Stem Changing Verbs P. 202 - 204. A The stem of a verb is… Some examples of stem-changing verbs are… All stem-changing verbs have the following in common…


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Español 1 Capítulo 12 Página 397. Present Tense of Pedir and Servir Pedir and Servir are stem-changing verbs in which the e in the stem of the infinitive.
P. 330 Realidades 1 Pensar, Querer, and Preferir By: Sra. Suzanne M. Shirley North Intermediate High School 808 East College, Broken Arrow, OK
The Present Tense of Stem-Changing Verbs: e  ie, e  i, o  ue
All about Subjects and Verbs
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved As you learned in Lección 6, -ar and -er stem- changing verbs have no stem change in.
Empezar/Comenzar, Pensar, Querer, and Preferir
Español I SER + de.
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Querer= to want (eie) quiero queremos quieres queréis quiere quieren.
PREFERIR, PODER & PROBAR. Preferir – to prefer The verb preferir has an e to ie stem change in the boot. It can be followed by a noun to say what someone.
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O TO UE VERBS!!!. BOOT VERBS Remember e to ie verbs? When conjugating those verbs an interior e changed to ie in all forms except for nosotros.
If - AR and -ER stem-changing verbs DO NOT have a stem-change in the preterite tense, what kind of stem-changing verbs DO have a stem-change in the preterite.
Me llamo ___________Clase 8IM La fecha es el 23 de septiembre del 2011 Propósito # 3: ¿Cómo continuamos el repaso de los verbos? Actividad Inicial:  Escribe.
Stem-Changing Verbs a.k.a. Shoe Verbs.
Present Tense Stem-changing Verbs oue ei. Remember, there are three types of infinitives: -ar, -er, -ir. Infinitives are made up of two parts: the ending.
Chapter 6 n e to ie stem-changing verbs n PENSAR n CERRAR n EMPEZAR n ENCENDER n PREFERIR n QUERER n SENTIR.
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Stem Changing Verbs. dormir o-ue defender e-ie Encontrar o-ue.
OK…once again: How do we form the subjunctive? 1.Start with the present tense “yo” form. 2.Drop the “-o.” 3.Add the opposite ending (“-e” for “-ar” verbs.
Present Tense of Regular –AR Verbs. An infinitive tells the meaning of a verb without naming any subject or tense. There are three kinds of infinitives,
Unidad 4 Lección 2 Places and events in a town Types of transportation Order from a menu Say what you are going to do Ver, ir+a+infinitive O to ue stem-changers.
VERBS… A verb is an action. A verb that has not been changed is called – An infinitive verb. Verbs in Spanish do not change as much as verbs in English.
Stem Changing Verbs. How do these verbs work? Well, in addition to conjugate you have to change one of the vowels in the stem. First, let’s Identify the.
E→ie e → i o→ue u→ue.  Tener  Querer  Pensar  Empezar  Comenzar  Perder  To have  To want  To think  To begin (start)  To lose.
Stem-Changing Verbs: e  ie, e  i, o  ue Los Verbos
Stem Changing Verbs.
Stem-Changing Verbs Poder, Querer, Servir, Pedir
Stem-Changing Verbs.
Preferir, poder, and probar
4 Es el 4 de septiembre. Stem Changing Verbs ~Present Tense~
Preferir, poder, and probar
Stem-Changing Verbs (a.k.a., “boot” verbs or “shoe” verbs
Transcripción de la presentación:

Stem Changing Verbs P

A The stem of a verb is… Some examples of stem-changing verbs are… All stem-changing verbs have the following in common… –Where do the stem changes happen? –What forms do not have stem changes?

B Pedir en inglés es _______________. Servir en inglés es ________________. Both pedir and servir are stem-changing verbs. –The stem change is e – i. Escribe las formas de pedir y servir.

C ¿Cómo se dice… –sirvo en inglés? –pedimos en inglés? –sirve en inglés? –piden en inglés?

D Preferir es un cognado. ¿Qué significa en inglés? The stem change for preferir is the same as the one for querer, venir, empezar. –What is the stem change? Which e has the stem change in preferir? Escribe las formas de preferir.

E Escribe en español. I prefer tuna sandwiches. We prefer to speak in Spanish. Do you prefer milk or juice?

F Poder es can/able to en inglés. Probar es to try/taste en inglés. Poder and probar have the same stem changes as dormir, volver, almorzar. Escribe las formas de poder y probar. Where have you seen the verb poder? –Escribe dos ejemplos.

G Escribe en español. Can you (formal) bring the dessert? We can cook eggs and bacon. They always try the soup. I never try the tuna.

H Do ser and estar mean the same thing? When do we use ser? When do we use estar? Escribe 3 oraciones con ser. (1 con comida) Escribe 3 oraciones con estar. (1 con comida)

A The stem of a verb is… –The verb without the AR, ER, or IR Some examples of stem-changing verbs are… –Tener, querer, almorzar, dormir, merendar, empezar. All stem-changing verbs have the following in common… –Where do the stem changes happen? 2 nd to last vowel –What forms do not have stem changes? Nosotros/vosotros

B Pedir en inglés es to ask for/order. Servir en inglés es to serve. Both pedir and servir are stem-changing verbs. –The stem change is e – i. Escribe las formas de pedir y servir.

B - pedir Pedir –Yo pido –Tú pides –Usted pide –Él pide –Ella pide –Nosotros pedimos –Vosotros pedís –Ustedes piden –Ellos/ellas piden To ask for / to order –I ask for / I order –You ask for / you order –He asks for / he orders –She asks for / she orders –We ask for / we order –You guys ask for / you guys order –They ask for / they order

B - servir Servir –Yo sirvo –Tú sirves –Usted sirve –Él sirve –Ella sirve –Nosotros servimos –Vosotros servís –Ustedes sirven –Ellos/ellas sirven To serve –I serve –You serve –He serves –She serves –We serve –You guys serve –They serve

C ¿Cómo se dice… –sirvo en inglés? I serve –pedimos en inglés? We order / We ask for –sirve en inglés? He/She/You serve –piden en inglés? They/You guys order or ask for

D Preferir es un cognado. ¿Qué significa en inglés? To prefer The stem change for preferir is the same as the one for querer, venir, empezar. –What is the stem change? E - IE –Which e has the stem change in pref e rir? Escribe las formas de preferir.

D - preferir preferir –Yo prefiero –Tú prefieres –Usted prefiere –Él prefiere –Ella prefiere –Nosotros preferimos –Vosotros preferís –Ustedes prefieren –Ellos/ellas prefieren To prefer –I prefer –You prefer –He prefers –She prefers –We prefer –You guys prefer –They prefer

E Escribe en español. I prefer tuna sandwiches. –Prefiero los sándwiches de atún. We prefer to speak in Spanish. –Preferimos hablar español. Do you prefer milk or juice? –¿Prefieres leche o jugo?

F Poder es can/able to en inglés. Probar es to try/taste en inglés. Poder and probar have the same stem changes as dormir, volver, almorzar. –O-UE Escribe las formas de poder y probar. Where have you seen the verb poder? –Escribe dos ejemplos. ¿Puedo ir al baño?

F - poder poder –Yo puedo –Tú puedes –Usted puede –Él puede –Ella puede –Nosotros podemos –Vosotros podéis –Ustedes pueden –Ellos/ellas pueden To be able to / can –I can –You can –He can –She can –We can –You guys can –They can

F - probar probar –Yo pruebo –Tú pruebas –Usted prueba –Él prueba –Ella prueba –Nosotros probamos –Vosotros probáis –Ustedes prueban –Ellos/ellas prueban To taste / to try –I taste / I try –You taste / You try –He tastes / He tries –She tastes / She tries –We taste / We try –You guys taste / Try –They taste / They try

G Escribe en español. Can you (formal) bring the dessert? –¿Puede traer el postre? We can cook eggs and bacon. –Podemos traer los huevos y el tocino. They always try the soup. –Siempre prueban la sopa. I never try the tuna. –Nunca pruebo el atún.

H Do ser and estar mean the same thing? YES! When do we use ser? DOCTOR E When do we use estar? PLACE Escribe 3 oraciones con ser. (1 con comida) Escribe 3 oraciones con estar. (1 con comida)