Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.


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El mandato afirmativo (tú)
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How to conjugate and use affirmative tú and negative tú commands
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Affirmative Tú Commands P. 168 Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the.
How to conjugate and use affirmative tú and negative tú commands
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Affirmative Tú Commands U5L2 n Use affirmative tú commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the 3rd person form of the verb.(él/ella)
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Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the 3rd person form of the verb.
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Affirmative Tú Commands P. 168 Affirmative Tú Commands n To give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú…  You take the 3rd person form of.
Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the 3rd person form of the verb.
Affirmative Tú Commands original ppt from: 4/espanol_intro3-4.htm original ppt from:
1 Affirmative Tú Commands Expresate level 2 page 26.
Affirmative Tú Commands P. 45 Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the.
Page 114 – Chapter 2 En Español 3.  You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.  You take the 3rd person form of.
Día 7 Capitulo 3 Mantenerte sano Español 3 Mandatos de tú Afirmativos y negativos ¿Qué recordamos?
In Spanish, the command forms are used to give orders or advice
How to conjugate and use affirmative tú and negative tú commands
Chapter 6-2 Informal Commands
AFFIRMATIVE “tÚ” commands
How to conjugate and use affirmative tú and negative tú commands
Affirmative Tú Commands
Affirmative tú Commands
Affirmative Tú Commands
AFFIRMATIVE “tÚ” commands
Transcripción de la presentación:

Affirmative Tú Commands

n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.

Examina estos ejemplos, ¡y dime cómo se forman! n Usa la calculadora. n Revisa el aceite del coche. n Abre tu correo electrónico.

Affirmative Tú Commands n You take the 3rd person form of the verb in the present tense!

Algunos verbos del capítulo 2

Affirmative Tú Commands n Some verbs have irregular affirmative tú commands.

Examina los siguientes ejemplos... n (Poner) n Ashton, ¡pon las manos en el volante! n (Tener) n RaAmen, ¡ten cuidado! n (Decir) n Josephine, ¡dime todo! n (Venir) n Kara, ¡ven aquí!

Go verbs n As you might have noticed, many of the irregular tú commands end in – go in the yo form of the present tense (i.e. salir > salgo). n I will refer to them as go verbs! n To form many of these commands, take the yo form of the present tense and drop the -go:

Affirmative Tú Commands n Poner (Infinitive) n Yo form? n Pongo n Command form? n Pon

Affirmative Tú Commands n Tener (Infinitive) n Yo form? n Tengo n Command form? n Ten

Affirmative Tú Commands n Decir (Infinitive) n Yo form? n Digo n Command form? n Di

Affirmative Tú Commands n Salir (Infinitive) n Yo form? n Salgo n Command form? n Sal

Affirmative Tú Commands n Venir (Infinitive) n Yo form? n Vengo n Command form? n Ven

Affirmative Tú Commands n Hacer, Ser, and Ir have irregular tú command forms that must be memorized: n haz, sé, ve

n Since ir and ver have the same tú command (ve), context will determine the meaning.

Affirmative Tú Commands n ¿Cómo se va a la carretera? n Sal de aquí y sigue derecho hasta el tercer semáforo.

Affirmative Tú Commands n Remember that pronouns can be attached to affirmative commands, but not negative commands! n You will also need an accent in most cases.

Affirmative Tú Commands n Josefina, ¡hazlo ahora mismo! n Martín, ayúdame.

Affirmative Tú Commands n ¡Dímela siempre! (la verdad) n Explícale a tu padre por qué llegaste tarde.