Redes FTTH Tecnored SA Ing. Juán Dominguez


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Redes FTTH Tecnored SA Ing. Juán Dominguez Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon… (+ personalised introduction)

Contenidos Tecnored – Redes FTTH Acerca de Tecnored SA Introducción a Redes FTTH Servicio de Valor Agregado sobre redes FTTH Ventajas con respecto a otro tipo de redes ( HFC, ADSL ) Distancias máximas y anchos de banda disponible Costos de Mantenimiento y operación de la red Arquitectura de Redes PON Diferentes tipos de diseño de Red Componentes de la red de distribución y usuario Integración con redes de Televisión Analógica Soluciones. Casos de Éxito implementados por TecnoRed Costos de una Red FTTH Tecnored – Redes FTTH

Introducción Redes FTTH

¿Qué significa FTTH / GePON ? FTTH ( Fiber to the Home ) GePON ( Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network ) Tecnología de acceso con fibra hasta el hogar Hola que tal Introducción

¿Por qué empezar con FTTH? Aumento de la necesidad de ancho de banda en el cliente Crecimiento de nuevas tecnologías como IPTV, Video on Demand, vigilancia, etc. Opción por excelencia para brindar Triple Play Inversión a prueba de futuro Proyecciones a futuro muestran FTTH como la única capaz de soportar todos los servicios Actualmente gran parte del mundo, USA, Europa y Asia están apostando fuertemente a esta tecnología Hola que tal Introducción

FTTH y su gran abanico de Servicios Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps Introducción

Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps ) FTTH es la única red que puede proveer la demanda de ancho de banda de los usuarios en el futuro FTTH Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps ) Seguridad – Camaras IP Introducción

FTTH es la única red que puede proveer la demanda de ancho de banda de los usuarios en el futuro Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps Juegos sobre Internet ( Xbox, Playstation, Juegos online ) Seguridad – Camaras IP Introducción

FTTH es la única red que puede proveer la demanda de ancho de banda de los usuarios en el futuro Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps ) Television Analogica y Digital ( SDTV y HDTV ) Juegos sobre Internet ( Xbox, Playstation, Juegos online ) Seguridad – Camaras IP Introducción

FTTH es la única red que puede proveer la demanda de ancho de banda de los usuarios en el futuro Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps IPTv, Video On Demand, Videoconferencia, y muchos más Television Analogica y Digital ( SDTV y HDTV ) Juegos sobre Internet ( Xbox, Playstation, Juegos online ) Seguridad – Camaras IP Introducción

FTTH es la única red que puede proveer la demanda de ancho de banda de los usuarios en el futuro Acceso a Internet desde 100Mbps a 1Gbps IPTv, Video On Demand, Videoconferencia, y muchos más Telefonia IP Television Analogica y Digital ( SDTV y HDTV ) Juegos sobre Internet ( Xbox, Playstation, Juegos online ) Seguridad – Camaras IP Introducción

Hacia redes simétricas Nuevos servicios requieres no solo altos de banda, sino también simétricos Tráfico de subida es cada dia mayor y eran escasas o nulas las redes totalmente simetricas hasta la llegada de FTTH. Facebook, grooveshark, fotos, videos, todo apunta a compartir información, por ende el tráfico de subida cumple un rol muy importante. Juegos Online Teleworking Introducción Videoconferencia Contenido Interactivo Almac. Online Subir Audio / Video 2nd piece of good news for the end user: FTTH removes bottlenecks uploading, offering 2-way broadband Example of 300 photo uploading times on this slide, donw to 56 seconds with FTTH compared to 92 minutes on 1 meg ADSL. + example of any interactive application. We believe FTTH will allow eApplications and eContent to take off. Let’s have a look as some applications.

Mas servicios sobre FTTH Posibilidad de brindar a un cliente en particular un servicio de internet dedicado. Posibilidad de crear vlans sobre vlans para interconectar a toda una empresa, de manera que pase por nuestra red de forma transparente ( QinQ ) Servicio de conexion entre clientes remotos de nuestra red, de hasta 1Gbps dedicado. Introducción 2nd piece of good news for the end user: FTTH removes bottlenecks uploading, offering 2-way broadband Example of 300 photo uploading times on this slide, donw to 56 seconds with FTTH compared to 92 minutes on 1 meg ADSL. + example of any interactive application. We believe FTTH will allow eApplications and eContent to take off. Let’s have a look as some applications.

Ventajas de una Red FTTH Who are we?

Ventajas Redes FTTH Hola que tal Enorme capacidad de transmisión de información. Baja atenuación: Largas distancias sin repetidores ( hasta 20 Km ). Posibilidad de brindar N-Play sin limitaciones, y servicios futuros de gran ancho de banda. Red totalmente pasiva, sin necesidad de instalar equipos activos en la planta externa. Posibilidad de actualizar una red CATV a FTTH, y seguir brindando televisión ya sea analógica o digital utilizando RFoG. Hola que tal Redes FTTH

Ventajas Redes FTTH Hola que tal Soporta no solo Televisión digital, sino también Televisión convencional analógica ( CATV ), bajando los costos de mantenimiento de la red ( OPEX ), entre otros. Opción ideal para cable operadores que tienen que actualizar su planta externa, debido al deterioro con el paso del tiempo de la misma. Ampliación del ancho de banda ( futuro, escalable a 10Gbps ) con nuevas tecnologías 10Gepon, solo cambiando el equipo en la cabecera, sin necesidad de actualizar la red. Hola que tal Redes FTTH

Comparación con otras tecnologías FTTH vs ADSL / HFC Redes FTTH

Infraestructura Redes FTTH Where is FTTH happening?

Arquitectura Básica de Red Infraestruct. Redes FTTH

Arquitectura de red Distribuida PON ( Ventajas ): 1:2~1:32 splitter Ahorro de OPEX; Reducción de espacio y costo A futuro podemos instalar otro splitter en la distribucion y dividir 1:4 y 1:8 u otras formas. Infraestruct. Redes FTTH Splitter O L T ONU ONU Ahorro de Recursos de Fibra 1.25G transfererencia ,hasta 40 Mbps promedio por usuario. ONU

Arquitectura de red Centralizada Splitter y patchera de fibra en Armarios Un solo nivel de splitter Distribución de servicios segun el cliente ONU O L T ONU Infraestruct. Redes FTTH Sencilla actualizacion de equipamiento Instalación de splitters a medida que se van instalando usuarios ( reducción de costos ) Facil mantenimiento de red ONU Clasificacion de servicios por cliente. Sencilla instalacion de enlaces punto a punto Facil localizacion de fallas

Ejemplo de Plantel Externo Infraestruct. Redes FTTH

Ejemplo de Plantel Externo Splitter x 32 Infraestruct. Redes FTTH Entrada de Fibra Armario Externo

Ejemplo de Plantel Externo Splitter x 32 para Armario Fibra optica Entrada Infraestruct. Redes FTTH 32 Salidas de FO

Ejemplo de Plantel Externo Splitter x 32 Infraestruct. Redes FTTH Patchera de Fibra

Ejemplo de Plantel Externo Infraestruct. Redes FTTH

Equipamiento Redes FTTH Where is FTTH happening?

Equipo de Cabecera OLT8000 Equipos Redes FTTH Puertos Gigabit Ethernet Placa PON para 2 puertos PON SPF Puertos PON SFP

Equipo de Cabecera OLT8000 Equipos Redes FTTH Chasis con fuentes redundantes Fuente Primaria Equipos Redes FTTH Fuente Secundaria

Equipo de Cabecera OLT8000 Equipos Redes FTTH Caracteristicas Principales Ampliable hasta 8 puertos PON 1,25Gbps simétricos por puerto Hasta 64 usuarios por puerto ( 32 usuarios recomendado ) Preparada para soportar IPTV Completa integración con switches Ethernet. Soporta ONUs ( equipos cliente ) de Triple Play, y tambien con los diferentes servicios por separado. Equipos Redes FTTH

Equipos de Cliente ONU Internet 100 Mbps Equipos Cliente – Redes FTTH Puerto PON Ethernet 100 Mbps

Equipos de Cliente ONU Internet 100Mbps Puerto de Administración Equipos Cliente – Redes FTTH Puerto PON Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps

Equipos de Cliente ONU Internet + Telefonía Puerto PON Equipos Cliente – Redes FTTH 4 x Datos 2 x Telefonía

Equipos de Cliente ONU Triple Play Televisión Puerto RF Puerto PON Equipos Cliente – Redes FTTH 2 x Telefonía 4 x Datos

Aprovisionamiento Redes FTTH Where is FTTH happening?

Sistema de Aprovisionamiento Caracteristicas Principales Configuración de planes de Ancho de Banda para clientes Configuración de planes “Turbo” para distintas franjas horarias Administración de la red, incluyendo Armarios, NAP, Onu, OLT. Consultar estados de conexión de todas las ONUs de la red. Administrador de servidor de DHCP para los CPEs. Listado de CPEs conectados detrás de las ONUs. Apros – Redes FTTH

Sistema de Aprovisionamiento Pantalla Carga de ONUs Splitter x 32 Apros – Redes FTTH

Sistema - Carga de Planes Splitter x 32 Apros – Redes FTTH

Pantalla - Carga de red Splitter x 32 Apros – Redes FTTH

Sistema de Aprovisionamiento Apros – Redes FTTH

Televisión Redes FTTH Where is FTTH happening?

Televisión sobre redes PON Puedo brindar TV analogica covencional? SI Puedo brindar TV digital? SI Puedo brindar TV HD? SI Puedo brindar IPTV ? SI Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Televisión sobre redes PON Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Televisión sobre redes PON Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Televisión sobre redes PON Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Televisión sobre redes PON Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Televisión sobre redes PON Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Que necesito para brindar TV analógica ? Transmisor CATV ( amplificador CATV ) Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Que necesito para brindar TV analógica ? EDFA ( amplificador combinador de señales ) Televisión en Redes PON Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Micronodo Salida CATV Equipos de Cliente TV AN-CATV-P9128 Entrada Óptica Equipos de Cliente TV Salida RF Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Micronodo Salida CATV Equipos de Cliente TV AN-CATV-B9428 Entrada Óptica Equipos de Cliente TV 4 Salidas RF Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Micronodo Salida CATV Equipos de Cliente TV AN-CATV-P9128WD Salida para conectar ONU Internet Equipos de Cliente TV Entrada Óptica Salida RF Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Ancho de Banda para IPTV 1 Canal SDTV ( Standard definition ) = 1,5 Mbps ( Resolución 720x576 PAL o 720x480 NTSC ) 1 Canales HDTV ( High Definition ) = 8 Mbps ( Resolución 1920x1080 ) Conexión Internet = 6 Mbps Telefonía IP Total requerido = 2 canales HD + Internet + TOIP = 16 Mbps + 6 Mbps = 24 Mbps Ancho de Banda - IPTV Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Por qué FTTH / GePON ? Where is FTTH happening?

Ventajas de GePON sobre GPON GePON es mas eficiente cuando se transportan datos Ethernet. GePON tiene compatibilidad full con todas las funciones de switches y routers Ethernet. Ya que posee soporte nativo para todas las funciones del standard Ethernet. GePON es mas flexible y de fácil configuración GePON es mas apropiado y mas eficiente para servicios IP/Ethernet y de Triple Play. Por que GePON? FTTH CE started as small group of 25 companies in 2004 We are proud to say that we have grown into a powerful industry organisation today with more than 115 members FTTH CE represents the FTTH industry in Europe, with both manufacturers and deployers, as well as academia. We are now opening our membership to other related industries: content, applications, investment Our mission is to foster the deployment of FTTH because we believe that sustainability is not just about the environment, but also society and the economy. FTTH has a positive impact on all 3, so: We believe in a sustainable future enabled by fibre to the home

We believe in a sustainable future enabled by fibre to the home Ventajas de GePON GePON es mas popular en ISPs donde IPTV y VOIP son servicios importantes. GePON es parte del standard Ethernet, el cual es muy simple y facil de manejar. GePON es administrable via SNMP mucho mas simplificado que los sistemas de ATM ( en GPON ). Y totalmente integrable con HP Openview y otras herramientas de monitoreo que el cliente ya posea. Por que GePON? FTTH CE started as small group of 25 companies in 2004 We are proud to say that we have grown into a powerful industry organisation today with more than 115 members FTTH CE represents the FTTH industry in Europe, with both manufacturers and deployers, as well as academia. We are now opening our membership to other related industries: content, applications, investment Our mission is to foster the deployment of FTTH because we believe that sustainability is not just about the environment, but also society and the economy. FTTH has a positive impact on all 3, so: We believe in a sustainable future enabled by fibre to the home

Casos de Exito FTTH Where is FTTH happening?

Redes en funcionamiento Canals ( Córdoba ) 25 Manzanas 512 hogares pasados Migraron desde una red Wireless Red en pleno funcionamiento desde hace un año Brindando los servicios de Internet + Telefonía. Primer ciudad del norte del país en tener una red FTTH en funcionamiento., Casos de éxito FTTH FTTH CE started as small group of 25 companies in 2004 We are proud to say that we have grown into a powerful industry organisation today with more than 115 members FTTH CE represents the FTTH industry in Europe, with both manufacturers and deployers, as well as academia. We are now opening our membership to other related industries: content, applications, investment Our mission is to foster the deployment of FTTH because we believe that sustainability is not just about the environment, but also society and the economy. FTTH has a positive impact on all 3, so: We believe in a sustainable future enabled by fibre to the home

Redes en etapa de implementación Reconquista ( Santa Fe ) 200 manzanas 4000 hogares pasados Avellaneda ( Santa Fe ) 50 manzanas 1000 hogares pasados Alicia ( Córdoba ) 30 manzanas 640 hogares pasados Casos de éxito FTTH FTTH CE started as small group of 25 companies in 2004 We are proud to say that we have grown into a powerful industry organisation today with more than 115 members FTTH CE represents the FTTH industry in Europe, with both manufacturers and deployers, as well as academia. We are now opening our membership to other related industries: content, applications, investment Our mission is to foster the deployment of FTTH because we believe that sustainability is not just about the environment, but also society and the economy. FTTH has a positive impact on all 3, so: We believe in a sustainable future enabled by fibre to the home

Headend ( Cabecera ) Implementación Real FTTH Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Plantel Externo Implementación Real FTTH Caja de Empalme TRONCAL Caja de Distribución 8 puertos Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Clientes que confian en nosotros Implementación Real FTTH Since its creation in 2004, the FTTH CE has evolved from a small group of 25 members to a powerful organisation representing the FTTH industry in Europe Today we are expanding by opening our membership to FTTH stakeholder from related industries such as content, applications and investment We are also strengthening our local presence and deepening the Council through the endorsement of local country platforms FTTH awareness and interest is rising because FTTH is not just about technology, it is an enabler, and stakeholders outside of the ICT industry have understood that

Conclusión Where is FTTH happening?

Conclusión Quiere una red a prueba de futuro? Quiere una red totalmente apta para Triple Play? Quiere disminuir sus gastos OPEX (mantenimiento)? Olvídese de ecualizar la red Olvídese de los problemas de distancia a los usuarios Empiece hoy con la empresa que mas experiencia tiene en redes FTTH

Gracias por su atención!!! Heavy Reading on FTTH maturity: USA are 4 years ahead of Europe Japan is 8-10 years ahead Europe