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Verbs like gustar P. 148 Avancemos 2.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbs like gustar P. 148 Avancemos 2."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbs like gustar P. 148 Avancemos 2

2 Verbs Like gustar You already know several verbs that always use indirect objects:

3 Verbs Like gustar encantar to be highly pleasing gustar to be pleasing
importar to be important interesar to be of interest aburrir to be boring fascinar to be fascinating

4 Verbs Like gustar These verbs all use a similar construction: indirect object pronoun + verb + subject

5 Verbs Like gustar Me gusta el béisbol.
Literally: Baseball is pleasing to me.

6 Verbs Like gustar The two forms of these verbs that are most commonly used are the Ud./él/ella and Uds./ellos/ellas forms.

7 Verbs Like gustar ¿Te interesan los deportes?
Literally: Are sports interesting to you?

8 Verbs Like gustar Remember that in the previous sentences, the subjects are béisbol and deportes, and me and te are indirect object pronouns.

9 Verbs With Irregular Yo Forms
P. 149 Avancemos 2

10 Verbs With Irregular Yo Forms
Remember that some verbs are irregular in the yo form in the present tense.

11 Verbs With Irregular -go Forms
Caer: caigo Traer: traigo Decir: digo Hacer: hago Oír: oigo Poner: pongo Salir: salgo Tener: tengo Venir: vengo

12 Verbs With Irregular -zco Forms
Conocer: conozco Obedecer: obedezco Ofrecer: ofrezco Parecer: parezco

13 Other Verbs with Irregular “yo” forms
Dar: doy Saber: sé Ver: veo

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