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Promoción y movilización de recursos

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Presentación del tema: "Promoción y movilización de recursos"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Promoción y movilización de recursos

2 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Introducción Objetivos Promoción Movilización de recursos Mecanismos de financiación Promoción y movilización de recursos

3 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Objetivos Comprender la función del módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria y de su organismo principal en la promoción de la labor humanitaria. Hablar de las oportunidades y los retos comunes a propósito de los mecanismos de financiación y las relaciones con los donantes. Identificar recursos potenciales conectando la financiación con las estrategias, los programas y los diversos procesos de llamamiento. Comprender cómo coordinar y liderar los esfuerzos de financiación conjuntos y las relaciones con los donantes en el marco de un módulo de acción agrupada. Review the objective, and remind participants that the Cluster Lead TOR states that the cluster lead will: Undertake advocacy and resource mobilization (gFSC Generic TOR) Promoción y movilización de recursos

4 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Pertinencia del tema ¿Por qué se trata este tema? El módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria se encarga de defender y promover las necesidades y los aspectos de interés relativos a la seguridad alimentaria en nombre de toda la comunidad dedicada a este ámbito. Tiene también la responsabilidad directa de movilizar recursos y obtener financiación para el conjunto de las intervenciones relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria. ¿Cuál es su relación con mis tareas cotidianas? El personal de los módulos de acción agrupada ayuda a coordinar a los asociados a la hora de crear un mensaje promocional y un plan de comunicación coherentes. También coordina la definición y la ejecución de la parte de los mecanismos de financiación (tradicionales o no tradicionales) referidos a la seguridad alimentaria. Advocacy and Resource Mobilization

5 Promoción – ¿en qué consiste?
Razonamiento persuasivo para lograr un efecto específico Defensa activa de una causa o principio Partes interesadas Estrategia Objetivos Donantes Gobierno Población afectada Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios Otros módulos de acción agrupada Pública/privada Basada en pruebas Boletín sectorial Medios informativos Documentos de estrategia Mecanismos de financiación Financiación Acceso Protección Atención Libre expresión Derechos ¿Qué se necesita? Que todas las partes interesadas sean conscientes de la situación, los riesgos, las necesidades y las oportunidades en el sector de la seguridad alimentaria. Que la población afectada conozca los riesgos y las medidas para reducir la vulnerabilidad y acelerar la recuperación.

6 Mandato del módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria
¿De qué se ocupa el módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria? Garantizar una dirección previsible y responsable. Representar a la comunidad dedicada a la seguridad alimentaria en los diversos foros de nivel nacional. Ayudar a la coordinación en la planificación de las evaluaciones y las intervenciones, incluida la estrategia. Establecer unos valores de referencia e indicadores. Promover la labor de toda la comunidad dedicada a la seguridad alimentaria, no sólo para asociados específicos. Fortalecer los sistemas nacionales y locales. Asegurar la calidad de la intervención, la promoción de normas adecuadas y la prestación de los servicios. Lograr una comprensión común de la recuperación temprana. Aprender e incorporar las mejores prácticas. Asegurar la asociación y la inclusión. Actividades coordinadas Orientaciones para la coordinación The FSC aims to strengthen system-wide preparedness and technical capacity to respond to humanitarian emergencies by ensuring; predictable and accountable leadership effective cluster and inter-cluster coordination through collective planning of assessments and responses including defining exit/transition strategy quality of response, including promotion of appropriate standards and delivery of services. a shared understanding and approach to enable inter-cluster early recovery issues and activities to be mainstreamed consistently learning and building upon existing best practice such as the use internationally accepted analytical frameworks and common approaches e.g. the multi-cluster needs assessment, and analysis; identification of priority areas for response development of common benchmarks and indicators to monitor cluster/ inter-cluster functioning including early recovery issues by promoting the use of logical frameworks to measure progress in the sector. strengthening of existing national/local humanitarian management and coordination systems including state institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors to ensure that humanitarian responses build on local capacities and enable appropriate coordination and information exchange with them. inclusiveness and strengthening of partnerships between UN agencies and NGOs. Membership in the FSC entails contributing to the work of the cluster, whereby using an inter-dependent approach, member organizations work together within agreed common strategies and contribute resources and expertise to meet shared FSC objectives. The work of the FSC will be undertaken on behalf of the broader food security community, rather than promoting the interests and agenda of specific cluster partners. Intervención mediante programas

7 Promoción – ¿por qué y cómo?
Rendición de cuentas y liderazgo predecible Eficiencia y eficacia Defensa de toda la comunidad dedicada a la seguridad alimentaria ¿Cómo? Asociación/inclusión Conocer a los asociados fundamentales y sus puntos fuertes. Crear un grupo de trabajo dedicado a la promoción. Acordar los objetivos y la estrategia. Asegurarse de que todos los asociados comprendan. Invitar a los donantes a reuniones, evaluaciones, etc. Representar a la comunidad dedicada a la seguridad alimentaria Llamar la atención sobre las necesidades en todos los foros multisectoriales. Participar en las estrategias de promoción multisectoriales. Crear una concienciación común con otros sectores. Reforzar los sistemas nacionales y locales Tener en cuenta los contextos locales, emplear foros públicos y privados. Asegurarse de que el material sea comprensible y adecuado. Why is advocacy important for the FSC? Accountability and predictable leadership: Purpose of cluster system in general Efficiency and effectiveness: Purpose of humanitarian reform (including reduction of gaps, overlaps, etc.) Advocacy for entire food community: From FSC TOR Velar por la calidad de la intervención Asegurarse de que haya una comprensión común de la recuperación Acordar unas normas, incorporar temas transversales. Asegurarse de que las partes interesadas conozcan la importancia y la posibilidad de promover la recuperación.

8 Movilización de recursos – Función del módulo de acción agrupada
Planificación y ejecución de los proyectos por las distintas organizaciones – – Análisis, planificación y seguimiento a nivel sectorial por el módulo de acción agrupada Elaboración de estrategia Examen de propuestas y generación de la parte del llamamiento destinada a la seguridad alimentaria Important Notes: - Individual organizations can and do utilize their own funding mechanisms Even if organizations do not / cannot participate in certain appeals or pooled funding mechanisms, they can still participate and influence overall strategy during: assessment and analysis, strategy formation, and project proposal review. While other funding mechanisms and tools exist, three specific “traditional” mechanisms/funds/tools are led by the HC and require action by the cluster leads: - Flash Appeal - Consolidated Appeal - CERF SyE Respuesta mediante programas

9 llamamiento urgente – ¿en qué consiste?
Herramienta para estructurar la intervención humanitaria en los tres a seis primeros meses La meta es movilizar recursos de los donantes El Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios activa el proceso y define el marco temporal para la preparación 5-7 días después del inicio de la crisis 48 horas más tarde 1 mes más tarde Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria Plan de intervención sectorial Estrategia Funciones y responsabilidades Esbozos de los proyectos propuestos de carácter prioritario Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios Unifica el plan Lo envía a Ginebra OCAH –Ginebra Emite el llamamiento urgente Se actualiza el llamamiento urgente ¿Qué se necesita? Que las aportaciones al llamamiento urgente relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria sean convincentes y se envíen a tiempo para incluirlas en el llamamiento. Que las preocupaciones en materia de seguridad alimentaria se reflejen en la definición de las prioridades intersectoriales globales y la estrategia.

10 Fondo central para la acción en casos de emergencia (CERF) – ¿en qué consiste?
Fondo de reserva de las Naciones Unidas cuyo fin es posibilitar una asistencia más oportuna, fiable y equitativa. Complementa los llamamientos urgentes y unificados, no los sustituye . Respuesta rápida (fondos de despegue) y emergencias infrafinanciadas (salvar vidas). Su fin es apoyar la respuesta general a una emergencia, pero sólo pueden solicitarlo organismos de las Naciones Unidas. Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria – Organismo principal del módulo de acción agrupada (Naciones Unidas) Elabora la solicitud para el CERF en paralelo al llamamiento urgente. Hace una selección y asigna un orden de prioridad a proyectos urgentes sin apoyo de los donantes. Solicita resúmenes concisos de los proyectos a los organismos, hace una labor de promoción. Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios Aprueba la solicitud La remite a Ginebra OCAH -Ginebra Aprueba la solicitud al CERF Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria Organismo principal del módulo de acción agrupada (Naciones Unidas) Se asegura de que los fondos asignados a proyectos de ONG lleguen a su destino. ¿Qué se necesita? Que las propuestas relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria para las que se solicita financiación del CERF sean convincentes y se envíen a tiempo para incluirlas en la recomendación de financiación del Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios.

11 llamamiento unificado – ¿en qué consiste?
Herramienta para planificar, coordinar, poner en práctica y hacer un seguimiento de las principales actividades humanitarias. El Coordinador del Socorro de Emergencia y el IASC, en consulta con el Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios, deciden cuándo recurrir a él. El Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios dirige su elaboración, se tarda un mes en elaborar, se emite 3-6 meses después de iniciada la situación. Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria Plan común de acción humanitaria Necesidades y riesgos sectoriales prioritarios. Objetivos (5) e indicadores (5). Lista de organizaciones que contribuyen. Esbozo que recoja las actividades que se proponen y las complementariedades. Explicación del seguimiento. Consecuencias si no se pusiera en práctica. Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios Unifica las partes del Plan común de acción humanitaria de cada sector. Presenta el llamamiento. OCAH -Ginebra Emite el llamamiento Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria Examen de mitad de año Incorpora nueva información. Examina la pertinencia, la viabilidad y las características económicas de los proyectos. Asigna prioridad a los proyectos no financiados o infrafinanciados. ¿Qué se necesita? Que los elementos sectoriales sean convincentes y se envíen a tiempo para incluirlos en el llamamiento. Que las preocupaciones sectoriales se contemplen debidamente en la estrategia intersectorial global. Que los exámenes de mitad de año sirvan efectivamente para medir los avances y reorientar la estrategia.

12 Otras fuentes de financiación
Fondos comunes para la ayuda humanitaria Fondo fiduciario de donantes múltiples Fondo para la Paz y la Estabilidad de las Comunidades Fondo nacional para intervenciones de emergencia (ERF) The main objective of a Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) is to enable the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and the humanitarian community to ensure timely and predictable funding of core activities within a Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) by providing CHF grants to priority projects included in the CAP. All organisations participating in the CAP are eligible to receive CHF funding. Allocations from a CHF are based on a consultative allocation process that engages sector/cluster groups and other relevant stakeholders at country level in a comprehensive prioritisation exercise. Allocation rounds are typically undertaken two to three times a year, with the majority of CHF funds allocated at the beginning of the year. The name Emergency Response Fund (ERF) is used as an umbrella term covering a broad number of country‐based funds sharing the general characteristics outlined below. The specifics of the individual funds reflect the country contexts in which they have been established and therefore vary. ERFs are known under different names in different countries including Humanitarian Response Funds (HRF). An ERF is established to provide NGOs and UN with a rapid and flexible in‐country funding mechanism to help respond to small shocks and meet the short‐term emergency needs of vulnerable communities. The aim of an ERF is to provide initial funding for a sudden onset emergency to enable humanitarian partners to respond to a crisis without delay. An ERF is not intended to provide core funding to projects or programmes in a protracted crises, although some ERFs may provide funding to critical gaps in the CAP (Consolidated Appeals Process) on an exceptional basis.

13 Movilización de recursos – ¿cómo?
Establecimiento de procedimientos de examen Establecimiento de criterios de examen Grupo de trabajo representativo con copresidentes adecuados. Criterios generales de examen establecidos por el Coordinador de Asuntos Humanitarios. Aprobación de criterios relativos a la seguridad alimentaria. Comunicar con transparencia los procedimientos, los criterios y las decisiones a todos los asociados del módulo de acción agrupada. Principios de asociación. Ejemplos de criterios para la priorización de proyectos: Estrategia Capacidad organizativa Población Zona geográfica Plazos Marcador de género Establishing Criteria See pg 92 FAO Guide EXAMPLES OF REVIEW PROCESS Ask participants of they have participated in a process like this, then use the examples below to illustrate the need for a collective approach to the issue. In DRC, a Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) is in place holding approximately 7 million US dollars for the use of food security. A commission has been set up at the national level i.e. in Kinshasa by the Food Security Cluster. This national commission benefits from comments of the provincial level Cluster Chairs and co-Chairs due to their use of clearly communicated country specific criteria. The process is not fully participatory, yet it is transparent to all actors. Approximately 20 projects were selected by the Food Security Cluster in 2010 out of 80 submitted. Approximately 30-40% of the total amount of the CHF has gone to FAO projects, the rest have gone to NGOs including nearly 5% to local NGOs. However, since local NGOs often do not meet the CHF criteria, most of them have to be sub-contracted by FAO. In Pakistan, an Emergency Response Fund (ERF) guidance was approved by the HC in July The guidance indicates a number of selection criteria, including general administrative criteria. A selection criteria is also whether the project comply with the relevant Cluster response’s plan, standard and priority that have been developed based on a gap analysis. In the second phase of the August flood emergency, the Agriculture Cluster developed a specific guidance note, building on the general ERF guidance. The guidance note outlines a standardized procedure for the Provincial Agriculture Clusters to submit and review proposals for the ERF. The guidance is intended to enhance a systematic, timely and consolidated approach to proposal reviews within the Cluster and was circulated to all Cluster members to serve as a general reference point. A Review Commission was established for each Province, and a National Technical Committee (NTC) was established at the country level with the mandate of quality controlling. The NTC was made of four members including two national and two international staff elected during a Cluster meeting. In Somalia as well, a vetting team was elected for vetting CHF projects. The team includes donors, UN and NGOs. The Food Security Cluster in Tajikistan has mapped all small funds that are locally accessible for immediate disbursement in case of an emergency. This mapping was circulated to all Cluster participants and was considered a useful service to the food security Cluster community The Vital role of the Gender Marker in the CAP process There is universal acceptance that humanitarian assistance must meet the distinct needs of women, girls, boys and men for positive and sustainable outcomes. To date, evaluations of humanitarian effectiveness show gender equality results are weak. The reality is that: advancing gender equality requires focused action. As of the end of 2011 the Gender Marker will be a compulsory element of all CAP appeals The IASC Gender Marker was launched by the Sub‐working Groups on Gender and on the CAP process to improve humanitarian programming and make humanitarian responses more efficient and effective. The IASC Gender Marker was first piloted in 2009 The piloting, followed by field consultations in five countries in early 2010, has resulted development of a Gender Marker Toolkit that you can find on the USB provided to you. The kit consists of: a family of cluster‐specific ‘how to’ tools for implementing the marker and this plus further information on the IASC Gender Marker are available at the following Web address: and on the CAP page  Capacity building is also an essential component to ensure the code is not a cosmetic measuring exercise but results in better project design that improves the lives of targeted women, girls, boys and men. The marker uses a code to ensure the following three critical components: 1) there is gender analysis in the needs assessment that provides relevant sex and age‐disaggregated data and gives insight into local gender issues  2) this needs assessment is used to identify activities for implementation and 3) gender‐related outcomes . Criterios del CERF para salvar vidas

14 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Pertinencia del tema ¿Por qué se trata este tema? El módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria se encarga de defender y promover las necesidades y los aspectos de interés relativos a la seguridad alimentaria en nombre de toda la comunidad dedicada a este ámbito. Tiene también la responsabilidad directa de movilizar recursos y obtener financiación para el conjunto de las intervenciones relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria. ¿Cuál es su relación con mis tareas cotidianas? El personal de los módulos de acción agrupada ayuda a coordinar a los asociados a la hora de crear un mensaje promocional y un plan de comunicación coherentes. También coordina la definición y la ejecución de la parte de los mecanismos de financiación (tradicionales o no tradicionales) referidos a la seguridad alimentaria. Promoción y movilización de recursos

15 Mecanismos de apoyo financiero
Promoción y movilización de recursos Mecanismos de apoyo financiero Sistema de presentación de proyectos en línea (OPS) Servicio de seguimiento financiero (FTS) Publicación del llamamiento Online Project System (OPS, see screen shot) The OPS allows CAP partners to edit, manage, submit and revise their projects online, as well as peer-review other projects. Cluster staff and all partners in the CAP process can register at Financial Tracking Service (FTS, see screen shot) This is the online system that tracks all funding after OCHA releases the appeal to the public and donors. It is a voluntary system, where each agency receiving funding through the CAP process is asked to update the system when they receive funding. Tracks donor contributions to both natural disasters and complex emergencies in over 100 countries Updated daily Automatically provides tables showing for example financing by sector or agency Can build custom tables to help with reporting and advocacy Based on information reported to OCHA by donors or recipient agencies and NGOs. Information on WFP’s received contributions are provided by ODXR in WFP HQ; COs should not be providing this information directly to OCHA. Promoción y movilización de recursos

16 Liderazgo Promoción y movilización de recursos Negociación
Mitigación de conflictos Variaciones en la financiación Gestión de expectativas Enfoque imparcial Ratón frente a elefante Leadership The strategic development and funding allocation process provides a real opportunity for cluster coordinator/IM leadership. The securing of funding for humanitarian operations is inherently contentious, as the system includes a multitude of competing actors, often with overlapping mandates. Given the current humanitarian funding architecture, the Cluster Lead/IM team can provide strong leadership through defining a clear vision for the response, supporting the collection of quality information and the development of an evidence-based response plan that includes all cluster members. Negotiation Negotiation skills will be essential as you provide leadership in the cluster context. For additional information and training on negation, see the Service Mindset Training available through the Global Logistics Cluster website at Funding Variation Common funding mechanisms often have vast disparities across and even within clusters where some organizations receive the majority of allocated donor funding, and other organizations are forced to look elsewhere to continue operations. This can create tension and increase conflict within the gFSC. The cluster team should take a proactive approach to these issues by managing expectations on the process, and strongly advocating with OCHA and the HC to rebalance funding where possible. Managing Expectations Funding appeals often receive wide variations in the funding of submitted projects. Explain this phenomenon to your cluster members in advance and demonstrate that you are working hard to reduce these disparities. Conflict Mitigation Conflict may arise between cluster members about strategy and funding issues. Build relationships with all players before conflict begins to facilitate negotiation and discussions to resolve any issues. Ensure that the vetting and selection processes are open and transparent. Buy-in at the vetting stage will reduce future conflict. Impartial Approach As cluster staff, you must put aside your agency/organisational affiliation and uphold the interests of the beneficiaries and the IASC endorsed cluster approach. Although sometimes challenging, this neutrality will support your leadership position and should reduce potential conflict over prioritisation and funding decisions. Mouse vs. Elephant Large and small organizations will be members of the FSC. Do your utmost to ensure that all opinions and needs are taken into account when moblising resources. Perceptions of dominance by one group over another may harm cluster coordination. Positive Deviance Positive Deviance is based on the observation that in every community there are certain individuals or groups whose uncommon behaviors and strategies enable them to find better solutions to problems than their peers, while having access to the same resources and facing similar or worse challenges. The Positive Deviance approach is an asset-based, problem-solving, and community-driven approach that enables the community to discover these successful behaviors and strategies and develop a plan of action to promote their adoption by all concerned. Although usually applied to communities, we can apply this idea to our coordination and leadership approach on financing issues to gather best practice and discover better ways to negotiate these difficult issues to better serve our target populations. Ask the participants to describe some positive examples (Source: Positive Deviance Initiative Project Selection (Vetting) In both the CAP and CHF processes, the cluster lead plays a pivotal role in vetting projects that are eventually approved for inclusion in the CAP or submission to the CHF. This role is potentially contentious as the cluster lead has significant power in the process. The cluster lead has the ability to approve or deny projects as they move through the selection process. However, this vetting process can only be successful if there is a clear and transparent method for the cluster lead (usually with the help of an elected team or committee) to make this determination. Ask participants of they have participated in a process like this, then use the examples below to illustrate the need for a collective approach to the issue. In DRC, a Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) is in place holding approximately 7 million US dollars for the use of food security. A commission has been set up at the national level i.e. in Kinshasa by the Food Security Cluster. This national commission benefits from comments of the provincial level Cluster Chairs and co-Chairs due to their use of clearly communicated country specific criteria. The process is not fully participatory, yet it is transparent to all actors. Approximately 20 projects were selected by the Food Security Cluster in 2010 out of 80 submitted. Approximately 30-40% of the total amount of the CHF has gone to FAO projects, the rest have gone to NGOs including nearly 5% to local NGOs. However, since local NGOs often do not meet the CHF criteria, most of them have to be sub-contracted by FAO. In Pakistan, an Emergency Response Fund (ERF) guidance was approved by the HC in July The guidance indicates a number of selection criteria, including general administrative criteria. A selection criteria is also whether the project comply with the relevant Cluster response’s plan, standard and priority that have been developed based on a gap analysis. In the second phase of the August flood emergency, the Agriculture Cluster developed a specific guidance note, building on the general ERF guidance. The guidance note outlines a standardized procedure for the Provincial Agriculture Clusters to submit and review proposals for the ERF. The guidance is intended to enhance a systematic, timely and consolidated approach to proposal reviews within the Cluster and was circulated to all Cluster members to serve as a general reference point. A Review Commission was established for each Province, and a National Technical Committee (NTC) was established at the country level with the mandate of quality controlling. The NTC was made of four members including two national and two international staff elected during a Cluster meeting. In Somalia as well, a vetting team was elected for vetting CHF projects. The team includes donors, UN and NGOs. The Food Security Cluster in Tajikistan has mapped all small funds that are locally accessible for immediate disbursement in case of an emergency. This mapping was circulated to all Cluster participants and was considered a useful service to the food security Cluster community. (Source: Lessons Learned for Food Security Clusters Final Draft 15 July 2011, Page 67) Desviación positiva Examen de proyectos Transparencia Promoción y movilización de recursos

17 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Ejercicio Juego de roles Información sobre emergencia Información sobre financiación Tarea Coordinar un sistema de examen Coordinar el uso del sistema de examen con el fin de priorizar la financiación Perfiles Module 8.0 Exercise Before the Exercise Explain the exercise using the PowerPoint slide and information below. Option A: Divide each table into separate groups of 6. Repeat characters where necessary. Option B: Choose 6 participants to play the roles at a table visible to all. Others watch the process and join in the plenary discussion afterwards. Distribute the profile information to the participants (one person per profile, no knowledge of the others) Handouts For all roles: Information on the Emergency Scenario Sudden Onset Natural Disaster in a small, mountainous, land-locked, multi ethnic country. It is currently autumn, and winter is approaching, with cold temperatures expected within one month. Flash Appeal being prepared. Not much info exists. The Humanitarian Coordinator has determined that the total appeal for the gFSC must be 3 million USD. Data shows that there is no major immediate acute food insecurity, yet chronic malnutrition and child stunting occurs in the rural areas. Funding Information We are at the Prioritisation phase (show diagram from slide 8). Each member had been allocated 1 million USD for their organization in the initial draft of the process (total of 5 million USD). The HC has stated that the gFSC will only be allocated 3 million USD. No member wants to give up their 1 million USD project. Agree on an overall strategy Agree on funding levels for the strategy Task In the scenario, the cluster coordinator must negotiate a reduction in the overall funding allocation ceiling as requested by the HC. The coordinator must balance competing mandates, interests and personalities to agree on projects that fall within the HC’s ceiling. Agree on reduced level of funding For each specific role: gFSC Cluster Coordinator – Recognises the competing mandates, wants to appear neutral and come to an agreement. The coordinator is calm, encourages participation and advocates on behalf of all members. The coordinator has worked for FAO for his/her entire career, and knows that FAO is applying for 1 million USD in the appeal. OCHA Cluster Coordinator – Supports the gFSC coordinator, wants a fast resolution. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for coordination services. Has noticed that the Humanitarian Coordinator comes from a development background and is more focused on long term development programming rather than emergency issues such as the food security agenda and the gFSC clutser. You want to ask the cluster about how to support OCHA in advocacy on this issue. Organisation A Staff Member – Is an experienced NGO worker. Thinks the gFSC does not spend enough time listening to beneficiaries and does not have an adequate monitoring system in place. 1 Million USD initial project allocation Organisation B – Is an experienced NGO worker, works mostly on long term agricultural assistance Is totally against food delivery, wants to focus more on long term agricultural assistance. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for long term agricultural support. Organisation C– Has worked in several emergencies as a UN staff member. Wants to focus on emergency food delivery rather than other types of programming. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for food distribution. Organisation D – Is working for an NGO, this is his/her first emergency and flash appeal process. This organisation is planning to work as an implementing partner with the UN organisation. He/She does not understand why we can’t stay with the original amount of 5 million USD because the people are obviously in need. Facilitator The Facilitator is taking the role of the HC. The HC does not sit in the meeting, but asks each person to report to the HC at the end of the exercise. The HC asks each group to come up with a report on the strategy and funding levels. Call for discussions to stop, and then get the gFSC coordinator to report on the outcome of the discussion. During the exercise Monitor the discussion group (or groups) to make sure the exercise is progressing. If the discussion lags, send ‘messages’ as the humanitarian coordinator asking about progress and suggesting alternative approaches. Emphasise that there is no right answer in this exercise, but rather that this type of scenario is common in funding allocation discussions. Plenary Discussion after the exercise is over (after discussions and all gFSC coordinators have made their presentations to the HC) Facilitate a discussion on the findings using the following questions: Was it easy to reach a solution? What were the major blockages that you faced in coming to a solution? Did the outcome meet all needs? How was the tone of the discussion? Did participants feel that everyone was included in the process and bought into the results? How could you improve your discussion next time? Lessons to take away: Importance of good meeting management (agenda, introductions, facilitation). Difficulties around making funding allocation and project vetting decisions. The key role of the gFSC Cluster Coordinator in guiding the consolidated appeal process. Promoción y movilización de recursos

18 Promoción y movilización de recursos
Ejercicio Juego de roles Coordinador de módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria (FAO) FAO (1 millón de dólares EE.UU.) Save the Kids (1 millón de dólares) Samaritan’s Wallet (1 millón de dólares) Organismo de las Naciones Unidas (1 millón de dólares) Friendly Vision (1 millón de dólares) Module 8.0 Exercise Before the Exercise Explain the exercise using the PowerPoint slide and information below. Option A: Divide each table into separate groups of 6. Repeat characters where necessary. Option B: Choose 6 participants to play the roles at a table visible to all. Others watch the process and join in the plenary discussion afterwards. Distribute the profile information to the participants (one person per profile, no knowledge of the others) Handouts For all roles: Information on the Emergency Scenario Sudden Onset Natural Disaster in a small, mountainous, land-locked, multi ethnic country. It is currently autumn, and winter is approaching, with cold temperatures expected within one month. Flash Appeal being prepared. Not much info exists. The Humanitarian Coordinator has determined that the total appeal for the gFSC must be 3 million USD. Data shows that there is no major immediate acute food insecurity, yet chronic malnutrition and child stunting occurs in the rural areas. Funding Information We are at the Prioritisation phase (show diagram from slide 8). Each member had been allocated 1 million USD for their organization in the initial draft of the process (total of 5 million USD). The HC has stated that the gFSC will only be allocated 3 million USD. No member wants to give up their 1 million USD project. Agree on an overall strategy Agree on funding levels for the strategy Task In the scenario, the cluster coordinator must negotiate a reduction in the overall funding allocation ceiling as requested by the HC. The coordinator must balance competing mandates, interests and personalities to agree on projects that fall within the HC’s ceiling. Agree on reduced level of funding For each specific role: gFSC Cluster Coordinator – Recognises the competing mandates, wants to appear neutral and come to an agreement. The coordinator is calm, encourages participation and advocates on behalf of all members. The coordinator has worked for FAO for his/her entire career, and knows that FAO is applying for 1 million USD in the appeal. OCHA Cluster Coordinator – Supports the gFSC coordinator, wants a fast resolution. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for coordination services. Has noticed that the Humanitarian Coordinator comes from a development background and is more focused on long term development programming rather than emergency issues such as the food security agenda and the gFSC clutser. You want to ask the cluster about how to support OCHA in advocacy on this issue. Organisation A Staff Member – Is an experienced NGO worker. Thinks the gFSC does not spend enough time listening to beneficiaries and does not have an adequate monitoring system in place. 1 Million USD initial project allocation Organisation B – Is an experienced NGO worker, works mostly on long term agricultural assistance Is totally against food delivery, wants to focus more on long term agricultural assistance. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for long term agricultural support. Organisation C– Has worked in several emergencies as a UN staff member. Wants to focus on emergency food delivery rather than other types of programming. 1 Million USD initial project allocation for food distribution. Organisation D – Is working for an NGO, this is his/her first emergency and flash appeal process. This organisation is planning to work as an implementing partner with the UN organisation. He/She does not understand why we can’t stay with the original amount of 5 million USD because the people are obviously in need. Facilitator The Facilitator is taking the role of the HC. The HC does not sit in the meeting, but asks each person to report to the HC at the end of the exercise. The HC asks each group to come up with a report on the strategy and funding levels. Call for discussions to stop, and then get the gFSC coordinator to report on the outcome of the discussion. During the exercise Monitor the discussion group (or groups) to make sure the exercise is progressing. If the discussion lags, send ‘messages’ as the humanitarian coordinator asking about progress and suggesting alternative approaches. Emphasise that there is no right answer in this exercise, but rather that this type of scenario is common in funding allocation discussions. Plenary Discussion after the exercise is over (after discussions and all gFSC coordinators have made their presentations to the HC) Facilitate a discussion on the findings using the following questions: Was it easy to reach a solution? What were the major blockages that you faced in coming to a solution? Did the outcome meet all needs? How was the tone of the discussion? Did participants feel that everyone was included in the process and bought into the results? How could you improve your discussion next time? Lessons to take away: Importance of good meeting management (agenda, introductions, facilitation). Difficulties around making funding allocation and project vetting decisions. The key role of the gFSC Cluster Coordinator in guiding the consolidated appeal process. Promoción y movilización de recursos

19 Promoción y movilización de recursos Mensajes fundamentales
La promoción es un proceso que sirve para transmitir el mensaje correcto a la persona, grupo o institución indicada en el momento oportuno. Para que un llamamiento obtenga fondos suficientes, es imprescindible contar con una estrategia coordinada. En el proceso de llamamiento, con frecuencia polémico, el personal de los módulos de acción agrupada debe ejercer una coordinación imparcial. Establecer y mantener una credibilidad, así como desarrollar sólidas relaciones profesionales con los miembros de los módulos de acción agrupada servirá de apoyo a la función del módulo de acción agrupada dentro del proceso de llamamiento. Review the key messages. Ask for questions and facilitate a discussion around the key themes not already covered. Promoción y movilización de recursos

20 Módulo de acción agrupada de seguridad alimentaria

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