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Make your memories come alive on the pages of your scrapbook. You are one of a few lucky—and sneaky—Americans that has had the opportunity to visit Cuba.

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Presentación del tema: "Make your memories come alive on the pages of your scrapbook. You are one of a few lucky—and sneaky—Americans that has had the opportunity to visit Cuba."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Make your memories come alive on the pages of your scrapbook. You are one of a few lucky—and sneaky—Americans that has had the opportunity to visit Cuba this year. While vacationing, you took in 3 major cities, ate delicious meals and immersed yourself in the culture and people of the island. Now you need to put together a scrapbook of your trip for your family and friends to see. Include snapshots of three Cuban cities or towns you visited. In your journaling, be sure to mention where the city is located, the terrain, the local attractions and any other details that make this a place worth investigating. Tell your friends about 2 favorite dishes you had in Cuba and include the recipe along with a photo. Use tú commands for your recipe instructions. Give a weather report. Did you get caught in a hurricane or were all your days perfectly sunny and warm? Wow your friends by showing them how artsy you are. Tell them about a visit to a fine arts of folk art event that you attended in Cuba. How do Cubans express themselves artistically? Don’t forget to tell everyone about that cool Cuban custom you witnessed on your island vacation. Finally, make your friends jealous when you show them your pictures of the… Attention: Use the subjunctive (5 times) to make recommendations and give travel advice in your scrapbook.

3 Here are some web sites to help you complete the task. Travel: Beautiful travel pictures: Cuban ministry of Tourism Culture: Cuban Culture - a travel website Soy Cubano - all about cuban culture Cuba Heritage Food: Music: AfroCubaWeb -- The African Cultures in Cuba Cuban Rumba Music -- everything you want to know about Cuban music Other sites of interest: United States-Cuba Relations Center for a Free Cuba US State Department Web Site Traditions/cultural celebrations



6 1. INGREDIENTES: 1 libra de frijoles negros 10 tazas de Agua 6 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 1 Cebolla grande 1 aji grande 5 dientes de Ajo 1/4 cdta de oregano 1 hoja de Laurel 1/4 cucharadita de Comino molido Sal y Pimienta a gusto 1 cucharada de vinagre 1 cucharada de vino seco 1 cucharada de azucar MODO DE PREPARACIÓN:AguaCebollaAjoLaurelCominoPimienta 2.Lava los frijoles y ponlos a remojar con el agua y la hoja de laurel hasta que esten hinchados. 3.Ponlos a cocinar en esa misma agua hasta que esten blandos(aproximadamente 45 minutos) 4.En un sarten pon 4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva,la cebolla y aji picadito o molido y el ajo machacado,para sofreir. 5.Incorpora este sofrito a los frijoles ya blandos. 6.Aplastaa una taza de los frijoles(granos)en este sarten e incorporalos a la cazuela de nuevo. 7.Añade la sal,pimienta,oregano,comino y azucar. 8.Dejalos cocinar a fuego lento y tapados por media hora y luego agrega el vinagre,vino seco. 9.Dejalos cuajar a fuego lento a gusto y al servirlos agregarles 2 cuharadas de aceite de oliva.


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