Honduras. Capital Tegucigalpa Tegucigalpa 1,086,641 San Pedro Sula 638,259 Choloma 222,828 La Ceiba 174,006 El Progreso 131,125.


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Transcripción de la presentación:


Capital Tegucigalpa

Tegucigalpa 1,086,641 San Pedro Sula 638,259 Choloma 222,828 La Ceiba 174,006 El Progreso 131,125

Before the Spanish arrived to Honduras various indigenous groups inhabited the land. -the Lencas, -the Tol, -the Pech, -the Maya, -the Sumo

Mosquitos Zambos occupying the Caribbean coast of Central America

Cristobal Colon arrived in Honduras in Columbus named the country Honduras ("Depths") for the deep waters off its coast


BallCourt The Mayans used this court to play a game involving an eight pound rubber ball - in important games the winner could be sacrificed to the gods

Tegucigalpa It is Commonly known as Tegus. It was founded on Sep 29, 1578 by the Spanish. It became the capital in 1880

The Metropolitan Cathedral, built between 1765 and 1786.

Basilica of the Virgin of Suyapa, built in 1954.

Los Dolores Church, built 1735

Basilica of the Virgin of Suyapa, built in 1954.

Presidential House, official residence of the President of Honduras.

San Pedro sula San Pedro Sula was founded on June 27, 1536 by Pedro de Alvarado

The city serves as a major transportation hub for the rest of the country, while economically maintaining its base in light industry and the commercial production of coffee, bananas, beef, sugar cane, tobacco, and forestry. San Pedro Sula Old Train Station

Cuyamel River

Samuel Zemurray was born in Russia in He came to the US when he was 14 years old. His first business venture in New Orleans was very successful. He bought very cheap ripe bananas that were discarded when they arrived at the port. He then sold them around town. By the age of 21 he had saved $100,000. He then bought a steamship and traveled to Honduras and bought 5000 acres of land along the Cuyamel River and created the Cuyamel Fruit Company In 1930 he sold his company to his rival United Fruit Company for 31.5 million dollars and retired The United Fruit Company lost 90% of its value during the great depression. Zemurray bought the company back and revived it. Finally in 1954 he retired as the president of United Fruit Company. He died in new Orleans in Samuel Zemurray

Demographics mestizo (mixed Amerindian and European) 90%, Amerindian 7%, black 2%, white 1%

Facts -Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America -More than half of the population lives in poverty -Has the world's highest murder rate. -Roman Catholic 97%, Protestant 3%


Baleadas -Flour tortillas -with refried beans -Cheese -And sour cream

Sopa de Caracol

Music Punta is a Garifuna music & dance style performed at celebrations and festive occasions. Contemporary Punta arose in the last thirty years of the twentieth century in Honduras.

Sopa de caracol Ingredientes 6 tazas de caldo de pollo 3/4 libra de yuca, pelada y en cubos (aproximadamente 2 tazas) 2 zanahorias, picadas 1 cebolla mediana, picada 1 lata (14.5 oz.) de tomates (jitomates) en cubitos bajos en sodio 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva o vegetal 3 dientes de ajo, finamente picados 1 chile serrano o de otro tipo, finamente picado (más o menos al gusto) 1/2 cucharadita de jengibre fresco finamente picado 1 libra de carne de caracol, cortada en pedacitos y ablandada a golpes, o de vieiras, almejas o cualquier clase de mariscos de carne dulce 1 lata (12 fl. oz.) de leche evaporada NESTLÉ CARNATION Evaporated Milk 1 lata (13.5 oz.) de leche de coco 1 cucharadita de sal 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida 1/2 cucharadita de comino en polvo 1/4 taza de cilantro fresco picado COLOCA el caldo de pollo, la yuca y las zanahorias en una cacerola grande a fuego alto; déjalos hervir. Reduce el fuego hasta obtener un hervor suave. Agrega la cebolla y los tomates; pon la tapa. Mantén un hervor suave, revolviendo de vez en cuando, durante 10 minutos aproximadamente. CALIENTA el aceite en una sartén grande a fuego medio. Agrega el ajo, los chiles y el jengibre; cocínalos durante 1 minuto o hasta que se ponga translúcido el ajo. Agrega la carne de caracol; cocínala, revolviendo de vez en cuando, durante 2 minutos. Agrega la mezcla de caracol a la cacerola. Incorpora la leche evaporada, la leche de coco, la sal, la pimienta negra y el comino. Cocina la sopa, revolviendo de vez en cuando, hasta que hierva. Retírala del fuego. Incorpora el cilantro y sirve.

Basic Baleada Recipe: Ingredients: 2 cups of wheat flour 1 cup of water or tepid milk 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/2 cup oil To make the Tortilla (the Baleada Shell): -Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. -Knead the mixture until it is completely mixed and not sticky. -Form the dough into golfball size balls. -Cover and let sit for about 20 minutes. -Take each ball of dough and stretch it on a flat surface to make a large tortilla. Should be thick. -Set the tortilla on a hot pan or grill until crisp. -Turn the tortilla over and cook the other side. Fillings: Once the tortilla is ready you can fill it with anything you like much like a burrito. Traditionally in Honduras a baleada features refried black beans, fresh cream, and shredded cheese. To spice it up add avocado, or egg, or chile and fold the tortilla in half.

Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas writing in the 17th century Bernal Diaz del Castillo, in his Verdadera Historia de la Conquista de Nueva España Bernal Diaz del Castillo