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Título I Escuela Primaria de Birdville

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Presentación del tema: "Título I Escuela Primaria de Birdville"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Título I Escuela Primaria de Birdville 2011-2012
For , our campus is one of twenty BISD schools that will receive additional funds for instruction to supplement other funds available to the campuses. These supplemental funds are provided by a federal program called Title I.

2 ¿Cuál es la plataforma legal para Título I?
Ley de 1965 de la Educación Primaria y Secundaria Legislación de 2002 que ningún niño se quede atrás Title I is the largest of the federal entitlement programs and the most well known. Every detail of the program is outlined in these two pieces of legislation. No Child Left Behind, called NCLB, provided direction and a detailed description of requirements tied to the receipt of these funds.

3 ¿Cuál es el propósito del Programa Título I?
Asegurar de que todos los niños, particularmente los estudiantes de bajos logros en las escuelas de más alta pobreza: Tengan derechos, igual, y oportunidad significativa para obtener una educación de alta calidad, y Alcance su habilidad en los desafiantes estándares académicos del estado y en las evaluaciones estatales. The purpose of Title I is to provide funds to “level the playing field” for students who are at a disadvantage in terms of reaching high levels of achievement due to poverty. Specifically, this program is designed to ensure that all children, in particular the lowest achieving children in the highest poverty schools, are given extra advantages to overcome hurdles that exist for them. Research indicates that students impacted by poverty encounter instruction by unqualified teachers and paraprofessionals, tend to perform poorly on state assessments, and lack parental involvement at higher rates than other students.

4 ¿Como recibimos fondos en el Distrito de Birdville?
Birdville ISD Agencia de Educación de Texas Departamento de Educación de E.U. The US Department of Education receives an allocation from Congress which it passes on to each state based on the number of families living in poverty from the most recent census count. The Texas Education Agency then sends allocations to each school district based on the number of students in poverty families residing in the district. In , BISD will receive approximately 2.9 million dollars in Title I funds plus an additional 1.1 million dollars in stimulus funds to be used specifically in BISD’s Title I program. These stimulus funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Funds are reserved at the district level for parent involvement activities, homeless students, required travel and training, private school participation, and central salaries including a Parent Liaison. The remainder of the funds are sent to the campuses with greater than 40% free/reduced lunch enrollment, based on April 2009 counts. Campuses receive funds in rank order with the campus with the highest percentage (89%) getting the highest amount (based on the number of students eligible for free/reduced lunch at that campus) with the lowest percentage (42%) getting the smallest amount per pupil. This formula, while complicated, is prescribed by law.

5 Escuelas Primarias Título I del 2011-2012
Birdville Elementary W.T. Francisco Elementary Mullendore Elementary Hardeman Elementary Holiday Heights Elementary John D. Spicer Elementary Academy at West Birdville Major Cheney Elementary at South Birdville David E. Smith Elementary Jack C. Binion Elementary Richland Elementary WataugaO.H. Stowe O.H. Stowe Elementary Foster Village Elementary Academy at Carrie F. Thomas This year in Birdville ISD, 15 elementary campuses meet the criteria for participating as Title I campuses—based on having at least 40% of the students eligible to receive free/reduced lunch. Of the fifteen elementary Title I campuses, six earned the Exemplary accountability rating and seven earned the Recognized rating for 2009. The fifteen elementary campuses will receive over 2.3 million dollars in Title I funds in

6 ¿Qué Significan los fondos de Título I para nosotros en la Escuela Primaria de Birdville?

7 Escuela Primaria de Birdville distribución de Título I 2011-2012
# de estudiantes – abril # de elegibles para almuerzo gratis 433 Porcentaje de almuerzo gratis/reducido % Distribución por estudiante $467 Distribución de escuela $202,010 Here’s the information that the Title I allocation for W. T. Francisco Elementary is based on. The free/lunch numbers came from PEIMS. Those numbers are used to figure percentages, per-pupil allocations, and campus allocations.

8 Metas de la Escuela Primaria de Birdville para el 2011-2012
Apoyo en la Adquisición del idioma de inglés Apoyo en matemáticas Apoyo de comunidades en las escuelas Aprendizaje Profesional Participación de padres Decisions are made each year in late April and in May on where to target Title I efforts. This year’s campus needs assessment indicated student performance in math and ELA. Title I funds will be used to provide: Professional learning through attendance at conferences Tutorials Participation in the Communities in Schools program with a licensed social worker Parent involvement activities Supplemental research-based instructional materials Portion of a nurse’s salary

9 ¿Cómo podemos utilizar este $$$?
Cumplir con el objetivo de Título I. Deberá ser incorporado en el plan escolar. Proveer instrucción con maestros altamente calificados y asistentes educativos. Proveer aprendizaje profesional para maestros, directores, asistentes educativos y padres. Coordinar con otros programas. Completar y no suplir otros esfuerzos. Usar métodos y estrategias efectivas. Let’s look at the rules for using this money. (Review list.)

10 ¿Cómo empezamos ? Empezar con análisis de datos y logros estudiantiles
Enfocarnos en el grupo de estudiantes con más necesidad de apoyo Explorar las posibilidades dentro de la guía del presupuesto Involucrar a los padres y al personal de la escuela Although every campus will develop its own individual plan for Title I services, the first steps are the same. (Review list.)

11 ¿Cómo involucrar a los padres?
Llevar a cabo juntas anuales de Título I Ofrecer cantidades de juntas flexibles Incluirlos en la planificación y revisión del Programa Titulo I Proporcionar la información en el idioma de casa Proporcionar información sobre cualificaciones del personal Desarrollar un acuerdo entre la escuela y padres Desarrollar una Política de participación para los padres en la escuela Perhaps the most significant Title I requirements are in the area of parent involvement. Title I requires the campus to engage parents in the following ways. (Review list.)

12 ¿Existen condiciones? Aumenta los requisitos de documentación
Proporcionar a los padres el aviso de “derecho de saber” Utilizar el acuerdo entre la escuela y padres y la Política de participación para los padres Emplear a personal altamente calificados, incluyendo a los asistentes educativos Yes, there are strings! (Review list.) Title I requires the campus to prove that the plan worked! That means that student achievement must increase every year. We have talked about the requirements of the school parent compact, the parent’s right to know professional qualifications of staff, and the parent involvement policy. NCLB directs its attention to ensuring that all teachers in core academic subjects are highly qualified. Title I puts an additional requirement that paraprofessionals must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, plus 2 years of college (48 hours), or an Associate’s degree or pass a rigorous written test demonstrating that they are able to help students complete school work. Since this campus is a Title I schoolwide program, all the EAs on this campus who work with students must meet this requirement. Suzy Compton, Cindy Dubuis, and Linda Currier will work to make sure this happens.

13 ¿Como puedo ayudar ? ¡Participe! ¡Propague las buenas noticias!
Mantenga enfoque en metas para mejoramiento Participe en la planificación y evaluación de los esfuerzos del Programa Título I Anime a las familias a llenar los formularios de almuerzo gratis/reducido The support of every staff member and every parent on our campus is needed to make our students and Title I successful. These are ways to help. (Review list.) Any questions?

14 ¿Preguntas? The support of every staff member and every parent on our campus is needed to make our students and Title I successful. These are ways to help. (Review list.) Any questions?

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