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Publicada porUlises Barahona Modificado hace 11 años
Informal Affirmative Commands-to tell a friend/child to do something(to boss them around ) We can think of the formation of the Tú commands one of two ways: We can think of the formation of the Tú commands one of two ways: 1) In the affirmative commands you use the 3rd person (él, ella, usted) singular present tense; - or – 1) In the affirmative commands you use the 3rd person (él, ella, usted) singular present tense; - or – 2) In the affirmative commands you use the regular Tú present tense form, but drop the "s". 2) In the affirmative commands you use the regular Tú present tense form, but drop the "s".
Ejemplos For example, here are some common affirmative Tú commands: For example, here are some common affirmative Tú commands: InfinitiveTú command English InfinitiveTú command English Comer Come Eat! Comer Come Eat! Hablar Habla Talk! Hablar Habla Talk! Escribir Escribe Write! Escribir Escribe Write! Lavar la ropa Lava la ropa Wash the clothes Lavar la ropa Lava la ropa Wash the clothes Limpiar Limpia Clean! Limpiar Limpia Clean!
Irregular informal affirmative commands
©2010 Teachers Discovery Vin Diesel has ten weapons= Ven di sal haz ten ve pon sé Venir-ven decir-di salir- sal hacer-haz tener-ten ir-ve poner-pon ser-sé
Bill hit the ball. Bill hit the ball. The ball receives the action of the verb hit.The ball receives the action of the verb hit. Sherry reads the book. Sherry reads the book. The book receives the action of the verb reads.The book receives the action of the verb reads. The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the … Examples:
The direct object can also be a person. The direct object can also be a person. – Sherry hit Bill. – Sherry hit Bill. The direct object is what? or whom? The direct object is what? or whom? receives the action of the verb. Más…
Bill hit the ball. Bill hit the ball. – Bill hit what? – Bill hit the ball. Sherry hit Bill. Sherry hit Bill. – Sherry hit whom? – Sherry hit Bill. Más… Ouch!
Examples: Paul bought the flowers. He took the flowers home and gave the flowers to his dog. Paul bought the flowers. He took the flowers home and gave the flowers to his dog. Paul bought the flowers. He took them home and gave them to his dog. Paul bought the flowers. He took them home and gave them to his dog. Replacing a noun used as a direct object with a pronoun:
*a group of males or males with females ** a group of females me me = me te te = you (familiar) lo lo = you (formal, masc.) him, it la la = you (formal, fem.) her, it nos nos = us os os = you (pl., familiar in Spain) los los = you* (pl.) them* las las = you** (pl.) them** PluralSingular
In an affirmative statement with one verb, the direct object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb: Ejemplos: tengo = I have – Tengo la pluma. = (I have the pen.) – La tengo. = (I have it.) The pronoun la comes immediately before the verb tengo.
The direct object pronoun must agree with the noun it is replacing. Remember: Ejemplos: Juan lo tiene. Juan lo tiene. Juan tiene = (John has) el librothe bookJuan tiene el libro. = (John has the book.) lo itJuan lo tiene. = (John has it.)
La como. La como. – I eat it. = la comida, la manzana, etc. Lo como. Lo como. – I eat it. = el pollo, el arroz, el perro caliente, etc. – I eat it. = el pollo, el arroz, el perro caliente, etc. La leo. La leo. – I read it. = la revista, la novela, etc. – I read it. = la revista, la novela, etc. Más ejemplos:
When there are two verbs together in a sentence: Él la va a pagar. = (He is going to pay it.) Yo lo quiero compar. = (I want to buy it.) Or … you may stick the direct object pronoun onto the end of the infinitive. You may place the direct object pronoun before the conjugated verb. la Él va a pagarla. = (He is going to pay it.) loit Yo quiero comparlo. = (I want to buy it.) Ejemplos:
When there are two verbs together in a sentence: Prepara la carne. Prepárala. = (Prepare the meat. Prepare it.) Pon los tenedores en la mesa. Ponlos en la mesa. = (Put the forks on the table. Put them on the table. You may stick the direct object pronoun onto the end of an affirmative command. Ejemplos:
Rewrite the sentence replacing the direct object with a direct object pronoun. Él los come.. Ella la canta. Yo las tengo. Él lo compra. Las comemos. Voy a comprarlo./ Lo voy a comprar. Preparala. Él come los tacos. Ella canta la canción. Yo tengo las flores. Él compra el libro. Comemos papas fritas. Voy a comprar un libro Prepara la comida..
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