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Affirmative tú Commands & Acabar de + Inf.

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Presentación del tema: "Affirmative tú Commands & Acabar de + Inf."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Affirmative tú Commands & Acabar de + Inf.
Sra. Medeles Herget Middle School Página 282

2 English Grammar Connection
In both English and Spanish, are used to Example) Clean the kitchen! Sweep the floor! affirmative commands tell someone to do something.

3 Using affirmative tú commands
Use affirmative tú commands with family members Friends DO NOT USE THESE WITH Anyone you address with USTED/USTEDES!

4 How do I form them? To form an affirmative tú command Example)
Use the él/ella/usted form of the verb. Example) The command for –lavar los platos- ¡Lava los platos! Do you want your sister to sweep the floor? Tell her «¡Barre el suelo!»

5 Irregular tú commands Some verbs you know have irregular tú commands:
Comand decir hacer ir poner salir ser tener venir di haz ve pon sal ten ven

6 Acaber de + infinitive When you want to say that something has just happened, use the verb phrase acabar de + infinitive. First, conjugate acabar like a regular –ar verb. Add the de Add the infinitive according to what has just happened. Example) Acabamos de comprar el pastel. We just bought the cake.

7 Conjugating Acabar Can you conjugate acabar? yo acabo
nosotros acabamos tú acabas vosotros acabáis él/ella/ud. acaba ellos/ellas/uds. acaban Translate the sentences. I just finished putting up the decorations. My mom just cooked dinner. Luisa and her brother just arrived at the party.

8 Answers Acabo de poner las decoraciones.
Mi mamá acaba de cocinar la cena. Luisa y su hermano acaban de llegar a la fiesta.

9 ¿Tienen preguntas?

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