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Apuntes: Tener Lección 5: La familia.

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Presentación del tema: "Apuntes: Tener Lección 5: La familia."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Apuntes: Tener Lección 5: La familia

2 Yo Puedo… I can… Success Criteria
Conjugate the verb tener in the present tense Use tener to show possession Success Criteria Form all six conjugations of tener including spelling changes and correct –ER verb endings to match the subject Use tener in sentences with nouns to show ownership and relationships between family members

3 El verbo Tener To have tengo tenemos tienes tenéis tiene tienen
Tener means ________________________. It is an irregular verb. It is a “go” verb in the yo form and has an e:ie spelling change in the tú, él/ella/ud., and ellos/ellas/uds. forms. Complete the verb chart for the present tense of tener. tengo tenemos tienes tenéis tiene tienen

4 Success Criteria Check
Form all six conjugations of tener including spelling changes and correct –ER verb endings to match the subject Marker board practice Do not write or draw unnecessarily on the boards Cap markers when not writing Share eraser cloths and do not write on the cloths Based on the subject spun on the wheel, write the correct form of tener or your board Students will be called on to tell what the subject and verb mean in English

5 They have three good books. Él tiene dos primos rubios.
Tener and Possession Tener is used to show possession (what a person has). Examples: Ellas tienen tres libros buenos. He has two blonde cousins. They have three good books. Él tiene dos primos rubios.

6 Tener Expressions (Part C) Lección 5: La familia
Apuntes: Tener Tener Expressions (Part C) Lección 5: La familia

7 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria
Use tener expressions to describe states of being Success Criteria Conjugate tener and use it with nouns to express states of being Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures

8 Tener Expressions Tener is sometimes used where in English we would use a form of the verb “to be.” Here are some tener expressions Remember, the English equivalents of each of these expressions will begin with the words “to be…”

9 Tener _____ años To be _____ years old. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
How old are you?

10 Tener (mucho) calor To be (very) hot/warm

11 Tener (mucho) frío To be (very) cold

12 Tener (mucho) cuidado To be (very) careful

13 Tener (mucha) prisa To be in a (big) hurry

14 Tener (mucha) hambre To be (very) hungry

15 Tener (mucha) sed To be (very) thirsty

16 Tener razón To be right

17 No tener razón To be wrong

18 Tener (mucho) miedo (de)
To be (very) afraid (of)

19 Tener (mucho) sueño To be (very) tired

20 Tener (mucha) suerte To be (very) lucky

21 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Es el invierno y nieva mucho. Tengo ________. frío

22 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Yo corro por (through) la escuela. Tengo ________ . prisa

23 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Necesito descansar. Tengo ________ . sueño

24 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Estoy en la cafeteria porque deseo comer. Tengo ________ . hambre

25 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Es el verano y hace mucho sol. Tengo ________ . calor

26 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Mi cumpleaños es el veintitrés de febrero. Tengo catorce ________ . años

27 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures Estudio mucho para los exámenes. Tengo ________ . razón

28 Success Criteria Check
Identify states of being using tener expressions based on clues given in Spanish, English, and/or with pictures ¡Necesito beber agua! Tengo ________ . sed


30 Tener Expressions Lección 5: La familia
Apuntes: Tener Tener Expressions Lección 5: La familia

31 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria
Use tener to express obligation and willingness Success Criteria Be able to tell verbally and in writing what I have to do and what I feel like doing

32 Y’all have to practice Spanish.
Tener and Obligation Tener is used to tell what someone has to do (obligation). For this tener expression, use the formula: Tener que (to have to) + infinitive of a verb In this formula, tener gets conjugated. Remember that an infinitive has the –ar, -er, or –ir ending. Examples: Tenemos que estudiar. Tenéis que practicar español. We have to study. Y’all have to practice Spanish.

33 Yes, I feel like eating because I am hungry.
Tener and Willingness Tener is used to tell what you feel like doing or to ask someone if they feel like doing something. For this tener expression, use the formula: Tener ganas de (to feel like) + infinitive of a verb In this formula, tener gets conjugated. When translated, the infinitive has “ing” on the end Examples: A: ¿Tienes ganas de comer? B: Sí, tengo ganas de comer porque tengo hambre. Do you feel like eating? Yes, I feel like eating because I am hungry.

34 ¡Practicar! Answer the following questions about yourself in complete sentences. Make sure you change the form of the verb in your answer to the “yo” form. Be prepared to share your answers! Hacer = to do ¿Qué tienes que hacer? ¿Qué tienes ganas de hacer?

35 Escuchar

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