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Entrada al campo de exterminio Auschwitz II (Birkenau)

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Presentación del tema: "Entrada al campo de exterminio Auschwitz II (Birkenau)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Entrada al campo de exterminio Auschwitz II (Birkenau)
uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Entrada al campo de exterminio Auschwitz II (Birkenau) 1

2 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 2

3 uschwitz-Birkenau Carta de Glücks a Himmler sobre KL Auschwitz, 21 feb 1940 (documento NO-034). Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 3

4 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 4

5 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 5

6 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 6

7 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 7

8 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 8

9 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 9

10 uschwitz-Birkenau Gaseamientos con Zyklon B en el mortuorio del crematorio de Auschwitz I. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 10

11 uschwitz-Birkenau Bunker I y II Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 11

12 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. E Bunker I o Casa Roja del campo de Birkenau es una granja expropiada a una familia polaca y adaptada por los alemanes para ser utilizada como cámara de gas. En ella se utiliza el Zyklon B. 12

13 Plano del Crematorio II.
uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Plano del Crematorio II. 13

14 uschwitz-Birkenau Crematorios II y III. Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Crematorios II y III. 14

15 uschwitz-Birkenau Crematorio IV. Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Crematorio IV. 15

16 Auschwitz III - Monowitz
uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Auschwitz III - Monowitz 16

17 uschwitz-Birkenau Rudolf Höss, comandante del campo de Auschwitz-Birkenau, entre el Reichsführer Himmler y Max Faust, asistente del jefe de ingeniería Dürrfeld, responsable de construcción de la IG Farben, durante una visita el 17 de julio de 1942 al emplazamiento del complejo industrial de Monowitz [PMO neg. no. 382]. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 17

18 uschwitz-Birkenau Visita de Himmler a Auschwitz. En la imagen frente a Horace Joseph “Jim” Greasley (25 de diciembre de 1918 – 4 de febrero de 2010), superviviente del Holocaust que se escapó del campo varias veces. Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 18

19 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 19

20 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 20

21 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 21

22 uschwitz-Birkenau Carta de Pohl a Himmler sobre las medidas de seguridad en Auschwitz, de 5 de abril de 1944 (documento NO-021). Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 22

23 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 23

24 uschwitz-Birkenau Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. Oficial ruso y miembros civiles de la primera Comisión de Investigación junto a dos antiguos prisioneros en una sala de desinfección del campo ante botes de Zyklon-B encontradas en el edificio 164 [Comisión Soviética, 1945] (tomada de Pressac, The Tecnique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, p. 47) 24

25 uschwitz-Birkenau Número de víctimas: Por encima de (R. Hilberg). Procedencia: Hungría: , Polonia: , Francia: , Holanda: , Grecia: , Reich-Protektorat: , Eslovaquia: , Bélgica: , Alemania y Austria: , Yugoslavia: , Italia: , Letonia: 1.000, Noruega: 690, otros campos: Tiempo de funcionamiento: Desde septiembre de 1941 hasta noviembre de 1944 (como campo de exterminio, tanto el campo I como el II). Cámaras de gas: Siete. Una en Auschwitz I y seis en Birkenau: los Bunker I y II, dos subterráneas y dos en superficie. Forma de extermino: Zyklon B. Forma de destrucción de los cadáveres: Incineraciones masivas en el exterior y crematorios. Directores: R. Höss, anterior comandante de los campos de Dachau y Sachsenhausen. Desde noviembre de 1943 Höss es reemplazado por Arthur Liebehenschel. En mayo del 44, Höss vuelve a asumir la dirección del campo (8 mayo-29 julio). Desde entonces, el comandante del campo es Richard Baer, que también participó en la T4 y en la 14f13 Instructor Note: These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action. On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions. 25

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