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“Querer” and Stem-Changing Verbs

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Presentation on theme: "“Querer” and Stem-Changing Verbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Querer” and Stem-Changing Verbs
Apuntes de gramática

2 What does “stem-changing” mean?
Stem: Part of the verb before the –AR, -ER, or –IR Ejemplo: Hablar (stem: habl) Beber (stem: beb) Escribir (stem: escrib) Some verbs in Spanish have a spelling change in their stems

3 Stem-Changers are also called “Boot Verbs”
Why? X The conjugations of the verb that have the spelling change are (roughly) in the shape of a boot! X

4 4 Kinds of Boot Verbs There are 4 kinds of boot verbs in Spanish:
e  ie e  i o  ue u  ue

5 Ejemplo: Querer (e  ie): To want
How do we conjugate “querer?” First, we change the “e” to “ie” inside the boot (all forms EXCEPT “nosotros” and “vosotros” Then, we add the appropriate endings for each subject. Nosotros/as quer emos Yo quier o Tú quier es Vosotros/as quer éis Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes quier Él/Ella/Usted quier e en

6 How do we use “querer?” In Spanish, we cannot have two conjugated verbs next to each other. So, when we say what we want to do, “querer” must be followed by an infinitive (like with “gustar”). Ejemplos: Yo quiero ir a la playa. NOT: Yo quiero voy a la playa. Sara quiere tocar el piano. NOT: Sara quiere toca el piano. Nosotros queremos comer pizza. NOT: Nosotros queremos comemos pizza.

7 Práctica Instrucciones: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “querer.”
Yo _____________________ ir al partido de fútbol. Usted ___________________ navegar por Internet. Mi amiga ___________________ jugar al volibol. José y tú __________________ comer hamburguesas. Marisol e Isabel _________________ platicar con amigos. Gabriela y yo ________________ dormir. Tú _________________ leer un libro de poesía. Ustedes _________________ andar en bicicleta.

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