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La campana (Write Everything!!!!) Write the english translations for these words on page 68. 1.hacer gimnasia 2.Estar en línea 3.Saber 4.Conocer.

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Presentación del tema: "La campana (Write Everything!!!!) Write the english translations for these words on page 68. 1.hacer gimnasia 2.Estar en línea 3.Saber 4.Conocer."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 La campana (Write Everything!!!!) Write the english translations for these words on page 68. 1.hacer gimnasia 2.Estar en línea 3.Saber 4.Conocer

2 El verbo saber Saber means to know facts and information. You can also use saber with the infinitive of another verb to say that you know how to do something. Las formas Yo – sé Tú – sabes Él Ella - Sabe Usted Nosotros - Sabemos Ellos Ellas -Saben Ustedes

3 Ejemplos 1.¿Sabes si tenemos tarea para mañana? 2.¿Sabes quién es el director de la banda? 3.Sé jugar al ajedrez.

4 Conocer Conocer means to know a person or to be familiar with a place or thing. Personal “a” In Spanish, when the direct object is a person, it is preceded by the preposition "a." This word has no English translation. The personal "a" may also be used if the direct object is a domesticated animal, especially a pet, provided that the speaker attaches some sort of personal feelings towards the animal. Las formas Yo – conozco Tú – conoces Él Ella - conoce Usted Nosotros – conocemos Ellos Ellas - conocen Ustedes

5 Ejemplos 1.¿Conoces al profesor de esta clase? No, no lo conozco. 2. ¿Conoces el club atlético de la calle Ocho?

6 La actividad In groups of two, quietly, I want yall to come up with a mystery famous person that you think that everyone in the class would know. Make up two sentences using the verb saber and two sentences using the verb conocer. After you and you partner will alternate in stating your sentences. The rest of the class will guess who you are talking about.

7 Ejemplos “Esta persona sabe tocar la guitarra.”, “Esta persona sabe el nombre de muchos músicos famosos.” and “Esta persona sabe que la música es importante.” “Esta persona conoce a … (insert name of another famous person that he is linked to.), “Esta persona conoce … (insert the name of a city he is known to play in).

8 El libro Vamos a revisar la página 57.

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