El Futuro y Condicional ‘Will’ and ‘Would’. Futuro Example: We will work tomorrow. Later, John says that he’ll study *Look for the word “WILL” Conjugar.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

El Futuro y Condicional ‘Will’ and ‘Would’

Futuro Example: We will work tomorrow. Later, John says that he’ll study *Look for the word “WILL” Conjugar Infinitivo +

Irregulares Caber – Cabr*Salir – saldr Haber – HabrTener - tendr Poder – podrValer – valdr* Querer- querrVenir – vendr Saber – SabrDecir - dir Poner – PondrHacer - har

Condicional Example: We would work tomorrow. *Look for the word “WOULD” INFINITIVO+

Irregulares Caber – Cabr*Salir – saldr Haber – HabrTener - tendr Poder – podrValer – valdr* Querer- querrVenir – vendr Saber – SabrDecir - dir Poner – PondrHacer - har

Practiquemos We will study a lot for the test. Would you go with us to the town hall? Why would they leave without him? I will see the satelites and windmills tonight.