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Avancemos 1 Unidad 2 lección 1

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Presentación del tema: "Avancemos 1 Unidad 2 lección 1"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Avancemos 1 Unidad 2 lección 1
Present tense of AR verbs

2 Present tense of AR verbs
A verb tense is the form of the verb that tells when an action is happening. In Spanish, the present tense can translate into English in a variety of ways. For example the verb estudiamos can be translated as “we study,” “we are studying,” or “we do study”.

3 Present tense of AR verbs
As you already know, an infinitive is the basic form of a verb. In English, most infinitives start with the word to (to eat, to drink). In Spanish, infinitives are always one word that ends in ar, er or ir. We are going to learn about –AR verbs now.

4 Present tense of AR verbs
To conjugate a verb, or to change the form of a verb to show who is doing an action, follow this process: 1. Remove the verb ending by crossing off the “ar” HABLAR  HABL (the part of the verb that is left after crossing off the ending is called the stem) 2. Add a new ending to the verb, based on the subject of the verb.

5 Endings for AR verbs Yo o Tú as Él/ella a Usted
Nosotros/as amos Ellos/ellas an Ustedes

6 Hablar – to talk Yo hablo Tú hablas Él/ella habla Usted
Nosotros hablamos Ellos/ellas hablan ustedes

7 La práctica I need You arrive You (formal) answer We teach
You all draw They rest Yo necesito Tú llegas Usted contesta Nosotros enseñamos Ustedes dibujan Ellos descansan

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