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Unit 2A: Lesson 2 How to Talk About Your Schedule Gramática- Present tense of –ar verbs.

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1 Unit 2A: Lesson 2 How to Talk About Your Schedule Gramática- Present tense of –ar verbs

2 Learning Target 0 We already know how to say what classes we have but we also need to learn how to say when each class is and also give our opinions on the classes we have. 0 Learning Target- I can efficiently talk about when my classes are and my opinions of each one and also learn and understand the present tense of –ar verbs.

3 How to Talk About When Our Classes Are 0 primero- first 0 segundo- second 0 tercero- third 0 cuarto- fourth 0 quinto- fifth 0 sexto- sixth 0 sèptimo- seventh 0 octavo- eighth 0 noveno- ninth 0 décimo- tenth 0 hora- hour

4 Example 0 For example, let’s say you had math class in the first hour of your day. You would say this: Yo tengo la clase de matématicas en la primera hora. 0 Don’t forget the Yo form, which is the I form. 0 Also the time in which your class occurs (primero, segundo, etc.) is effected by the class it’s being associated with. In this example you say primera hora because matématicas ends with an A (feminine word). If the class was Español, you would say primero hora because the word Español ends with an O (masculine word).

5 !Vamos a Practicar! 1. I have science class in the sixth hour. -Yo tengo la clase de ciencias naturales in la sexta hora. 2. I have English class in the tenth hour. -Yo tengo la clase de Inglés en la décimo hora. 3. I have Phsycial Education class in the third hour. - Yo tengo la clase de educación física en la tercera hora.

6 How to Say Your Opinions on Your Classes 0 Aburrido- boring 0 Difícil- difficult 0 Divertido- fun, amusing 0 Fácil- easy 0 Favorito- favorite 0 Interesante- interesting 0 Práctico- practical 0 Más…..que

7 Examples 1. Yo tengo la clase de matemáticas en la segunda hora. No me gusta la clase de matemáticas porque es muy difícil. 2. Yo tengo la clase de Español in la octavo hora. Me gusta la clase de Español porque es muy fácil y interesante. 3. Yo tengo la clase de Inglés más que la clase de arte porque la clase de Inglés es muy divertido. ¡Inglès es mi clase favorito!

8 Gramática- Present tense of –ar verbs 0 You already know that the infinite forms of Spanish verbs end in –ar, -er, or –ir. 0 The largest group of verbs end in –ar. Hablar is one of these verbs. 0 You will want to use verbs in ways other than in the infinitive form. To do this, you will drop the –ar ending and make changes. 0 To create the forms of most -ar verbs, you first drop the –ar form from the infinitive, leaving the stem: hablar habl- 0 Then you add the verb endings –o, -as, -a, -amos-, áis, or –an to the stem.

9 Present tense of –ar verbs (cont.) (Yo) hablo(Nostros, Nosotras) hablamos (Tú) hablas(Vosotros, Vosotras) habláis (él, ella) habla(Ellos/Ellas) hablan In Spanish, the present tense form of a verb can be translated into English in two ways: Hablo Español- I speak Spanish I am speaking Spanish The verb endings always indicate who is doing the action. In this case, they tell who is speaking. Because of this, you can often use the verb without a subject. Also, subject pronouns are often used for emphasis or clarification.

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