Calentamiento Using the future tense & new environment vocabulary from page 417, Give 5 predictions of the state of the environment in 10 years –Ahorrar.


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Copyright © 2009 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 8.1–1 Para expresar el idea de lo que podría pasar, usamos el condicional.
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Transcripción de la presentación:

Calentamiento Using the future tense & new environment vocabulary from page 417, Give 5 predictions of the state of the environment in 10 years –Ahorrar is to keep something from being used /to be storedmoney & things. Salvar is to save it from something (animals & nature) –5 sentences using the future tense –use different verbs & vocab for each. –Creo que… (I think…) –Predigo que….(I predict that…)

Theme: The Conditional and the Conditional of Probability Objective & Big Picture: To tell what you might hypothetically do or what could hypothetically happen given certain conditions Content Objective TSWBAT: correctly conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the conditional tense Language Objective: to tell what you would do in certain situations outlined in exercise on page 424 using the correct form of the conditional tense Prepare: pre-write 421

The Conditional and the Conditional of Probability (El condicional y el condicional de probabilidad)

hablar ías ía íais ían íamos In Spanish, the conditional of regular verbs is formed by adding the imperfect endings for -er and -ir verbs to the infinitive. The same endings are used for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. ía Again, the infinitive is the basis for all forms of regular verbs. Notice that all forms carry a written accent over the i.

Notice the following chart: The Conditional Tense tomarcomer yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros/as vosotros/as ellos/as, Uds. tomaría tomarías tomaría tomaríamos tomaríais tomarían comería comerías comería comeríamos comeríais comerían viviría vivirías viviría viviríamos viviríais vivirían vivir

The conditional expresses what you would do under certain circumstances. ¿Reciclarías envases de aluminio? Would you recycle aluminum cans? Consumiríamos menos agua. We would consume less water. The Conditional Tense

leer escribir hablar In the future tense, we might say... con el profesor, Mañana en la clase, é éun cuento chistoso, y éunas frases. The conditional is also used when the speaker is referring to an event that is future to another past event. The Conditional Tense

unas frases. un cuento chistoso, y In the conditional tense, we would say... Ayer te dije que hoy, ía con el profesor, ía un cuento chistoso, y ía unas frases. leer escribir hablarcon el profesor,é é é The conditional is also used when the speaker is referring to an event that is future to another past event. The Conditional Tense

The conditional is also used when the speaker is referring to an event that is future to another past event. Creíamos que habría más gente protestando enfrente de la planta nuclear. We thought there would be more people protesting in front of the nuclear plant. Nos dijo que no contaminarían el agua. He told us they wouldnt pollute the water. The Conditional Tense More examples:

the present the conditional the preterit A Time Line (future in relation to the past) (ayer) Te dije ayer que hablaría con Juan. Yo hablaré con Juan. Toward the pastToward the future the present

The verb deber, when used in the conditional tense, is equivalent to the English should + infinitive. Deberías conservar recursos. You should conserve resources. Deberíamos hablar con el jefe lo antes posible. We should speak with the boss as soon as possible. The Conditional Tense

Irregular Verbs in the Conditional Tense The conditional has the same irregular stems as the future. 1.Drop two letters to form the stem of the future. decir hacer d ha ec ir ce r - diría dirías diría diríamos diríais dirían - haría harías haría haríamos haríais harían

2.The e of the infinitive ending is dropped to form the stem of the future. haber poder hab pod e r e r - habría, habrías,... - podría, podrías,... quererquer e r - querría, querrías,... sabersab e r - sabría, sabrías,... Irregular Verbs in the Conditional Tense The conditional has the same irregular stems as the future.

id ten 3.The e or the i of the infinitive ending is replaced by d to form the stem of the future. poner salir pon sal e r i r - pondré, pondrás,... - saldré, saldrás,... tener e r - tendré, tendrás,... venirvenr - vendré, vendrás,... d d d Irregular Verbs in the Conditional Tense The conditional has the same irregular stems as the future.

A Special Use of the Conditional Tense Probability or conjecture with regard to the past is often expressed in Spanish with the conditional. ¿A que hora sería la conferencia de prensa? I wonder at what time the press conference was. Sería a las cuatro. It was probably at four.

¡A practicar! Practice: Identify the conditional verbs in passage on page 408, identify which ones express the future with respect to an action in the past and which ones express the English equivalent "should" Personalize: to tell what you would do for the environment in certain situations outlined in exercise on page 410 using the correct form of the conditional tense

Hay 6 verbos condicionales…


Calentamiento: Write out all sentences and conjugate the correct verb for each