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© CAS 2002 There are two tenses that you can use: The Future The Conditional Future Tense I am going to play I will play I will be playing In English:

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2 © CAS 2002

3 There are two tenses that you can use: The Future The Conditional Future Tense I am going to play I will play I will be playing In English: The Conditional I would play I would be playing

4 ©CAS 2002 The Immediate Future Tense In English: I am going to play The Immediate Future Tense is formed by using The verb ir + a + infinitive voy vas va vamos vais van a jugar comer vivir Therefore voy a jugar =I am going to playvamos a comer =We are going to eatVan a vivir =They are going to live

5 ©CAS 2002 Mirar = to watch Vender = to sell Subir = to climb voy vas va vamos vais van You (sg) are going to sell He is going to climb They are going to watch I am going to climb We are going to sell You (pl) are going to watch Vas a vender Va a subir Van a mirar Voy a subir Vamos a vender Vais a mirar

6 ©CAS 2002 The Future Tense In English: I will play I will be playing The Future Tense is formed by using infinitive + ending hablar beber recibir é ás á emos éis án Beberemos = We will drink Recibiré = I will receive Hablarán = They will speak He will drink = Beberá Hablaré = I will speak Recibiréis = You (pl) will receive

7 ¿Qué es la diferencia? Voy a ir a España. I am going to Spain. Iré a España. I will go to Spain. In English it is kinda of clear. But still, what is the difference between you are going to do something and you will do something? The best explanation is that we use Ir+a+infinitive for the more immediate future (couple of days, a week, month, one year). Anything in the further future (more than a year, etc.) we use the true Future tense.

8 ©CAS 2002 What makes the Future Tense easy to use ? All infinitives use the same endings. What makes the Future Tense more tricky ? There are 12 irregular verbs in the Future Tense

9 ©CAS 2002 Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense: caber decir haber hacer poder poner querer saber salir tener valer venir to fit to say / tell to have* to do / make to be able to put to want to know (a fact) to go out to have* to be worth to come * Tener means to own or to possess. You will use this verb a lot. Haber is an auxiliary or helping verb. You will use it very rarely. cabré, cabrás, …. diré habré haré podré pondré querré sabré saldré tendré valdré vendré The endings are the same as for the regular verbs, but a future stem is used instead of the infinitive.

10 ©CAS 2002 Some practice…… caber decir haber hacer poder poner querer saber salir tener valer venir cabré diré habré haré podré pondré querré sabré saldré tendré valdré vendré He will know We will say You (sg) will have They will be able You (pl) will go out sabrá diremos tendrás podrán saldréis

11 ©CAS 2002 The Conditional Tense In English:I would play I would be playing The Conditional Tense is formed in a similar way to the Future Tense. The Conditional Tense is formed using the infinitive and endings. infinitive+ending escuchar leer existir ía ías ía íamos íais ían These endings are the same for all verbs in the Conditional Tense Leería = I would read / He/she would read Escucharías = You (sg) would listen Existiríamos We would exist You (pl) would listen Escucharíais They would read Leerían I would exist/ He/she would exist Existiría

12 ©CAS 2002 Irregular verbs in the Conditional Tense caber decir haber hacer poder poner querer saber salir tener valer venir cabría, cabrías, …. diría habría haría podría pondría querría sabría saldría tendría valdría vendría to fit to have to do/make to be able to put to want to know (fact) to go out to have to be worth to come to say/tell In other words, the same as for the Future Tense !

13 ©CAS 2002 FIN

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