Future Tense in Spanish


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Future Tense in Spanish El Futuro Future Tense in Spanish Spanish III Señora Hoffman-Fields

Uses of the Future Tense The future tense is used to express something that will occur in the future. It can also be used to express wonder, or make a guess. ex: I will feed my cat. ex: I wonder what she’s doing today. ex: He’s probably playing football.

Formation of the Future Tense Add these endings directly to the infinitive; DO NOT drop the ending. There is only one set of future tense endings, used on –ar, -er, and –ir verbs. yo -é nosotros -emos tú -ás vosotros -éis él ella -á Ud. ellos ellas -án Uds.

Irregular Future Stems infinitive stem haber habr- poder podr- querer querr- saber sabr- poner pondr- salir saldr- tener tendr- venir vendr- decir dir- hacer har-

¡Practicar! 1.She will translate the report 1. Ella traducirá el informe. 2.He is probably playing tennis with Ricardo. 2.Jugará al tenis con Ricardo. 3.I wonder what Paco is doing. 3.¿Qué hará Paco?