Ser Possession. Ser for possessive When using ser as a possessive, there are two essential things to remember: – A form of the verb “ser” and the word.


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1 Los sustantivos en español Los sustantivos en español.
Possessive Adjectives
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Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs)
Page 192 capítulo 3b The Verb SER.
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El verbo –ESTAR- Sra. Medeles Página 115 en el texto.
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Ser part 2. Subject Pronouns in Spanish Singular Plural_______ Yo = I Nosotros = We (masculine/mixed group) Nosotras =We (feminine) Tú = You Él=He Ellos.
Los adjetivos demostrativos
In Lección 2, you learned how to express preferences with gustar
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved Indefinite words refer to people and things that are not specific, for example, someone.
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Transcripción de la presentación:

Ser Possession

Ser for possessive When using ser as a possessive, there are two essential things to remember: – A form of the verb “ser” and the word “de” – Word order The verb form needs to match the number and person of the subject (the things that are owned, NOT the person who owns them)

Ser for possessive As there no way to make a person or thing possessive, the noun addresses the thing or thing that is owned. – A good way to think of this is as follows: the pencil is of Cindy. El lápiz es de Cindy. – The pens are of Sr. Nelson Los lápices son de Sr. Nelson is of

Ser for possessive Practice with the following: – La mochilla Sr. Torres – La carpeta Srta. Gomez – Las plumas Los alumnos – Las rotuladoras Miguel

Ser for possessive La mochilla es de Sr. Torres La carpeta es de Srta. Gomez Las plumas son de los alumnos Las rotuladoras son de Miguel

Ser for possessive The other way to express possessive using “ser” includes the same things, a form of “ser” and the word “de”, but the word order is different: – It is Mr. Nelson’s shirt. – It is the shirt of Sr. Nelson. Es la camisa de Sr. Nelson. – They are the student’s (feminine) papers. Son los papeles de la alumna.

Yo Veo con Mi Ojito…

Yo Veo con Mi Ojito…. Algo= something Yo veo con mi ojito, algo azul. Now other people in the class guess (adivinar)what it is that you are looking at. ¿Es la carpeta azul de Tomás? No, no es la carpeta azul de Tomás. ¿Son las plumas azules de Maribel? ¡Si! Son las plumas azules de Maribel.