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Miércoles el 4 de marzo Describe la escena en el momento del accidente. ¿Cómo era el lugar? ¿Qué podías ver? ¿Había otras personas presentes? ¿Había otras.

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Presentación del tema: "Miércoles el 4 de marzo Describe la escena en el momento del accidente. ¿Cómo era el lugar? ¿Qué podías ver? ¿Había otras personas presentes? ¿Había otras."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Miércoles el 4 de marzo Describe la escena en el momento del accidente. ¿Cómo era el lugar? ¿Qué podías ver? ¿Había otras personas presentes? ¿Había otras cosas como edificios, coches, etc.? ¿Qué era la causa del accidente? ¿Hubo algún héroe que te rescató o te salvó la vida? ¿Te rompiste un hueso o te lastimaste la muñeca? ¿Vinieron los bomberos o paramédicos? ¿Cuáles otras cosas estaban pasando en el mismo momento del accidente? ¿Había otras personas que vieron el accidente? ¿Qué estaban haciendo ellos? ¿Cómo te sentiste al momento del accidente?

2 Yo puedo… Usar el progresivo imperfecto para describir interrupciones Agenda: Sabes Qué Prueba de vocabulario 5B Preview: In-class write GramActiva – acciones interrumpidas Álibi OJO – in-class writing assessment on Friday on an accident.

3 Think about an accident or disaster you have experienced, witnessed, saw in a movie, or invent a story about an accident. The questions below are meant to inspire your thinking. Write a summary of the accident and how it occurred. Use complete sentences and include as many details as possible. DESCRIBE WHAT THE DAY WAS LIKE THE ACCIDENT OCCURRED (SET THE SCENE)  When did the accident occur? What time was it when the accident occurred? What was the day like before the accident? How was the weather that day? How were you feeling before the accident? Who were you with? Were you listening to something or doing something right before the accident? What adjectives might describe the scene? TELL ABOUT THE ACCIDENT ITSELF  How did it happen? Where were you? What were you doing when the accident occurred? What was the cause of the accident? Were there any injuries? Were there any heroes or did anyone come to rescue you? How did you feel at the moment the accident occurred? Did you hurt or injure anything? TELL ABOUT AFTER THE ACCIDENT  Did you go to the emergency room or hospital? What did the nurse, doctor, paramedic, your parent and your friends say to you after the accident? What sort of treatment were you given? Was anything broken / Did you break anything? Was anything brought or given to you to help you get better? How did you feel after the accident was over? Your writing will be graded on:  The amount of information & details you provide.  Your description of the accident & the variety of vocabulary you use to describe it  Your use of the preterite, imperfect and imperfect progressive  How comprehensible your writing is  Completion of task (address the three points in ALLCAPS – before, during, and after the accident)

4 Novice Low / Mid (10 point)Novice Mid / High (12 points)Novice High / Intermediate Low (15 points) Amount of information given & details about the accident I can only provide limited information about an accident. I can provide some information about an accident. I can elaborate on an accident with detail. Variety of vocabulary used to describe I can use very limited and repetitive vocabulary to provide basic information. I can use words, phrases and occasional sentences to provide basic information but I use only recently acquired vocab. I can use phrases and strings of sentences on familiar topics, tasks and activities. I use both recently acquired and previously learned vocabulary. Comprehensibility I can be understood only with great effort. I can be understood with difficulty by someone accustomed to a language learner. I can be understood with ease by someone accustomed to a language learner &/or a native speaker. Completion of task I completed little of what I was asked to do. I addressed only a few of the “talking points.” I completed some of what I was asked to do. I included most of the required “talking points.” I complete everything I was asked to do and addressed all of the required “talking points.” Accurate use of imperfect and preterite tenses My errors in grammar, word order, and word choice prevent communication. I am still unclear when to use the imperfect or preterite, or how to conjugate them. My errors in grammar, word order, and word choice sometimes prevent communication. I make occasional errors when using or conjugating imperfect and preterite but overall I get it. My errors in grammar, word choice and word order seldom prevent communication. I make few errors when using or conjugating preterite and imperfect tense.

5 Unas notas: sangrar = to bleed Yo tenía mucho dolor / Me sentía mucho dolor. (Ellos) me llevaron al hospital, me dieron puntadas, me pusieron, me trajeron, etc.

6 DOLER is like gustar – the subject comes after the verb & you don’t get to “own” “your” body in Spanishlandia A mi, me duele la rodilla – My knee hurts / “The knee pains me.” A ti, te duelen los hombros – Your shoulders hurt./ “The shoulders pain you.” A él / ella, le duele la espalda – His/her back hurts./ “the back pains him/her.” Reflexive verbs (broke myself, hurt myself, cut myself) Roto – broken Me rompí / Te rompiste / Se rompió / Nos rompimos / se rompieron– I, you, he / she broke Me lastimé / te lastimaste/ se lastimó / nos lastimamos / se lastimaron Unas notas:

7 Tarea Look at rubric and pre-write if you need / want to. Hand in your summary today if you want my feedback.

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