NOVEMBER 10TH, 11TH. Vámonos  Write three sentences to describe North West’s 1st birthday (the people).  Ejemplo:  Kim es la madre  Turn in SER homework.


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Transcripción de la presentación:


Vámonos  Write three sentences to describe North West’s 1st birthday (the people).  Ejemplo:  Kim es la madre  Turn in SER homework and pick up project instructions!

Anuncios  Test is next jueves/viernes… if you know you will be absent, take BEFORE you leave.  Jueves after school (11/20)  Tutorial el jueves  Test corrections LUNES, MARTES yJUEVES  Project due:  martes 11/18 (B Day)  miércoles 11/19 (A Day)

Nuestra Meta  SWBAT conjugate the verb ser  SWBAT describe family and friends  SWBAT describe celebrations and parties What makes up a family? How do I describe myself and others?

Repaso: Ser  Ser is an irregular verb that means “to be”

La prueba  During the quiz, keep bags closed and phones away.  When you finish, complete the survey and turn in with your quiz  Answer the questions to the best of your ability!  This is anonymous  Silencio!

Una historia… Use the correct form of ser!  Hola. Yo _____ Federico. Amelia _____ mi hermana. Mi perro (dog) se llama Señor. Amelia y Señor ______ perezosos. Tomás ______ mi padre. Mi padre ______ alto. Mi madre se llama Ana. Ella ____ interesante. Nosotros __________ una familia cómica. Yo _____ afortunado (lucky).

Escucha y contesta… (listen and answer)  You will hear a story about a fiesta 2 times. Take notes so you can answer the following questions.  Tiene=has  Who is the party for?  Does Amelia have any brothers or sisters?  If yes, what are their names?  How does Amelia describe her aunt?  Is the party boring or fun?

Types of errors…  noun/adjective agreement: NUMBER  INCORRECTO: Ellos son aburrido.  CORRECTO: Ellos son aburridos.  noun/adjective agreement: GENDER  INCORRECTO: Javier es perezosa.  CORRECTO: Javier es perezoso.  subject/verb agreement  INCORRECTO: Mi madre son cómica.  CORRECTO: Mi madre es cómica.

Hay unos errores en estas oraciónes… ¿Dónde están? NAME the error and correct the sentence.  1. La madre es aburrido.  Correction: ____________________________  Type of error?  Nosotros son interesantes.  Correction: ____________________________  Type of error?  La padre es cómico.  Correction: ____________________________  Type of error?

¿Sí o no?: una historia  Rewrite this paragraph, correcting any errors in writing as you go…  Hola. Me llamo Juan. Tengo (I have) cuatro amigos: Paco, Jacob, Charlie, y Trey. Paco es aburrida y malo. Jacob y Charlie es hermanos. Ellos son divertido y cómico. Trey es perezoso y simpáticos. A mi me gustan mis cuatro amigos.

Párafo: “Querido penpal…”  Using what you know about how to describe people, write a short letter in spanish describing yourself and your family. It needs to mention at least 5 different people, and needs to use the words on our vocabulary list. Use ser and be careful with noun/adjective agreement!  (El padre es cómico).  ***Writing to a pen pal, so introduce yourself! (Yo soy __)  Friend – amigo/a  Dear – querido/a “I have” – “Tengo..”  Sincerely – sinceramente“___is named” – “__se llama..”

Billete de Salida  Choose your favorite celebrity and write five descriptions about them.  Ejemplo:  “Jay-z es alto” o “Beyonce es una madre”  Tarea: Familia Project