Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 Ventajas de la utilización de mezclas bituminosas con polvo de neumático La presentación que voy a hacer hoy es un pequeño compendio de diferentes trabajos y autores repartidos por el mundo que han presentados durante AR 2012 que se celebró en Munich

MEJORAS TÉCNICAS Mayor ductilidad del pavimento debido a las propiedades elásticas del caucho Mayor resistencia a las roderas Mayor resistencia a la fatiga y el agrietamiento En mezclas de alta viscosidad mayor resistencia agua debido a un mayor contenido de ligante (betún y caucho) MAYOR DURABILIDAD Se ha mostrado a lo largo de las diferentes presentaciones de esta Jornada las mejoras técnicas que ofrecen las mezclas bituminosas con polvo de neumático. Ductilidad del pavimento Mejoras en la formación de roderas Mayor resistencia al agrietamiento Otras relativas a su resistencia al agua, especificamente para aquellas de alta viscosidad con un mayor contenido de ligante y aplicables a situaciones especiales. Por ejemplo como alternativas a levantar capas enteras de pavimento o sobre pavimentos de hormigon. Todas ellas redundan en una mayor durabilidad

SUECIA: COMPARACIÓN DE TRES MEZCLAS 37.8 oC Modulo dinamico Comportamiento a fatiga Propagación de fisuras El trabajo llevado a cabo en Suecia en colaboración con un centro de investigacion americano compara tres mezclas distintas, una de betún convencional con una mezcla a base de un betun modificado con polimero y una tercera elaborada a partir de un betun con un modificado con polvo y alto contenido en betun >8% En los parámetros comparados se observa un módulo dinámico equivalente. Un comportamiento a la fatiga superior. Una energía de fractura mayor Un menor grado de propagación de fisuras mostrado a través d ela mpendiente de la rectas. W. Zeiada, S. Underwood, T. Pourshams, J, Stempihar, K. Kaloush, T. Nordgren, C. Rodiezno, Dept of civil and environmental engineering Of AZ state University and Swedish Transport Administration and NCAT Alabama

SUECIA: COMPARATIVA DE TRES MEZCLAS EVIDENCIA EXPERIMENTAL: Mejor comportamiento a fatiga Mejor resistencia a la fisuración y la propagación de grietas Módulo dinámico comparable al de una mezcla SMA de Polímero-Betún

EVIDENCIAS DE LAS MEJORAS SOBRE EL TERRENO 20 cm convencional 12 cm AR gap 12 años de servicio California Texas 11 años Texas – New Mexico 12 años En las fotos siguientes aparecen una serie de comapraciones todas ellas hechas con un betún de alt viscosidad modificado con caucho. La comparación más evidente se produce entre la frontera de Texas y Nuevo Méjico algo que puede suceder en cualqueir carretera española que atraviese varias CCAA en la que se ha asfaltado de forma independiente la parte de cada Comunidad

EVIDENCIAS DE LAS MEJORAS SOBRE EL TERRENO I-10 Perryville ARFC No Cracks 2011/ 16 years I-17 Frontage Rd No ARFC No Cracks 2011/ 10 Years I-17 Deer Valley ARFC No Cracks 2004/11YR Estas fotografías muestran el estado de varias carreteras del estado de ARIZONA. En el gráfico se muestra la comparativa de la evolución de la aparación de griestas en función de la edad de la carretera en la que puede verse la evolución mucho más lenta de la fisuración en una mezcla con alto contenido de caucho en comparación con una mezcla de alto móduo convencional. Estudios durante más de 40 años de trabajos en el estado de AZ (G. Way, K. Kaloush, J. Sousa) Arizona

EVIDENCIAS DE LAS MEJORAS SOBRE EL TERRENO Tambien en relación con la aparación de fisuras por fatiga del pavimento se observa un comportamiento mucho mas favorable en la comparativa de una mezcla de alto contenido en betún con una convencional en la muestra 2 y 3, además de la mezcla que contiene un SBS en la muestra 4 M. Belshe, The Rubber Pavements Association Federal HighwayAdministration – Washington DC

EL CASO LOUISIANA: 16 AÑOS DE ESTUDIO * lugar tipo betún % goma Tipo grano Un caso muy interesante es el estudio llevado en Luisiana donde probaron 2 mezclas con un porcentaje de caucho medio-alto del 17,5% en una mezcla Gap Grade (más o menos equivalente a un mezcla semidensa) con unos betunes modificados en central TB que incorporan un 5 y 10 % respectivamente e caucho. Además han comporado a lo largo del tiempo con un par de mezclas elaboradas por vía seca con contenidos de polvo de caucho del 1% y 2 % L. Mohammad, S. Cooper, M. Elseifi – Departament of Civil Engineering and Louisiana Transportation Research Center. Louisiana State University

El caso LOUISIANA: 16 años de estudio. Profundidad medida de (unidad/m) – US61 densidad de las grietas (unidad/m) – LA15 densidad de las grietas (1/m) densidad de las grietas (1/m) año año densidad de las grietas (unidad/m) – US84 densidad de las grietas (unidad/m) – US167 densidad de las grietas (1/m) densidad de las grietas (1/m) año año

El caso LOUISIANA: 16 años de estudio. Profundidad media de la rodera (mm) – LA 15 Profundidad media de la rodera (mm) – US84 Profundidad medida (mm) Profundidad medida (mm) Profundidad media de la rodera (mm) – US167 In tutti i casi, le miscele in Asphalt Rubber hanno dimostrato eccezionali performace, confermando l’elevata durabilità delle pavimentazioni rispetto alle tradizionali. Anche le miscele terminal blends, e in qualche caso le miscele dry hanno portato a risultati soddisfacenti, in linea se non superiori a quelli ottenuti con bitumi modificati. Profundidad medida (mm)

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 MEJORAS AMBIENTALES Reducción del ruido del tráfico The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.

REDUCCIÓN DE RUIDO DE RODADURA Effect of speed on vehicle noise (Donovan, 2003) Efecto de la velocidad en el ruido del vehículo (Donovan 2003) Ruido aerodinámico Ruido del neumático Ruido total Ruido mecánico Típico gráfico de emisión de ruido en carreteras debidas a tráfico de vehículos Nivel de presión sonora en dBA Velocidad del vehículo Km/h El ruido procedente del tráfico proviene de diferentes fuentes y la mas importante es la procedente de la rodadura del neumático. A velocidades superiores a 50 km/h el ruido de rodadura se vuelve importante

LA EXPERIENCIA DE CALTRANS + ADOT Después de una década de puesta a punto de ensayos, en 2004 se desarrolló un nuevo método de ensayo (Método CPX) La medida de ruido de rodadura es relativamente compleja y ha supuesto para el departamenteo de transportes de Arizona y California un verdadero porblema. Despues de varios años han perfeccionado el metodo de medidda denominado CPX (close proximity Method) que coloca unos micrófonos cercanos al contacto del pavimento y la rueda y protegidos de fuentes externas de ruido. G. Way, A. Zreh, Consulpav International y AZ DOT

LA EXPERIENCIA DE CALTRANS + ADOT Neumaático / Pavimento dB(A) Medida en el interior del vehículo Como vemos la complejidad de la medida es grande pero lo verdaderamente importante de este gráfico es que se use el método que se use las mezclas con alto conenido de caucho son las que mejor comportamiento presentan AR-ACFC (open): El más silencioso en todos los casos

LA EXPERIENCIA CHECA EN LA MEDIDA DEL RUIDO ISO/CD 11819-2 Close Proximity Method CPX AC 11 SMA 11 PA 8 with AR A frecuencias 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz: - 4 dB to -7 dB and -5 dB to 8 dB, El ruido se percibe como “rumor” 100 1000 LAeq (dB) Frequency (Hz) Medida a 67,5 km/h Otro ejemplo es la comparación de una mezcla de alto contenido de caucho con una AC11 y una SMA. O. Dasek, J. Kudrna, J Kachtik, K Spies – University of Brno

ITALIA: REDUCCIÓN DEL RUIDO EN FLORENCIA NEW GAP NEW OPEN TRAD Leq,wd (dBA) 65.1 63.2 67.9 Leq,wn (dBA) 57.9 56.3 61.5 Traffic (vehicles/day) 6694 5656 8967 Mean speed, day (km/h) 37.7 40.8 48.3 Mean speed, night (km/h) 42.0 44.9 58.3 Heavy vehicles (%) 10.16 2.05 3.51 - 3 dBA - 5 dBA I monitoraggi effettuati hanno ancora una volta confermato i soliti -3, -5 dB rispetto all’usura tradizionale. I. Antunes, S. Luzzi, F. Borchi, L. Barbieri, Asphalt Rubber Italia, Vie En Ro Se Ingegneria

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 MEJORAS AMBIENTALES Reducción del ruido del tráfico The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 MEJORAS DE LA SEGURIDAD La mejora del agrietamiento por fatiga o reflexión de las capas inferiores conlleva un firme en mejor estado que redunda en la seguridad de la carretera. Mantenimiento de contraste de la señalización horizontal durante más tiempo. Proporciona un mayor agarre a través de las micro y macro texturas de las superficies (aumenta la adherencia del neumático en la carretera) y durabilidad. High initial costs: Costs are higher than conventional asphalt Evidence of savings had been published in a variety of reports regarding reduced maintenance costs and reduced lifts, Recyclability: Some proyects demonstrate that asphalt rubber can be recycled using either microwave technology or conventional mix design technology. Air sampling during paving and recycling determined that employee exposure to air contaminates were well below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PEL), and in most cases below the detection limits. Hazardous emissions : Fume emissions have been studied extensively in a number of asphalt-rubber projects since 1993 and in all cases been determined to be below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits Expensive equipment modifications. The equipment used to blend asphalt and rubber requires little, if any, modification to a standard hot mix asphalt plant. The equipment is typically trailer mounted and is transported into the asphalt plant site Dedicated mixing and reacting tanks are used which are also mobilized to the site.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 MEJORAS DE LA SEGURIDAD Mejora la visibilidad con la lluvia: la adición de polvo de NFU permite la formulación de “mezclas abiertas” o “drenantes” High initial costs: Costs are higher than conventional asphalt Evidence of savings had been published in a variety of reports regarding reduced maintenance costs and reduced lifts, Recyclability: Some proyects demonstrate that asphalt rubber can be recycled using either microwave technology or conventional mix design technology. Air sampling during paving and recycling determined that employee exposure to air contaminates were well below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PEL), and in most cases below the detection limits. Hazardous emissions : Fume emissions have been studied extensively in a number of asphalt-rubber projects since 1993 and in all cases been determined to be below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits Expensive equipment modifications. The equipment used to blend asphalt and rubber requires little, if any, modification to a standard hot mix asphalt plant. The equipment is typically trailer mounted and is transported into the asphalt plant site Dedicated mixing and reacting tanks are used which are also mobilized to the site.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 VENTAJAS ECONÓMICAS Reducción del coste de inversión inicial The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.

PRECIO DEL BETÚN Y SU DISPONIBILIDAD Tuttavia, l’incremento del prezzo del petrolio (e del bitume) degli ultimi anni ha fatto sì che il prezzo delle miscele AR diventasse sempre più competitivo. Questo è motivato dalla stabilità del prezzo di mercato del polverino (la cui domanda è inferiore all’offerta). Coste relativo del caucho

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 COSTES DE LAS MEZCLAS Fórmula de trabajo 10% polvo de NFU Precio del polvo < 200 €/t Precio del betún 500 €/t Coste del betún = (500 * 0,9) + (200 * 0,1) = 450 + 20 = 470 €/t Si el coste de producción fuese < 30 €/t Ahorro económico High initial costs: Costs are higher than conventional asphalt Evidence of savings had been published in a variety of reports regarding reduced maintenance costs and reduced lifts, Recyclability: Some proyects demonstrate that asphalt rubber can be recycled using either microwave technology or conventional mix design technology. Air sampling during paving and recycling determined that employee exposure to air contaminates were well below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PEL), and in most cases below the detection limits. Hazardous emissions : Fume emissions have been studied extensively in a number of asphalt-rubber projects since 1993 and in all cases been determined to be below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits Expensive equipment modifications. The equipment used to blend asphalt and rubber requires little, if any, modification to a standard hot mix asphalt plant. The equipment is typically trailer mounted and is transported into the asphalt plant site Dedicated mixing and reacting tanks are used which are also mobilized to the site.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 VENTAJAS ECONÓMICAS Reducción del coste de inversión inicial Reducciones de los costes de mantenimiento The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.


Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 VENTAJAS ECONÓMICAS Reducción del coste de inversión inicial Reducciones de los costes de mantenimiento Alternativa más económica en vías muy fisuradas The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 SAMI – MEMBRANAS ANTIFISURAS Pavimento Pre-existente Capa Aconv. o AR SAMI La colocación de membranas antireflexión de fisuras, resulta una alternativa más económica que la eliminación de capas antiguas.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 VENTAJAS ECONÓMICAS Reducción del coste de inversión inicial Reducciones de los costes de mantenimiento Alternativa más económica en vías muy fisuradas Reducciones de espesor de capas cuando se emplean mezclas de características especiales (alta viscosidad) The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 VENTAJAS ECONÓMICAS 20 cm convencional 12 cm AR gap 12 años de servicio California The primary reason for using asphalt rubber is that it provides significantly improved engineering properties over conventional paving grade asphalt. RAC contains binders that have: • Increased viscosity that allows greater film thickness in paving mixes without excessive drain down or bleeding. • Increased elasticity and resilience at high temperatures. RAC results in pavements that have: • Improved durability. • Improved resistance to surface initiated and fatigue/reflection cracking due to higher binder contents and elasticity. • Reduced temperature susceptibility. • Improved aging and oxidation resistance due to higher binder contents, thicker binder films, and anti-oxidants in the tire rubber. • Improved resistance to rutting (permanent deformation) due to higher viscosity, softening points and resilience (stiffer, more elastic binder at high temperatures). • Lower pavement maintenance costs due to improved pavement durability and performance. RAC and asphalt rubber binders can result in: • Reduced construction times due to thinner lifts. • Better chip retention in chip seals due to thick films of asphalt. • Savings in energy and natural resources by using waste products. • Improved safety due to better long-term color contrast for pavement markings because carbon black in the rubber acts as a pigment that keeps the pavement blacker longer. Reducción del espesor = 40 %

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 CONCLUSIONES Resultan evidentes las ventajas técnicas que conllevan las mezclas bituminosas con polvo de neumático. Ambientalmente también resultan más ventajosas las mezclas con polvo de NFU Desde un punto de vista económico el ciclo de vida de las mezclas con polvo resultan más favorables La seguridad de las vías puede mejorarse por el uso de polvo de neumático. Los inconvenientes que presentan las mezclas con polvo son soslayables y en cualquier caso quedan ampliamente compensados por las ventajas obtenidas High initial costs: Costs are higher than conventional asphalt Evidence of savings had been published in a variety of reports regarding reduced maintenance costs and reduced lifts, Recyclability: Some proyects demonstrate that asphalt rubber can be recycled using either microwave technology or conventional mix design technology. Air sampling during paving and recycling determined that employee exposure to air contaminates were well below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PEL), and in most cases below the detection limits. Hazardous emissions : Fume emissions have been studied extensively in a number of asphalt-rubber projects since 1993 and in all cases been determined to be below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits Expensive equipment modifications. The equipment used to blend asphalt and rubber requires little, if any, modification to a standard hot mix asphalt plant. The equipment is typically trailer mounted and is transported into the asphalt plant site Dedicated mixing and reacting tanks are used which are also mobilized to the site.

Emisiones de CO2 y Directiva EC 2003-87 CONCLUSIONES A pesar del balance tan positivo entre ventajas e inconvenientes, estas mezclas no están aun suficientemente desarrolladas en España. ¿Qué nos impide que se desarrollen? High initial costs: Costs are higher than conventional asphalt Evidence of savings had been published in a variety of reports regarding reduced maintenance costs and reduced lifts, Recyclability: Some proyects demonstrate that asphalt rubber can be recycled using either microwave technology or conventional mix design technology. Air sampling during paving and recycling determined that employee exposure to air contaminates were well below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PEL), and in most cases below the detection limits. Hazardous emissions : Fume emissions have been studied extensively in a number of asphalt-rubber projects since 1993 and in all cases been determined to be below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits Expensive equipment modifications. The equipment used to blend asphalt and rubber requires little, if any, modification to a standard hot mix asphalt plant. The equipment is typically trailer mounted and is transported into the asphalt plant site Dedicated mixing and reacting tanks are used which are also mobilized to the site.