Metas: I can identify my current proficiency level


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Metas: I can identify my current proficiency level Metas:  I can identify my current proficiency level. I can conjugate (change) present tense verbs. Agenda: Enfoque: Review and reflect on written entrance assessment  How to access Realidades E-book ( and class webpage. Sign up for Quizlet and Remind. Matamoscas: Review basic vocab (seasons, adjectives, personality and physical traits) ¿Cómo eres tú? Worksheet How to conjugate regular verbs (-ar, -er/-ir) "To be" verbs (ser y estar) Verbos rápidos game

Enfoque Read the comments on your evaluación de entrada and take a look at the criteria. On a sheet of paper, write a short reflection, in English, (3 to 5 sentences) that answers the following: What's your current proficiency level? Where would you like to be on your proficiency pathway? What's a realistic goal for the end of this semester? If you are already at the goal for this semester, what do you need to develop to advance to the next level? What are one or two things you feel confident doing in Spanish? This can involve other forms of communicating such as speaking, listening and reading (comprehension). What are one or two areas you would like to improve on in Spanish? This can be spelling, grammar, accents, expanding vocabulary (not using English), etc.

Realidades 2 E-Book (via Clever) Quizlet (join with the link now or do at home)

¿Cómo eres tú? Practice worksheet

Notes: "To be" verbs (irregulares) Ser Estar

Notes: How to conjugate present tense verbs Regular –ar verbs (ej: practicar, tocar, hablar) Regular –er verbs (comer, correr, leer) Regular –ir verbs (vivir)

Juego de dados Second roll 1: Bailar 2: Escuchar música 3: Practicar deportes 4: Ser + descripción (personalidad o física) 5: Tocar la guitara 6: Ver la televisión First roll 1: Yo 2: Tú 3: Él/ella 4: Nosotros 5: Vosotros 6: Ellos/ellas Present tense -ar verbs -o                     -amos -as                    -áis -a                     -an Present tense -er/ir verbs - o                    -emos -es                    -éis -e                     -en

Verbos Rápidos Row competition