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C UANDO ERA NIÑO SP2H Proyecto de hablar y presentar.

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Presentación del tema: "C UANDO ERA NIÑO SP2H Proyecto de hablar y presentar."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 C UANDO ERA NIÑO SP2H Proyecto de hablar y presentar

2 C UANDO ERA NIÑO Reflect on how your life has changed since you were a child. Locate a picture of yourself as a small child and a picture of yourself now. (Try to find a few if you can) Only pictures should be included. However, you may include a written title and names of places or people. Your presentation will be memorized.

3 8 SLIDES TOTAL : SLIDES 1 AND 2 1. Title slide with your name/ teacher’s name/ class and period 2. Writing Slide (Leave blank until test day.)

4 S LIDE 3 3. Picture of you: Here you will use Sets 1 and 2 of vocabulary ( era, tenía, etc.) 5 sentences comparing/contrasting yourself then with yourself now. Use introductory words ( De niño, De pequeño, Cuando era niño, Cuando tenía cinco años, etc.) Use connecting words ( y, al contrario, también, todavía) Adjectives, Adjectives, Adjectives! Use vocabulary from set 2 (sociable, divertido, obediente, etc.) Photos only, NO TEXT

5 S LIDES 4-8 Photos only – No text Include photos that illustrate what you used to do and what you do today Use introductory words and connecting words Use vocabulary from Set 3 (enojarse, esconderse, etc.) in both past (imperfect) and present tenses.

6 Cuando era niño/a…Ahora 1. ¿Qué comías cuando eras niño/a?¿Ahora qué comes? 2. ¿Dónde vivías cuando eras niño?¿Y ahora, donde vives? 3. ¿Cuál(es) programa/s veías cuando eras niño/a?¿Y ahora, qué ves? 4. ¿Cómo eras cuando eras niño/a? (eye color, hair length, freckles, curls, glasses, etc.) ¿Y ahora, cómo eres? 5. ¿Tenías mascotas cuando eras niño? ¿Qué tenías?¿Y ahora, tienes mascota(s)? ¿Qué tienes? 6. ¿Ibas al parque frecuentemente? ¿Y ahora, vas al parque frecuentemente? 7. ¿Andabas en bicicleta cuando eras niño? ¿Y ahora, andas en bicicleta, caminas o manejas tu propio auto? 8. ¿Con qué tipo de juguetes jugabas? ¿Y ahora, con qué juegas? 9. ¿Te portabas bien en la escuela primaria? ¿Y ahora, como te portas en la escuela secundaria? 10. ¿Te preocupabas por tus quehaceres? ¿Y ahora, te preocupas por los quehaceres? ¿Cuáles son? I N SPEAKING, YOU WILL ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. IN WRITING, YOU WILL C HOOSE FIVE OUT OF THE TEN QUESTIONS BELOW TO ANSWER. YOU WILL NEED TO WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

7 M ODELO : 1. De niña, yo leía Good Night Moon. Al contrario, hoy yo leo The Hunger Games. 2. Cuando tenía dos años, no tenia hermanos, pero ahora yo tengo dos hermanos y una hermana.

8 Next, use the same information from the questions you wrote about to prepare a power point, prezi or glogster of your childhood.


10 M ODELO :

11 Content Accomplished 5-4 Competent 3-2 Beginning/Developing 1-0 Writing: Five questions I answered all 5 questions in complete sentences. I included details. I have 0-1 error in grammar. I answered some of the questions. Some details were included. I have 2-3 errors in grammar. I answered few or none of the questions. I have more than 4 or more errors in grammar. Use of the Imperfect Tense I conjugated all sentences with the correct use of the imperfect verb. I used verbs from each of the verb sections on the list. (0-1 errors) I conjugated the imperfect verb correctly most of the time/ missed a section of verbs. (2-3 errors) I made numerous errors with the imperfect verb, lacked variety of verb types. (4+ errors) Use of the Present Tense I conjugated all sentences with the correct use of the present tense verb. I used verbs from each of the verb sections on the list. (0-1 errors) I conjugated the present tense verb correctly most of the time/ missed a section of verbs. (2-3 errors) I made numerous errors with the present tense verb, lacked variety of verb types. (4+ errors) Self-Description I included at least one photo of myself, described myself with four to five sentences, using vocabulary from the unit, and with very few (0-1) error in pronunciation /grammar 0-1 errors I included at least one photo of myself, described myself with two - three sentences, using vocabulary from the unit, and with few (2-3) errors in pronunciation /grammar 2-3 errors Photo was not included, only one complete sentence, lacking vocabulary from the unit, and/or more than 3 errors in pronunciation/ grammar 4 or more errors Quality and Creativity: I presented my project fluently and in a creative, eye-catching manner. It shows evidence of thought and enthusiasm. I presented, however, I hesitated a bit. My project was somewhat attractive. I could have put more thought into it. I should have practiced my lines more. My project was neither creative nor evident of thought. Total points possible: 25

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