Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns An English and Spanish Lesson.


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Direct object pronouns
Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns
Direct object pronouns
Direct Object Pronouns
Transcripción de la presentación:

Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns An English and Spanish Lesson

What is a direct object????? A direct object receives the action of the verb The direct object answers the question who? or what? A direct object can be a person or a thing.

Let’s take a look in English John threw the ball. Who did the action (subject)? - John What did John do (verb)? – threw What did he throw (direct object)? – the ball In this case the direct object is a thing.

Another example….. My husband made coffee. Who did the action? (subject) – my husband What did he do? (verb) – made What did he make? (direct object) - coffee

Now let’s learn in Spanish…. Juan tiró la pelota. Juan – subject Tiró – verb La pelota – direct object Mi esposo hizo café. Mi esposo – subject Hizo – verb café – direct object

Now what????? Now that we know that John threw the ball and my husband made coffee, we can now substitute the direct object with the direct object pronoun. What are the direct object pronouns?

These are the direct object pronouns in Spanish… Me – me (person only) Nos – us (person only) Te – you (person only) Os – you all (person only) Lo – him / it La – her / it (person or thing) Los – them Las – them (person or thing)

Now we are ready to substitute the direct object with the direct object pronoun. 1) Remember that if it is 3 rd person singular or 3 rd person plural, the pronoun must agree in gender and number with the direct object. 2) The direct object pronoun is placed in front of the conjugated verb. 3) The subject and the verb still must agree!!

Here it is. Juan tiró la pelota. Juan la tiró Mi esposo hizo café. Mi esposo lo hizo.

Now let’s go over direct objects that are people. It works the same way. Let’s practice using the verb conocer (to know a person). Do you remember how to conjugate conocer? Conozcoconocemos Conocesconocéis Conoceconocen

Let’s see how much we know I know you. You know me. They know us. We know them. They know him. I know her. You know us.

How did you do? I know you.Yo te conozco You know me.Tú me conoces. They know us. Ellos nos conocen. We know them.(m)Nosotros los conocemos. They know him.Ellos lo conocen. I know her. Yo la conozco. You know them (f).Tú las conoces.

More practice… Pablo compró las flores. Anita tiene los libros. Pedro come la sopa. Mis padres compran el almuerzo. Yo veo la película. Mi hermana y yo leemos los poemas.

One more thing you must know about direct objects…. When the direct object (NOT THE DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN) is a person or a pet, you must insert a “personal a”. Juan conoce a Anita. Juan la conoce. Nosotros vimos a los estudiantes. Nosotros los vimos.

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? ¿Lo entiendes? If you need more help, go to and click on grammar, then click on #41, #42, and #43.