Mejoras faciles para su hogar


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Mejoras faciles para su hogar Verde & Vida Sana Vida Sana Mejoras faciles para su hogar Prepared for Enterprise Community Partners

Como Vivimos Afecta Nuestra Salud Compramos y Usamos Productos Atraemos Plagas Fúmanos Atraemos alérgenos … pero, podemos crear hogares saludables! Pictures Top Row: (left to right) bleach cleaner, air freshener Pictures Bottom Row: (left to right) mouse, cockroach, smoking, girl with allergies

Evite Productos Con Etiquetas Que Indican Daños Peligro: La mayoría de los productos peligrosos como los limpiadores comerciales de la taza de inodoro o del horno, pueden ser fatales o muy perjudiciales. A menudo son materiales corrosivos, inflamables, tóxicos o venenosos. Precaución o Advertencia: Menos dañino que el peligro. Puede causar riesgo como quemaduras o problemas respiratorios. Irritantes: Pueden causar lesiones o inflamación al contacto. Complete Healthy Living Exercise 1: Reading the Label. Review trainer notes for examples of harm from using certain types of products. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requires consumer products containing hazardous substances to have: Principal Display Panel containing: Signal word – DANGER indicates very high risk, CAUTION & WARNING indicate a lower level of risk. The phrase IRRITANT provides information about the risk. Affirmative Statement of Principal Hazard If all labeling not on principal display panel, then read other cautions on another panel. The Federal Hazardous Substances Act regulates all consumer products other than: Foods, drugs, dietary supplements and cosmetics (regulated by FDA) Pesticides (fungicide, insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, etc) (regulated by EPA) See and

Ejercicio 1 Vida Sana: Leyendo Las Etiquetas Residents should sort the various household products into the appropriate category of warning label: DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. General Cleaner Aerosol Disinfectant Bleach Drain Opener

Elija Productos de Limpieza “Verdes” Blanquear: Nunca use cloro blanqueador o amonia sin diluir. Elija: Sin perfume, concentrado, biodegradable No-Toxico No o usar niveles bajos de Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles (VOC por sus siglas en ingles) Certificado GreenSeal Diseñado para el medio ambiente Haga su Propio Limpiador: Use vinagre, jabón, agua, bicarbonato o otros ingredientes no tóxicos. Now move on to Healthy Living Exercise 2: Make Your Own Green Cleaner

Beneficios de Limpieza “Verde” Verde Hecho En Casa Productos De Limpieza Tradicionales $6 por los ingredientes & contenedor Menos dañino $13 por productos típicos Puede ser “dañino” o “peligroso” Prices are from Boston area large stores. Green cleaning materials included: baking soda, 1 gallon vinegar, liquid soap, borax. Traditional cleaning products include 32 ounce containers of: counter spray, window cleaner, bathroom tub/tile cleaner, floor cleaner.

El “Verde” Puede Ahorrar Dinero $$ – Costo Por Mes This graph shows the added costs of using traditional cleaners versus green cleaners made at home. This repeats and reemphasizes information from the previous slide. “Verde” Hecho En Casa Productos De Limpieza Tradicionales

Recetas Para “Verde” Hecho En Casa

Consejos De Servicio De Lavandería “Verde” Lave solo cargas completas de ropa Lavar con agua fría Use peróxido de hidrogeno, o vinagre blanco destilado en lugar de cloro para blanquear la ropa Limpie la pelusa después de utilizar la secadora

Evite Los Descadenantes Del Asma Moho & Humedad Humo de Cigarro Cucarachas Trainer: Ask, who in room has asthma. Ask if students have someone in their immediate family with asthma. Ask student to explain what triggers their or their family members asthma attacks. Note in most states about 10% of the population has had asthma at some point in their lifetime. Complete Healthy Living Exercise 3: Breathing Thru a Straw. A video version of the exercise is available for trainers to review prior to teaching. Review asthma triggers: Dust mites – live off our dead skin and in fabrics and plush toys. Known to both cause asthma and trigger attacks. Shown in picture on bottom row, far left Environmental Tobacco Smoke – known to cause asthma in small children are exposed and also trigger attacks. Pests -- Cockroaches and Mice feces. Known to trigger asthma attacks. Mice feces are shown on bottom row, far right. Cockroach is shown on bottom row, middle picture Moisture or Mold – known to trigger asthma attacks and breathing problems. A key point is you don’t need mold, damp environments put us at risk of asthma and other breathing problems. Los Ácaros Del Polvo Excremento de Cucarachas Excremento De Ratón

Ejercicio 3 De Vida Sana: Respirando Con Asma Respire con un popote por 30 segundos Si tiene problemas para respirar o se sofoca/debilita, en cualquier momento pare. ¿Cómo se siente?

¿Cómo Puede Reducir Los Descadenantes De Asma? Plagas Reporte la presencia de las plagas Mantenga buena limpieza en el hogar Coopere con especialistas de plagas Humedad & Moho Reporte fugas (plomería, techo, inodoro) Use los ventiladores de baño y cocina Vivienda Libre De Humo Explore las políticas de: Libre De Humo Comience con una encuesta al inquilino Pests: Many of us have allergic reactions to what pests leave behind in their feces – poop and urine. We need to keep our homes clean to not draw in pests and report problem to management so that they can take actions. Management will be using a new kind of pest control called Integrated Pest Management which does less spraying to get rid of problem and instead focuses on ways pests enter homes, reducing trash or food they are interested in, and then using less toxic pesticides. Show cock roach traps, baits/gels in pictures – our tools for fighting roaches. For Beg Bugs, we need different tools. Don’t bring in used furniture or bedding Report problems to management – maybe show bed bug slide if appropriate. Moisture and Mold: Report problems promptly to management. A small leak can quickly turn into a big moisture problem. Use bath and kitchen fans to help reduce moisture and humidity in these areas where we bath and cook. Avoid use of humidifiers that can create moisture. Smoke Free: Explain the benefits of smoke free housing. Reduced risk of cancer and heart problems for smokers and reduced risk of cancer, asthma, heart disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome for those who breath smoke. Reduced odors. HUD is strongly encouraging Smoke Free Housing. Most tenants want it. A first step is to survey our tenants to ask “would you prefer to live in a smoke free environment?” Interested?

Las Plagas y Los Riesgos Para La Salud Descadenadores de asma Las mordeduras y enfermedades Spurs uso de plaguicidas, que a menudo son mal utilizados. Evite los nebulizadores. Pictures are: Asthma inhaler Bed bug feeding on human skin Pesticide fogger – not recommended for use. Foggers are not generally effective in treating pest problems like cockroaches or mice. They also contain petroleum based product, which in some circumstances, can explode. There are much more effective approaches for dealing with cockroaches, mice, and bedbugs.

Utilice Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) MIP trata ambos síntomas(ex: plagas) Y fuente (es decir la basura o suciedad) que atrae a las plagas.  El mantenimiento MIP es un esfuerzo de equipo: Papel de la Gerencia Proporcionar buen almacenaje de la basura y de mantenimiento en la propiedad Contratar un especialista de Plagas Monitorear las plagas Responder a las ordenes de trabajo Papel del residente Mantenga la casa limpia Reporte las plagas a la gerencia Prepare las unidades para el tratamiento No utilice pesticidas ilegales o ineficaces No traiga muebles usados IPM is an alternative approach to traditional pest control. IPM professionals do more than apply pesticides. They ask where is the pest problem, what could be attracting the pest, how can I prevent pests from entering the building and apartment, what is the least toxic pesticide I can use. IPM professionals work with the owner because property management actions directly affect pest issues. Providing good and contained storage for trash is essential. Keeping common areas (e.g., trash chutes, recycling/trash areas, laundry rooms, meeting rooms, etc) clean is essential. The request to not bring in used furniture helps to address bed bug problems, as bed bugs are often carried into an apartment on previously used furniture, bedding or clothing.

¿Qué Sabe Acerca De Las Plagas? As a group or working in small groups complete Healthy Living Exercise 4: Pests: True or False. Review trainer notes and sample completed exercise. Trainers should also feel free to integrated these questions throughout the training.

Reporte Problemas De Las Plagas ¿Qué Tipo De Plagas? Ratones Este es excremento de ratón. The next series of slides show various pest problems to help make sure tenants know what to report to management. This slide shows mice feces. Tenants may not always recognize the feces as coming from a pest. This slide helps residents know what types of problems to report.

Reporte Problemas De Las Plagas ¿Qué Tipo De Plagas? Cucarachas Este es excremento de cucarachas llamado “frass”. This slide helps residents know what types of problems to report.

Reporte Problemas De Las Plagas ¿Qué Tipo De Plagas? Ratones Los ratones hicieron este hoyo en la pared para entrar en el hogar. Note las marcas de las mordidas. This slide helps residents know what types of problems to report.

Reporte Problemas De Las Plagas ¿Qué Tipo De Plagas? Las Chinches Tenga en cuenta las manchas marrones pequeñas. A las chinches les gusta vivir en el colchón o los muebles. This slide helps residents know what types of problems to report.

La Falta de Limpieza Atrae Plagas Comida & Suciedad puede atraer cucarachas, ratones u otras plagas. Mess in kitchen can attract cockroaches, mice and other pests. This slide is an opportunity to talk with residents about housekeeping.

Un Cocina Mas Limpia Atrae Menos Plagas El fregadero y la repisa limpios quiere decir; que no hay nada de beber o comer para las plagas.

Control Para Cucarachas Eficaz MIP IPM in Multifamily Housing Training Control Para Cucarachas Eficaz MIP La gerencia debe utilizar los métodos MIP Reduzca el agua y los alimentos, que atraen plagas. Use cebos & gel, NO Aerosoles No funciona si esta contaminado por productos de limpieza con olores fuertes u otros químicos, pesticidas en aerosol o nebulizadores o la nicotina del humo del cigarrillo Úselo en todas las habitaciones. Los inquilinos son asociados principales. Baits are the most common and effective pesticide for cockroaches nationwide. Baits and gels rely on roaches wanting to eat them. If baits are contaminated with chemicals that the cockroaches recognize as poison, cockroaches will avoid them. This is often why residents say that baits “don’t work.” They won’t if the resident is also applying aerosol cockroach killers in the same room. Strong-smelling cleaners can have the same effect. Nicotine from smoking will also contaminate the bait. This is one reason why gloves should be worn when placing bait. When cleaning out cabinets before putting in bait stations, strong-smelling cleaners should not be used. Regular soap and water is effective and won’t ruin the bait’s effectiveness. The photos above are of two common methods of delivering baits. The photo on the right shows a bait station. The photo on the left shows the same pesticide in gel form. Small dots (about the size of a pea) of this gel are put into cracks, crevices, and corners where there is frass. It works the same as the bait station but more care must be used to keep it away from curious children. It should be used only in cracks and crevices to keep children from getting at it. When re-applying, old bait should be removed. It lasts about three months—less time than bait stations since it is more exposed to the air. When it dries out, the cockroaches will not be attracted to it. Note that bait storage is also a concern. If baits are stored with herbicides or cleaning products, they may become contaminated and ineffective. This holds true for rodent baits (which will be discussed later). Demonstration Suggestion: Pass out bait station. Reference: See for more information on appropriate cleaning products. Estacion de Cebo Cebo en Gel 22

Los Residentes Pueden Ayudar A Minimizar Los Problemas De Humedad Use el ventilador de la cocina y el baño No sobre pase el uso de los humificadores Reporte fugas de tuberías Discussion: Ask students to brainstorm things they can do to help keep moisture in check and avoid mold problems. Possible answers will come in on the animation. Other answers are possible as well.

Explore La Vivienda Libre De Humo El humo de tabaco crea riesgos para la salud Cáncer Síndrome de Muerte Súbita del Lactante Enfermedades del Corazón Fumar crea olores y puede causar incendios Explore: comience con una encuesta al inquilino. Pregunte, ¿quieres vivir en un ambiente libre de humo? La mayoría de los inquilinos quieren una vivienda libre de humo.