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1 Unidad 6 Indirect Object Pronouns Los complementos indirectos o “LESLE” es una mujer indirecta.

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Presentación del tema: "1 Unidad 6 Indirect Object Pronouns Los complementos indirectos o “LESLE” es una mujer indirecta."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 1 Unidad 6 Indirect Object Pronouns Los complementos indirectos o “LESLE” es una mujer indirecta

2 2 Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. I gave those shoes to him. What is the subject, the verb, the direct object and the indirect object?

3 3 Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. subject verb direct object indirect object

4 4 Indirect Objects I gave those shoes to him. subject verbdirect object indirect object

5 5 Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect object pronouns tell to/for whom the action is being done. They are used with verbs of: 1. Communication: escribir, decir, hablar, mandar, explicar, leer 2. Asking: pedir, preguntar 3. Counseling: recomendar, sugerir (suggest) 4. Giving: dar, servir, comprar, traer

6 6 Indirect Object Pronouns They mean the same thing in English as do the direct object pronouns, only they add the words “to” or “for” in the translation. For example, I bought this for you. She wrote to me.

7 7 Indirect Object Pronouns Los complementos indirectos me (to or for me) te (to or for you) le (to or for him, her, you, it) nos (to or for us) os (to or for you all) les (to or for them, you plural/formal)

8 8 Placement of Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns, me, te, le, nos, os, and les are placed either a) before a conjugated verb or b) attached to the end of an infinitive.

9 9 Before the Conjugated Verb: One verb = one option: ANTES ¿Le va a dar el libro a Elena? La maestra nos dio un examen. No le escribí a mi hermana hoy.

10 10 Before the conjugated verb or after the infinitive: 2 verbs = 2 options Option A: Before the verb: ¿Le vas a dar el libro a Elena? Sí, le voy a dar el libro a Elena. Option B: After the infinitive: ¿Vas a darle el libro a Elena? Sí, voy a darle el libro a Elena.

11 11 Indirect Object Pronouns Sometimes we use a + a pronoun or a person’s name for emphasis or to make it clear to whom we are referring.

12 12 Indirect Object Pronouns A mí me gusta la clase. Y a ti, ¿te gusta también? A Pablo le gusta. A nosotros nos gusta también. ¿A Mario y Karina les gusta la clase, ¿no?

13 13 ¡A practicar! Repaso breve: LESLE --la mujer indirecta dice... ¿para quién? o ¿a quién? va el objeto directo 13

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