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ANTE TODO As you learned in Lección 6, –ar and –er stem-changing verbs in the present have no stem change in the preterite. The –ir stem-changing verbs.

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Presentación del tema: "ANTE TODO As you learned in Lección 6, –ar and –er stem-changing verbs in the present have no stem change in the preterite. The –ir stem-changing verbs."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ANTE TODO As you learned in Lección 6, –ar and –er stem-changing verbs in the present have no stem change in the preterite. The –ir stem-changing verbs in the present however, do have a stem change. Study the charts in the next slide and observe where the stem changes occur. These verbs are sometimes referred to as Slipper Verbs (preterite), as opposed to Boot Verbs (present). They take regular –ir preterite endings.

2 servir (to serve) dormir (to sleep) serví dormí serviste dormiste
SINGULAR FORMS yo serví dormí serviste dormiste Ud. / él / ella sirvió durmió PLURAL FORMS nosotros/as servimos dormimos vosotros/as servisteis dormisteis Uds. / ellos / ellas sirvieron durmieron

3 Stem-changing –ir verbs, in the preterite only, have a stem change in the third-person singular and plural forms. The stem change consists of either e to i or o to u, and occurs in the vowel closest to the ending. (preferir) (ei) pedir : pidió, pidieron (o u) morir (to die) : murió, murieron

4 (e→ie present) (e→i preterite) BOOT SLIPPER
Preferir: (e→ie present) (e→i preterite) BOOT SLIPPER Prefiero Preferimos Preferí Preferimos Prefieres Preferís Preferiste Preferisteis Prefiere Prefieren Prefirió Prefirieron

5 Some common –ir stem changing verbs in the preterite are: (
Some common –ir stem changing verbs in the preterite are: (* means reflexive) (ei) (o u) servir (to serve) dormir (to sleep) pedir (to ask for, to order) dormirse (to go/ fall sleep)* repetir (to repeat) morir (to die) seguir (to follow) conseguir (to obtain) preferir (to prefer) sentirse (to feel) despedirse (to say goodbye) vestirse (to get dressed)

6 When a verb is reflexive, you must include the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb.
vestirse me vestí nos vestimos te vestiste os vestisteis se vistió se vistieron

7 ¡INTÉNTALO! Cambia los infinitivos al pretérito.
Yo ____. (servir, dormir, pedir, preferir, repetir, seguir) 2. Usted ____. (morir, conseguir, pedir, sentirse, despedirse, vestirse) 3. Tú ____. (conseguir, servir, morir, pedir, dormir, repetir) 4. Ellas ____.(repetir, dormir, seguir, preferir, morir, servir) 5. Nosotros ____. (seguir, preferir, servir, vestirse, despedirse, dormirse) 6. Ustedes ____. (sentirse, vestirse, conseguir, pedir, despedirse, dormirse) 7. Él ____. (dormir, morir, preferir, repetir, seguir, pedir)

8 ¡Salieron muy bien!

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