Unidad 4 lección 1 BOOT VERBS!!. Boot verbs Stem-changing verbs have regular –ar, –er, and –ir present tense endings. For e ie stem-changing verbs, the.


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Unidad 4 lección 1 BOOT VERBS!!

Boot verbs Stem-changing verbs have regular –ar, –er, and –ir present tense endings. For e ie stem-changing verbs, the e of the stem changes to ie in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. I.E. QUERER The E in QUER changes to IE when we Conjugate it except for the nosotros and vosotros forms. stemVerb ending


Boot verbs - Querer I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of querer. 1. ¿________________ tú llevar la camisa negra? 2. Jaime y yo __________________ las papas fritas. 3. Vosotros _______________ montar en bicicleta 4. ¿________________ Uds. dibujar? 5. Juan ____________ comer. 6. Tú ____________ una QUIERES QUIEREN QUEREMOS QUERéIS QUIERE QUIERES

Boot Verbs Other e ie stem-changing verbs: cerrar (_________________________), empezar ( ____________________), entender ( ______________________), pensar (______________________) & preferir ( _____________________). To close To begin, to start To understand To think or to plan To prefer

Boot verbs PREGUNTA: How do we know which E to stem change? In stem-changing verbs, it is the next-to-last syllable that changes. Pre – Fe –Rir – the E changes to IE in second to last syllable Ex: Paula prefiere el vestido azul. - Paula prefers the blue dress. QUERER ENTENDER PENSAR

Boot Verbs Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the stem-changing verb. 1. Yo __________________ (preferir) comer las manzanas más que las naranjas. 2. Catalina _______________ (querer) cantar. 3. Tú no __________________ (entender) 4. Nosotros ________________ (empezar) a comprar ropa nueva para el invierno. 5. Ellos__________ (cerrar) la puerta.

Boot Verbs When a verb is followed immediately by another verb, the second verb is always in the infinitive. Ex: Ellos _________________ aprender el español. – They want to learn Spanish. ¿________________ jugar básquetbol conmigo? – Do you want to play basketball with me?

Práctica III. Translate. 1 They plan to go shopping. 2. We want to listen to music. 3. The store plans to close at 8:00. Ellos piensan ir de compras. Nosotros queremos escuchar música. La tienda piensa cerrar a las ocho.