you see
Ask participants – what do you see? After a few responses -- if no one brings it up – you can add “This is an example of a mobile infant who is actively exploring her environment.”

13 Desarrollo socioemocional y del lenguaje
La comunicación es más que escuchar y hablar. La comunicación efectiva requiere que haya una comprensión de las emociones que están detrás de la comunicación. Por ejemplo, que entendamos a otros, a nosotros mismos, y que otros puedan también entender nuestras emociones. Los niños pequeños se ven así mismos a través de los ojos de sus cuidadores. Las respuestas que obtienen de los maestros les envían mensajes positivos o negativos acerca de quien son, sentimientos de aceptación y que tan efectivos son como comunicadores. 15 min. – Mini-Lecture: Review these concepts with participants . Through meaningful experiences we learn to communicate our wants, needs and interests. However, it takes practice to become a socially competent individual. Social-emotional competence happens through positive social-emotional interactions. In order to become socially and emotionally competent, young children need the support of nurturing relationships and meaningful experiences to help them learn about their emotions. After reading the third point – give this example: “A mobile infant wants the care teacher to read him a book. He walks around with the book in his hand and stands close to the caregiver, who looks down at him and says, in an exasperated tone “not again, I already read that book to you three times today!” What message does this give this child?” Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo IV. Sección 12)

14 Reflexión Reflexione sobre lo siguiente:
Piense en una ocasión cuando usted experimento una dificultad en una situación social. Reflexione sobre como se sintió y como expreso sus emociones. ¿Qué clase de respuestas obtuvo de otros y como aprendió usted a leer sus respuestas ¿Cuáles estrategias uso usted para comprender los sentimientos de otros y cómo expreso sus mensajes de una forma socialmente apropiada? 20 min. – Ask participants to individually reflect on these questions – allow 5 minutes for reflection. After they’ve reflected individually, ask them to discuss with a partner – find a partner from a different table/or someone they haven’t talked with today – allow 7 minutes for dyad discussion. Trainer move around to help facilitate discussions as needed. 10 min. – large group sharing – on chart paper trainer write down a few responses to these questions. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo IV. Sección 12)

15 Desarrollando experiencias significativas
El comprender/conocer sobre cuales experiencias tienen significado para los niños pequeños ayuda a los maestros a construir sobre esas experiencias y a introducir aprendizaje nuevo de manera significativa. El ayudar a los niños pequeños a pensar en el significado del lenguaje que escuchan en su mundo es una de las maneras más significativas para asistir el aprendizaje. 5 min. – We’ve been reflecting on how meaningful experiences and being responsive helps children to develop and grow. Ask participants if they are familiar with the concept of “scaffolding” . If they are not familiar with the concept of scaffolding – give an explanation.- “Scaffolding: Providing the appropriate amount of assistance to enable each child to perform at a skill level just beyond what the child can do on his or her own, then gradually reducing the support as the child begins to master the skill, and setting the stage for the next challenge (National Association for the Education of Young Children 2009, p. 19 in California Early Childhood Educator Competencies). Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III. Sección 7)

16 El proceso de asistir o de andamiaje se puede recordar con el acrónimo simple (C.C.I.D.D.):
Comience con el niño. Empiece de donde se encuentra el niño en su desarrollo y ofrézcale experiencias que cumplan con sus necesidades, edad y etapa. Comprenda al niño. Adapte las experiencias de aprendizaje para que reflejen la cultura, la familia, la comunidad, el lenguaje y sus preferencias individuales. Involucre al niño. Introduzca actividades que le interesen y que capten su atención de una manera activa. 10 min. – Another way to think about the process of scaffolding is with the acronym B.U.I.L.D. If we use the process of Watch, Ask, and Adapt we can get to know the child and where they are developmentally and it helps us to understand the child. Talking with families helps us learn about what’s interesting to the child. Of course we want to involve the child and help them to be an interactive “partner” in communicating with us. When we say “activities” with young children we are not talking about activities such as teaching ABCs, numbers, and colors. We are talking about following the child’s lead, their interactions and providing experiences that are meaningful for young children. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III. Sección 7)

17 C.C.I.D.D. (Continuación) Deje que el niño lo guie. Ponga atención a los mensajes que le dejan saber a ambos para qué y cuándo esta el niño listo y ansioso para aprender. Deleite al niño. Cree retos e introduzca conceptos nuevos de una manera divertida que le ayude a construir un buen concepto de si mismo. 5 min. – Part of being with children is knowing when to let them lead and when to follow. With young children we want to challenge them but not frustrate them. We can do this if we observe and know what is interesting to the child. If we focus on what they can do and we respond responsively it builds their self-confidence and encourages them to continue to explore and communicate with us. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III. Sección 7)

18 Reflexión En su mesa, ustedes van a leer un escenario de un niño de 18 meses. Lea y platique sobre lo siguiente: ¿Cómo hizo el maestro para…? Comenzar con el niño Comprender al niño Involucrar al niño Dejar que el niño lo guie Deleitar al niño 10 min. – (small group) Each group will read and discuss the scenario. Trainer will move around between groups and answer questions and facilitate discussion as needed. 15 min. – After the small groups have had time for discussion ask each group to share highlights from their discussion – depending on how many groups there are – you can have one group share highlights based on each of the letters of the acronym – e.g. Begin with child, next group does Understand child, and so on. If there are more groups than the letters in the acronym you can ask those who are sharing about the same topic to add what may not have been added the previous group. Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III. Sección 7)

19 Resumen Los maestros apoyan en los niños las actitudes positivas para el aprendizaje a través de experiencias que proveen un puente entre la casa, la comunidad y el lugar de cuidado infantil. Estas mismas experiencias proveen la base sobre la cual los maestros pueden ampliar el aprendizaje y el lenguaje. 5 min. – review and reflect on what was learned today and how this information can be applied in their everyday work with infants and toddlers. Ask for participants to share some thoughts and write their responses on chart paper. 5 min. – Review Assignment #1 Adaptado de: Cradling Literacy Zero to Three (Módulo III. Sección 7)

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