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Cap. 3-2: El Condicional THE CONDITIONAL TENSE. The CONDITIONAL tense is very easy to form. The CONDITIONAL Tense is used to express what would happen.

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Presentación del tema: "Cap. 3-2: El Condicional THE CONDITIONAL TENSE. The CONDITIONAL tense is very easy to form. The CONDITIONAL Tense is used to express what would happen."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Cap. 3-2: El Condicional THE CONDITIONAL TENSE

2 The CONDITIONAL tense is very easy to form. The CONDITIONAL Tense is used to express what would happen or what someone would do in a given set of circumstances (would + the meaning of the verb) I would go You would travel The same set of endings is applied to all verbs (-ar, -er, -ir).


4 hablaría hablarías hablaría hablaríamos hablarían comería comerías comería comeríamos comerían

5 Caber : cabr- Decir : dir- Haber: habr- Hay = habría Hacer: har- Querer: querr- Saber: sabr- Salir: saldr- Tener: tendr- Poder: podr- Poner: pondr- Venir: vendr- Valer: valdr-

6 Yo que tú En tu lugar En esa situación If I were you In your place In that situation

7 Expressions that tell what you would or would not like are also used with the conditional : Me gustaría darle tiempo para pensar. Te molestaría oír el rumor.

8 Si yo fuera- If I were Si tú fueras – If you were Si yo tuviera- If I had Si tú tuvieras- If you had Si yo pudiera- If I were able (could) Si tú pudieras- If you were able (could) The first clause (verb) is in the past subjunctive (dont worry we are not working with this form!, just have to remember them) The 2 nd Verb is the one that is conjugated in the conditional

9 Si yo fuera rica, COMPRARÍA una casa en la playa. Si yo tuviera una casa en la playa, IRÍA a la costa todos los días. Si yo pudiera, TENDRÍA una casa en la costa de California.

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