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Estación de tren de la localidad de Treblinka, cerca del campo.

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Presentación del tema: "Estación de tren de la localidad de Treblinka, cerca del campo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Estación de tren de la localidad de Treblinka, cerca del campo.
Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Estación de tren de la localidad de Treblinka, cerca del campo. 1

2 Treblinka Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 2

3 Treblinka Este plano fue transmitido a la Secretaría Central del movimiento Gordonia en Rumanía por el emisario que visitó las ciudades polacas y la región de Galizia para establecer contacto con los miembros que quedaban de ese movimiento . Firmado: Jefe de la Secretaría de Gordonia en Rumanía, Septiembre de Fuente: Julius Kuhl Collection, Wiener Library. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 3

4 Treblinka Plano del área de exterminio de Treblinka, realizado en 1944 por Yankiel Wiernik, superviviente. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 4

5 Treblinka Plano de KUDLIK, WIERNIK y TRAUTSOLT .
Uno de los primeros planos, realizado por supervivientes en Fuente: Zdzislaw Lukaszkiewicz. Oboz stracen w Treblince. PIW, Warszawa 1946. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 5

6 Treblinka Plano de KUDLIK, LAKS y PLATKIEWICZ.
Versión perfeccionada del primer plano de Kudlik, 1945. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 6

7 Treblinka Plano de Richard Glazar, superviviente. Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano de Richard Glazar, superviviente. 7

8 Treblinka Plano de Samuel Willenberg . Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano de Samuel Willenberg . 8

9 Treblinka Plano dibujado para Oneg Szabat, archivo clandestino del ghetto e Varsovia. El autor es un habitante de Czestochowa que logró escapar de Treblinka, volvió a Czestochowa en Ocubre de 1942 e informó del campo. Nadie le creyó. Pudo tratarse de un tal Brokman o Henrik Sperlin. Ambos fueron deportados a Treblinka en Septiembre y posiblemente escaparan juntos. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 9

10 Treblinka Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano de Jakub Abraham Krzepicki, que fue deportado a Treblinka el 25 de Agosto de días después pudo escapar, escondido entre las ropas que eran enviadas de vuelta a to Lublin en un vagón de carga. 10

11 Treblinka Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano del campo anterior a Octubre de Copyright: P. Laponder. 11

12 Treblinka Plano del campo en Agosto de 1943. Copyright: P. Laponder
Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano del campo en Agosto de Copyright: P. Laponder 12

13 Treblinka Foto aérea de los restos del campo tomada en Septiembre de Fuente: Archivos Nacionales, Washington DC. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 13

14 Treblinka Franz Stangl, comandante de Treblinka, hablando con Kurt Franz. La foto muestra la entrada de un barracón de las SS. Album de Kurt Franz. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 14

15 Treblinka Franz Stangl (en el centro) charla junto a los barracones de las SS. La foto probablemente esté tomada en 1943. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 15

16 Treblinka Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 16

17 Treblinka Juramento de confidencialidad del personal de la Einsatz Reinhard, fechada el 18 de julio de 1942. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 17

18 Treblinka Listado de personal de la Einsatz Reinhard. Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 18

19 Treblinka Carta de Himmler a Globocnik fechada el 30 de noviembre de 1943 agradeciéndole sus servicios en la Aktion Reinhard (citada por G. SERENY, El trauma alemán, p. 157). Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 19

20 Treblinka Número de víctimas: Hasta 800.000 (R. Hilberg).
Procedencia: distritos de Varsovia, Lublin y Radom (Generalgouvernement), Bialystok (de los territorios polacos incorporados al Reich), Macedonia-Tracia, Reich y Theresienstadt. Tiempo de funcionamiento: Desde Julio de 1942 hasta Octubre de 1943. Cámaras de gas: Hasta 10. Eran de unos 16 metros cuadrados, en los que hacían entrar a personas a la vez. Forma de extermino: Monóxido de carbono producido con motor diesel. Forma de destrucción de los cadáveres: Los cuerpos fueron enterrados en fosas comunes y a partir de agosto de 1942, cuando se limpió el campo atestado de cadáveres tras la destitución de Eberl, exhumados con excavadoras y quemados en unas parrillas construidas con vías férreas. Directores: Richard Thomalla durante su construcción (como antes en Sobibór), Dr. Eberl, Franz Stangl, Kurt Franz (ayudante). Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 20

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