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Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños

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Presentación del tema: "Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
Una guía para el óptico Increasing numbers of eyecare professionals are adopting an integrated approach to healthy sight, called Healthy Sight Counseling, which considers factors beyond visual acuity – such as quality of vision, visual comfort and convenience, and long-term ocular protection and eye health – when making eyewear recommendations. While Healthy Sight Counseling is a concept for all ages, when we consider the healthy sight of children, in many cases the need to address factors beyond simple vision correction become even more important for children than for adults. After all, vision care in childhood can affect healthy sight for a lifetime. When making product recommendations for children, eyecare professionals can do more than prescribe and dispense eyeglasses. They can promote healthy sight by addressing the full range of factors impacting on a child’s healthy sight – visual acuity, quality of vision (particularly light sensitivity and glare), trauma and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) protection and self- and peer-acceptance of spectacle wear – and by taking the time to educate everyone on what is required to provide healthy sight now and to protect and preserve it for the future. This seminar will focus on the Healthy Sight Counseling model of vision and eye care and illustrate how it can be serve as a successful framework to address the unique vision care and vision wear needs of children.

2 ¿Qué es una Visión Saludable?
La visión saludable se define como la mejora de la calidad de la vista a diario y la preservación de la salud ocular a largo plazo, en pocas palabras, significa ver bien ahora y en el futuro. So what do we mean by healthy sight? Healthy sight is defined as the enhancement of the everyday quality of vision and the preservation of long-term ocular health—simply put, seeing well now and in the future.

3 ¿Cuál es el rol del Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable?
El Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable le proporciona al profesional de la salud visual un acercamiento integrado a una promoción de la Visión Saludable en el ejercicio de la profesión a través – Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos™ – Mantenimiento y cuidado preventivo de los ojos – Aumento del conocimiento de la Visión Saludable a través de la educación Healthy Sight Counseling provides the eye care professional with an integrated approach to promoting Healthy Sight in the practice through customized eyeglass prescription™ maintenance and preventive eye care raising awareness of Healthy Sight through education

4 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable™
ANTEOJOS Sensibilidad a la luz Deslumbramiento Fatiga ocular Calidad de vista Diseños de lentes Mejoras de lentes: - Tecn. Fotosensible - Tratamientos AR - Lentes polarizados - Bloqueo de la RU - Resistencia a los impactos Agudeza visual Cantidad de vista Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos CUIDADO DE LA VISTA EL PACIENTE Exámenes regulares de la vista Dieta Ejercicio Suplementos Protección contra RU Protección contra traumas oculares Healthy Sight Counseling (HSC) is a patient-centered approach based on primary care-medical methodology. Crucial to the successful implementation of Healthy Sight Counseling is the integration of the three key components of HSC: Vision Care, Vision Wear, and Education. Healthy Sight Counseling addresses both quantity and quality of vision issues, leading to what is called the customized eyeglass prescription™, where specific eyewear recommendations are made taking into account the individual patient’s specific visual needs, occupational and recreational requirements, ocular and systemic health issues, risk factors, and lifestyle. Conocimiento por parte del paciente Consideraciones especiales Pacientes de alto riesgo Niños Salud EDUCACIÓN Salud de los ojos Salud general Medicamentos

5 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
¿Por qué es importante? ¿Cuáles son las necesidades especiales de los niños? In considering Healthy Sight Counseling for Children, we can begin by raising two questions. Why is it important? What are the special needs for children?

6 ¿Por qué el AVS es importante para los niños?
El Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable promueve la prevención La prevención comienza con una detección precoz y una intervención a una edad temprana La prevención y la intervención deben realizarse de manera oportuna Ciertos factores de riesgo son acumulativos y pueden tener un impacto en la salud ocular a largo plazo Healthy Sight Counseling is arguably more important in the child than in the adult, because of the preventive aspects it encompasses. Obviously for preventive measures to prove effective the earlier they are implemented the better. Furthermore, the child’s eyes are more susceptible than the adult’s to certain risk factors that affect long-term ocular health. These include impact and UVR protection. In addition to the early detection and treatment of serious ocular abnormalities in the child (particularly high and/or asymmetrical refractive errors, vision-threatening diseases, and strabismus, all of which can lead to amblyopia), the prompt and accurate correction of ametropias, and the use of various eyeglass lens enhancements to maximize both the quantity and quality of vision may play an important role in the development of the child from ophthalmic, educational, functional, and social aspects. Healthy Sight Counseling, then, will be most effective when started young. This is particularly true of the preventive components of HSC.

7 Diferencias entre la visión del adulto y del niño
Los ojos de los niños son diferentes a los ojos de los adultos. Los ojos inmaduros de los niños son más vulnerables a daños oculares relacionados con la RU. Las necesidades visuales de los niños son diferentes a las de los adultos La buena visión es un factor crítico en el desarrollo educacional, funcional y social del niño. El estilo de vida de los niños puede aumentar el riesgo Los niños pasan más tiempo al aire libre que los adultos, y por lo tanto sufren una exposición al sol tres veces mayor. Los niños representan el grupo etario que desarrolla mayor cantidad de actividad física, y cuentan con un mayor riesgo de contraer lesiones oculares relacionadas con los deportes. El uso de computadoras y video juegos genera exigencias especiales para la vista. A child is not simply a miniature adult. Children are very different from adults, and children’s eyes as well as their visual needs also tend to differ from those of adults in a number of important ways: Children’s immature eyes are more vulnerable to UVR-related ocular damage. Vision is critical to a child’s early educational, functional, and social development. Healthy sight can contribute to a healthy start in life. For the most part, children have different lifestyles than adults. Children spend more time outside than adults, experiencing up to three times more sun exposure. Children are the most physically active of any age group with a higher risk for sports-related eye injuries. Computer and video game use create special demands on vision. These differences make the approach to vision and eye care quite different in the child than in the older patient.

8 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
Cantidad de la vista en los niños Enfermedad ocular Errores de refracción Calidad de la vista en los niños Confort visual Modulación de la luz Protección contra el deslumbramiento Salud de los ojos de los niños Protección contra los impactos Protección contra la RU Enfermedad sistémica y medicamentos El Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños en acción: Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos™ Educación Acercamiento en equipo We’re going to approach Healthy Sight Counseling for Children by exploring children’s Quantity of Vision, Quality of Vision, and special risk factors, and then see how it can best be put into action.

9 Cantidad de vista en los niños
Quantity of vision is defined by how well a child sees using a standard visual acuity chart, usually the Snellen chart. Accurately assessing quantity of vision becomes more difficult the younger the child, but even in pre-verbal children, the experienced examiner can get some idea of the visual status. Measuring quantity of vision is useful in detecting medical and refractive abnormalities that can limit visual function. With refractive errors, measuring quantity of vision can be helpful in assessing the adequacy of vision correction with eyeglasses.

10 Cantidad de vista en los niños
El examen de la vista es esencial para una detección precoz y una intervención/corrección Having a vision examination is first step in Healthy Sight Counseling for the young patient. This is critical in order to the identify both significant refractive errors and vision-threatening ocular diseases at a young enough age so that appropriate measures can be taken to either correct these or minimize their effects on Healthy Sight. While there exist differences of opinion on specific recommendations for vision examinations in youth, one fact is indisputable: Children should be examined. NOTE: The model of Healthy sight counseling is based on the premise that everyone should have a comprehensive eye examination and this is especially important in the young child. While in the real world, It is recognized that many children partake in vision screenings which are able to detect many of the vision problems, a full and comprehensive eye examination is recommended.

11 Examen de la vista para niños
Enfermedades oculares que presentan el riesgo de la pérdida de la vista Estrabismo Ambliopía Errores de refracción altos o asimétricos Factores de riesgo especiales The most important components of the vision examination in the child are the early detection of potentially vision-threatening ocular diseases and strabismus and prompt and appropriate intervention to maximize vision and decrease the potential for the development of amblyopia. The recognition of significant refractive errors that can impair visual functioning, impede educational progress, and hinder psychosocial development is also crucial, as is the identification of special risk factors requiring specific optical precautions.

12 Examen de la vista para niños
El componente más fundamental e importante en el niño, como en el adulto, es la agudeza visual. Además: Alineación de los ojos Pruebas de estereopsis While there are many components to a vision examination, the simplest and most basic is the assessment of the child’s visual acuity. Other basic components of the vision exam in the child are the evaluation of the alignment of the eyes and stereopsis testing.

13 Calidad de la vista: errores de refracción en niños
Frecuencia de errores de refracción Miopía Hipermetropía Astigmatismo Discapacidad Visual Funcional Impacto en el desarrollo del niño Impacto socio-económico The World Health Organization has estimated that 5-15% of children worldwide have significant refractive errors. The potential price of failing to address this quantity of vision issue is tremendous from the viewpoint of school performance, acquisition of hand-eye-mediated motor coordination skills, and psychosocial development. Visual impairment in the child can have a profound life-long socioeconomic impact in developing nations where large numbers of refractive errors go uncorrected. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha estimado que entre un 5-15% de los niños de todo el mundo padecen errores de refracción significativos

14 Calidad de la vista en los niños
If quantity of vision measures visual acuity, quality of vision measures visual comfort and satisfaction. Up until recently, quality of vision issues in children have not been readily discussed. This is not because they do not exist. Much more so than in adults, though, these quality of vision issues have been largely overlooked. Two recent studies have demonstrated that eyeglass-wearing children are bothered by the same quality of vision issues (specifically light sensitivity and glare) as adults, and, of even greater interest, the vast majority of them (more than 90%), when given the choice, prefer using eyeglass lens enhancements to address these quality of vision problems.

15 Calidad de la vista en los niños
Confort visual Protección contra el deslumbramiento Modulación de la luz In assessing patient satisfaction with eyeglasses prescribed/dispensed, Healthy Sight Counseling expands the optician’s checklist to include quality of vision issues—specifically visual comfort, glare and light modulation . Children do have quality of vision issues, the same as adults. But unlike adults, children may not readily identify these quality of vision issues. It is the role of the optician in Healthy Sight counseling for the child to explore quality of vision issues in the eyeglass-wearing child and use the customized eyeglass prescription, as in the adult, to specifically address them.

16 Calidad de la vista en los niños
Resultados de estudios recientes realizados en Australia y Estados Unidos: Alrededor del 90% de los niños elegió los lentes fotosensibles sobre los lentes claros Along these lines, of interest when it comes to quality of vision and prescribing/dispensing eyeglass lens enhancements in young patients are the results of two pilot studies assessing children’s preferences between clear and photochromic lenses with regard to visual comfort, visual convenience, and self/peer-acceptance of eyeglass wear. The first study was performed in the U.S. by Madeline Romeu, O.D. and Susan Stenson, M.D. in The second was performed by Carole Lakkis, BScOptom Ph.D and Kate Weidemann, BOptom, at Clinical Vision Research Australia at the University of Melbourne in 2006. In both studies, after completing two 30-day trial periods wearing photochromic lenses and clear lenses sequentially, participating children completed specially-designed pediatric quality of vision surveys, with questionnaires designed to assess their experiences wearing their lenses in different situations such as outdoor use, indoor use, or when watching television, using computers or adjusting to lighting changes. The children were also queried regarding personal and peer acceptance of their eyeglasses. These studies were based on similar studies previously performed in the adult population.* Both studies found that children significantly preferred photochromic lenses over clear lenses. In the Australian study, 88% of children chose to continue wearing photochromic lenses at the conclusion of the study. In the U.S. study, 9 out of 10 children similarly chose photochromic lenses over clear lenses. *In a clinical study, four out of five patients preferred the visual comfort of Transitions Lenses 1.50 over regular, clear lenses. Stenson SM, Baldy CJ, Scherick KJ: Evaluation of vision-related quality of life for patients wearing photochromic lenses. CLAO Journal 2002; 28:

17 Preferencia comprobada
Mayor confort visual Mejor aceptación por parte de los compañeros In the U.S. study, significant factors influencing this preference for photochromic over clear lenses included improved visual comfort as well as higher peer acceptance. Children in the study experienced a significant improvement in their ability to see in bright sunlight outdoors with photochromics over clear lenses. - --47% of children said they had “no trouble at all” seeing in bright sun when wearing photochromic lenses compared with 27% of those wearing clear lenses. 61% reported that their friends liked them better wearing photochromic glasses as compared to 46% whose friends liked them better wearing clear lenses. Results from a parent survey also indicated a clear preference for photochromic lenses, with 98% of the children’s parents saying they would be likely to select photochromic lenses over clear lenses for their child in the future.

18 Testimonios de los niños
“Son mejores que los lentes comunes, especialmente cuando hay sol. Como practico muchos deportes y generalmente estoy jugando todo el día, los lentes (Transitions) ayudan mucho cuando me da el sol en la cara.” “Me gustan más los lentes que se oscurecen afuera que los lentes comunes. Mis amigos piensan que tienen mucha onda.” Here are some of the actual testimonials from kids who participated in the studies. Both this and the Australian study convincingly demonstrate that children can and do appreciate the benefits of quality-of-vision eyeglass lens enhancements like photochromic lenses, and, when given the opportunity, they appear to overwhelmingly prefer photochromics over standard clear eyeglass lenses. “Me ayudan a ver mejor y lo mejor de todo es que los lentes (Transitions) se oscurecen cuando voy afuera por lo que ya no tengo tantos dolores de cabeza como antes.”

19 La salud de los ojos de los niños
Healthy Sight is all about seeing well now and into the future. This latter consideration makes preventive eye care of paramount importance in Healthy Sight Counseling. A crucial element of preventive eye care is ocular protection from those factors that might impact adversely on a lifetime of Healthy Sight.

20 La salud de los ojos de los niños
El Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable promueve la prevención Protección contra los impactos Protección contra la radiación ultravioleta (RU) Enfermedad sistémica y medicamentos When considering Healthy Sight Counseling, preventive eye care, and ocular protection in children, several factors deserve special consideration: impact and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) protection and systemic disease and medications

21 Protección contra los impactos
En EE.UU. se producen por año aproximadamente lesiones oculares relacionadas con los deportes El 43% de éstas se produce en niños menores de 15 años de edad el 90% de estas lesiones oculares se podrían evitar utilizando anteojos de protección ocular Sólo el 15% de los niños los usan anteojos de protección para deporte Children live and prosper in an active, rough-and-tumble world--much more so than adults. And, all too often, children--and specifically children’s eyes--pay the price for living in this kind of world. Approximately 40,000 sports-related ocular injuries occur in the U.S. each year. Of these 43% occur in children under 15 years of age. It has been estimated that 90% of these ocular injuries could be avoided with the use of appropriate sports-protective eye wear, but only about 15% of children use eye protection for sports.

22 Anteojos y Protección contra los impactos
Lentes resistentes a los impactos Lentes de policarbonato o Trivex™ Anteojos para deportes For this reason, all children’s eyeglasses should be dispensed in impact-resistant materials such as polycarbonate or Trivex™ materials. In addition, for spectacle-wearing and non-spectacle-wearing children engaged in contact sports or sports involving high velocity projectiles (e.g. tennis, racquet ball, etc.) protective wrap-around sports glasses or goggles with impact-resistant lenses should be routinely recommended.

23 Exposición a la radiación ultravioleta (RU) y los niños
Al igual que la piel, sus ojos necesitan protección. El 80% de la exposición a los rayos UV durante la vida ocurre antes de los 18 años El cristalino de un niño transmite 7,5 veces más cantidad de radiación RU 75% de transmisión a los 10 años 10% de transmisión a los 30 años El daño ocasionado por la radiación UV es acumulativo And just like your skin the eye s need protection. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) protection for the skin and the eye is among the most important aspects of preventive medicine in this century. This is because of the increasing hazard of UVR exposure due to the ongoing—and seemingly accelerating—depletion of the protective ozone layer. Ocular UVR protection for the child is important for two reasons: first, because the bulk of the lifetime UVR exposure occurs prior to age 18; and second, because the clear lens of the young child transmits 7.5X the amount of potentially harmful UVR as the yellowing lens in the adult. We also need to remember that damage caused by exposure to UVR is cumulative and therefore protection needs to begin as early as possible.

24 RU y Enfermedades oculares en los niños
EXPOSICIÓN AGUDA “Quemaduras” de los ojos y los párpados Both acute and chronic UVR exposure can be harmful for the eyes. Acute intense exposure leads to what is essentially a sunburn of the eyelids and the eyes (conjunctiva, cornea, or retina).

25 RU y Enfermedades oculares en los niños
EXPOSICIÓN CRÓNICA – Cáncer de piel en los párpados – Cataratas – Degeneración Macular Relacionada con la Edad (DMRE) – Pterigión Chronic UVR exposure is more insidious and probably more important from the viewpoint of potential visual disability. While these conditions may not present in children, long-term cumulative UVR exposure has been identified as a risk factor in the development of cataract, age-related macular degeneration, and pterygium.

26 Anteojos y Protección contra la RU
Asegúrese que todos los lentes tengan bloqueo al 100% de la radiación UVA y UVB Lentes claros comunes Lentes fotosensibles Lentes de tinte fijo Lentes polarizados It is important for all lenses to have 100% UVA & UVB blockage. Besides protecting the eyes from UVR, fixed tint and photochromic lenses have the ability to modulate light and, with AR-coatings, to decrease distracting, discomforting and disabling glare, thus acting to improve the quality of vision.

27 Otras consideraciones
La enfermedad sistémica y los medicamentos pueden impactar en la visión saludable de los niños Calidad de la vista La salud de los ojos In addition to impact and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) protection, Healthy Sight Counseling also takes into consideration systemic diseases and the medications used to treat them and how these might impact on children’s quantity and quality of vision and long-term eye health.

28 Enfermedades/Afecciones de la infancia relevantes
Diabetes Asma Cáncer Síndrome de Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (SDAH) Certain childhood diseases may impact on vision and long-term ocular health and these should be identified in the young patient. Of special relevance are childhood diabetes, asthma, cancer, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

29 Medicamentos importantes en los niños
De acuerdo con un estudio llevado a cabo por el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades en el 2004, aproximadamente el 13% de los niños en Estados Unidos sufrió algún tipo de problema por el cual ha tenido que tomar medicamentos recetados en forma regular por un período de al menos 3 meses Medicamentos comunes incluyen: Esteroides (incluyendo inhaladores) Fármacos para el tratamiento del SDAH Antihistamínicos Fármacos para el tratamiento del cáncer Insulina y medicación por vía oral para el tratamiento de diabetes In addition to childhood diseases, a number of commonly-prescribed medications used to treat these diseases in children can impact negatively on Healthy Sight. These include steroids (including inhalers), ADHD drugs, antihistamines, chemotherapeutic agents, insulin, and oral diabetes medications. According to a Center for Disease Control survey, approximately 13% of children in the United States had a problem for which prescription medication had been taken regularly for at least 3 months [Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Children: National Health Interview Survey, 2004].

30 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable en Acción
Now that we’ve defined Healthy Sight and reviewed what Healthy Sight Counseling is all about, it’s time to put HSC into action.

31 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
El examen completo de la vista abarca: Calidad de la vista La salud de los ojos Historia médica Medicamentos Estilo de vida Healthy Sight Counseling in children begins with a comprehensive eye examination, including a meticulous refraction. Using the medical/primary care model, a careful systemic history is also taken, with review of all illnesses and medications in recent or current use. A family ocular history is next, followed by a detailed survey of the patient’s individual visual lifestyle to determine any special visual requirements and relevant ocular risk factors. All this will lead to an eyeglass prescription customized to the individual patient and that patient’s visual needs. = Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos

32 Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos™
Los anteojos modernos no sólo corrigen la vista. Los anteojos modernos pueden mejorar la calidad de la vista a diario, proteger los ojos hoy y ayudar a reducir la aparición de enfermedades oculares que presentan el riesgo de la pérdida de la vista en el futuro The Customized Eyeglass Prescription™ generated enables the optician to promote healthy sight. Modern eyeglasses can do more than simply correct vision. Modern eyeglass lenses and lens enhancements actually do enhance vision, providing quality of vision and helping to protect the eyes and prevent vision-threatening ocular disease in later life. The most effective way to deal with both quantity and quality of vision issues as they impact on Healthy Sight and Healthy Sight Counseling is through a careful refractive examination with the prescription of the appropriate corrective lenses to achieve the best possible vision and the recommendation of specific eyeglass lens enhancements – such as impact-resistant lenses, anti-reflective coatings, fixed tint and photochromic lenses, and polarized lenses – to promote quality of vision. This is best achieved through the routine use of the customized eyeglass prescription, which prescribes with both quantity and quality of vision in mind.

33 Prescripción Personalizada de Anteojos™
Cuando un par no es suficiente Anteojos y calidad de la vista Protección contra la RU Protección contra el deslumbramiento Protección contra los impactos Modulación de la luz Anteojos para deportes If quality of vision is to assume its proper importance in HSC, traditional eyeglass prescribing and dispensing need to be revisited. If modern eyeglasses have the potential to do more than simply correct refractive errors, their additional roles in promoting quality of vision, protecting the eyes, and encouraging long-term ocular health suggest that one pair of eyeglasses might not be enough for every patient. Ocular protection from ultraviolet radiation and impact injuries, glare reduction, and light modulation can all be addressed with the right choice of lens materials and lens enhancements.

34 Mejoras en los lentes Materiales de lentes resistentes a los impactos
Policarbonato Trivex™ Tratamientos anti-reflejo (AR) Lentes fotosensibles Lentes de tinte fijo Lentes polarizados Anteojos para deportes Spectacle lens materials and enhancements to be considered include Impact resistant lens materials such as polycarbonate or Trivex™, high index materials where appropriate, anti-reflection (AR) coatings, fixed tint lenses, photochromic lenses, and polarized lenses. If the child plays sport a specialized pair may be required.

35 Consejos - Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
Las preocupaciones de los niños son para ‘preocuparse’ Las preocupaciones de los padres también deben considerarse Tanto los armazones como los lentes son importantes Ver y lucir bien Ofrezcan lo mejor Atención interactiva Hablen en el lenguaje correcto ¡Creen hábitos saludables a una edad temprana! Here are some practical tips that will assist you in dispensing customized eyeglasses—and Healthy Sight--to children: Spectacle Lens Materials and Lens Enhancements are important. Spectacle lens materials and spectacle lens enhancements are integral components of the customized spectacle prescription so crucial for effective HSC. All spectacle lenses prescribed for children must be impact-resistant and 100% UVA- and UVB-absorbing. Anti-reflective coatings and fixed tint, photochromic, or polarizing lenses provide improved quality of vision and should be considered in children’s eyewear the same as in eyewear for adults. Frames are important. During frame selection, advise parents on what constitutes not only a good frame but one that fits well. Don’t let them—or their child--fall in love with a frame that simply doesn’t work! When deciding on a frame for the child, keep in mind that it is the child who will be wearing it. While the primary function of prescription eyeglasses for children is to help those children to see well, those same children are unlikely to wear those eyeglasses if they doesn’t think they look good in them. Eyeglass frames are a fashion statement and should be treated as such. Remember that while it is the child who will be wearing the eyeglasses, it is the parents who will be paying for them, so recommend frames that are durable and as “child-proof” as possible. Additionally, consider recommending special sports frames if the child plays sports or is involved in active pursuits. Bring out the best. Never withhold offering premium products for children. Parents want the best in everything for their children – why not in their eyewear? Hands-on attention. Get the child physically engaged with eyewear selection. Utilize in-office educational tools to introduce parents to the importance of everyday eye health and available lens options. Speak the right language. Talk to the CHILD about how good they look and how well they will see in their eyeglasses; talk to the PARENTS about specific lens benefits for their child. Stress the worry-free convenience of photochromics to parents; they want a simple optical solution that protects their kids’ eyes and makes them see well and comfortably under any and all light conditions. Basically parents want eyeglasses for their children that their children will wear. Create healthy habits early! Remember, you want to instill healthy eye habits at a young age so children will be on their way to a lifetime of healthy sight.

36 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable y Educación
Practitioner and patient education are crucial to the successful implementation of Healthy Sight Counseling. While adult patients are expected to partner with their eye care professionals and members of their medical team to work to achieve Healthy Sight, the situation becomes more complicated in children who are dependent on the many adults in their lives who look out for their well-being.

37 AVS para Niños: 2) Acercamiento en equipo
Profesionales de la Salud Visual Oftalmólogo Optómetra Óptico Padres Pediatra Enfermera de la escuela Entrenadores Consejeros infantiles A team approach to HSC in the child is an important concept for the eye care professional who is attempting to integrate HSC into the practice. As opposed to the situation in the adult, where HSC is typically a one-on-one interaction between the patient and the practitioner, when dealing with the child multiple patients are involved (i.e. the child, the parents, pediatricians, siblings, teachers, coaches, counselors, etc.).

38 Falta de conocimiento Es dos veces más probable que los niños usen protector solar que anteojos de sol Un tercio de los padres creen que es “muy poco probable” que compren lentes que bloquean la RU para sus hijos Es mucho más probable que los adultos elijan lentes que bloquean la RU para ellos mismos en lugar de comprarlos para sus hijos Transitions research has revealed some startling gaps in education and awareness when it comes to Healthy Sight. Kids are twice as likely to wear sunscreen as they are sunglasses. A recent survey* found that one third of parents were “very unlikely” to get UVR blocking lenses for their children. This same survey found that adults were twice as likely to choose UVR blocking lenses for themselves, than parents were for their children. *Survey conducted on behalf of Transitions Optical, Inc. from March 9-13, 2006 by ICR, Media, Pa.

39 Educación del paciente
An important component of Healthy Sight Counseling is education. Patient education can be part of every patient encounter, in the exam room, the reception area, the dispensary, and throughout the office. To aid you in explaining the importance of UVR and glare protection for kids, Transitions offers educational posters that can be displayed in the office. Transitions also offers a series of brochures to let patients know “What to Expect” from their eyes based on their age. The kids’ brochure provides information for parents on what’s happening to their child’s eyes and lists steps for preserving healthy sight.

40 Otros recursos
InfantSEE™ (en español) International Council of Ophthalmology (en español) Lighthouse International (en español) Prevent Blindness (en español) Vision 2020: Vision for Children (en español) World Council of Optometry There are many other resources provided by the optical industry that offer information on kids’ eyesight. Here are a few notable resources.

41 Asesoramiento para una Visión Saludable para Niños
Un breve repaso To ensure that every child benefits from the Healthy Sight Counseling approach to eye care, it can be helpful for the optician to review each patient encounter using the following checklist:

42 Listado para el óptico Verifique la satisfacción visual del paciente con los anteojos recetados Recomiende materiales, diseños y mejoras para los lentes de los anteojos que sean apropiados Ayude en la elección de armazones Sugiera el cuidado y mantenimiento adecuado de los anteojos Explique la importancia de controles regulares de la vista Haga hincapié en la necesidad de protección ocular contra los impactos y contra la RU El AVS puede ser efectivo tanto para los padres como para sus hijos 1) Check for visual satisfaction with eyeglasses prescribed; 2) Be sure that all eyeglass lens designs and lens enhancements that will serve to improve the quantity and the quality of the child’s vision, protect the eyes, and promote long-term ocular health have been offered; 3) Assist with appropriate eyeglass frame selection; 4) Discuss the importance of screening and regular follow-up eye exams in the child and adolescent; and 5) Emphasize the need for ocular UVR and impact protection. 6) Let the parents know that Healthy Sight Counseling can work for them as well as for their child. In this way -- through Healthy Sight Counseling -- we can help ensure a lifetime of healthy sight for children.


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