Representación de la FAO en el Perú


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Representación de la FAO en el Perú El Derecho Humano a la Alimentación Adecuada Representación de la FAO en el Perú

Introducción al Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Parte I: Introducción al Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Speaker’s Notes: 1. Introduce the concept of the Human Right to Food 2. Highlight the complementarities between Right to Food and Food Security 3. Identify the conditions required to achieve Right to Food, placing emphasis on the legal obligations and responsibilities.

El Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada es El termino “Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada” se deriva del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (PIDESC) El comentario general N°12 declara que: “El Derecho a una alimentación adecuada se realiza cuando cada hombre, mujer y niño, solos o en comunidad con otros, tienen acceso físico y económico, en todo momento, a la alimentación adecuada o a medios para obtenerla.”

El Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada es Relator especial de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho a la Alimentación, 2002: El derecho a una alimentación adecuada es un derecho humano, inherente a todas las personas, que consiste en “tener acceso regular, permanente y sin restricción, directamente o por medio de compras financieras, de alimentos adecuados y suficientes en cantidad y calidad que corresponda a las tradiciones culturales de las personas que las consumen, asegurando la realización física y mental, individual y colectiva de una vida libre de miedos.”

¿Qué es la seguridad alimentaria? Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación, 1996: La Seguridad Alimentaria a nivel individual, familiar, nacional, regional y global se realiza cuando todas las personas, en todo momento, tienen acceso físico y económico a suficientes alimentos seguros y nutritivos para satisfacer sus necesidades y preferencias alimenticias para una vida activa y sana.” Speaker’s Notes: Highlight that the definition of and the conditions for achieving food security bear close resemblance to the definition of the right to adequate food.

El Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada no es: El derecho a una alimentación adecuada: ¿Acaso significa que el gobierno está obligado a distribuir alimentos gratuitos a todo el que desee? ¡Siempre habrá inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo! ¿No es el derecho a una alimentación adecuada, en el mejor de los casos, una meta alcanzable ? Pienso que el enfoque de derecho básico es muy jurídico… ¿no debería ser solo la actividad de los abogados ? !Las personas no necesitan derechos pero sí alimentos! El derecho a una alimentación adecuada no alimenta las personas ¿Acaso es necesario? Speaker’s Notes: There are several misperceptions about the right to adequate food. On the next screen, you will find a list of these and other common misperceptions with the relevant explanations.

El Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada no es... Igual al derecho de ser alimentado Específico a la agricultura Un invento de FAO Igual al derecho de alimentos seguros Innecesario Demasiado exigente para los gobiernos Un concepto occidental Voluntario Necesario un gran gobierno Una moda del desarrollo Demasiado caro para los gobiernos Speaker’s Notes: The Right to Adequate Food is not equal to the Right to Be Fed Many people, when they first hear about the right to adequate food, assume that it means that governments have an obligation to hand out free food to everyone who wants it. In other words, they understand the right to adequate food as the right to be fed. The right to adequate food would then be equated with food aid, which could also have negative effects as a cause of dependency and disincentives to work. This is a misunderstanding. The right to adequate food is in fact primarily the right to feed oneself in dignity. Food aid is an emergency measure that should have a limited time frame. The Right to Adequate Food is not equal to the Right to Safe Food The right to adequate food is sometimes understood as referring to the standards for the food that is available on the market, which should be safe. This is too narrow. Adequacy refers to quantity, quality and appropriateness, taking into account cultural aspects as well as the physiology of the individual, for instance, age and health status. The Right to Adequate Food is not a Western Concept Some perceive human rights as a Western concept that is culturally irrelevant to many developing countries and serves primarily the purpose of controlling the latter through aid, trade and debt conditionality. This view is mistaken. Human rights are universal and sought after by people from all cultures. No one wishes to have their human rights infringed. Every country in the world has ratified at least one human rights treaty and participated in the adoption of resolutions and declarations within the United Nations that reaffirm the universality of human rights. The Right to Adequate Food is not Voluntary It is sometimes argued that the right to adequate food is not a real human right. At best it constitutes an aspirational goal, as there will always be food insecurity in the world, and the right itself does not lend it self to legal enforcement. This line of thought overlooks the fact that the right to adequate food is recognized in binding international law. Moreover, each country needs to transform the international human rights law into its own national legal system and take steps at the national level for their realization. Many countries have demonstrated that such steps can be taken. Furthermore, the fact that the right to adequate food is not yet realized for everyone does not diminish its status as a human right. The Right to Adequate Food is not a Development Fad To some people in the development field, the human rights based approach to food security seem yet another fad in international development. This is not so. It is true that until recently, socio-economic rights were not considered from a human rights perspective, that is, if someone was working on food security then that was automatically equaled with the right to food, without any consideration of the process of how this was achieved or the dignity and rights of the individual. This has only recently changed, but human rights are not new; implementing these fundamental principles cannot be a fad that will be overtaken by another development focus. On the other hand, a human rights based approach does not replace development approaches, but enriches them. The Right to Adequate Food is not Ideological Those who are skeptical about the human right to adequate food sometimes hint that it is linked to the political left, or to the Catholic church or even to neo-liberalism. This is incorrect. Human rights are well beyond political debates or religious beliefs. Human rights apply in each and every political system and do not easily lend themselves to a left-or-right classification. During the cold war, there was an East-West divide in which the West championed civil and political rights and the East socio-economic rights, but that was based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the latter. Since 1993, the interdependence and equal importance of all human rights has been undisputed. The Right to Adequate Food is not too Legalistic It is sometimes heard that human rights are only the business of lawyers and that there is a legalistic approach inherent in human rights. It is true that international human rights law is indeed law. However, the implementation of human rights requires measures in many fields, not only the legal field. Indeed, full implementation of the right to food should permeate all sectors of government and civil society. While it is important for individuals to have recourse under the law, governments have to formulate and implement appropriate policies and strategies in collaboration with an active civil society if the right to adequate food is to be fully realized. The Right to Adequate Food is not Specific to Agriculture In some countries food security tends to be linked to agriculture and farming, understandably so, where sustenance farming was the norm. The right to food then tends to be understood as the right of farmers to produce food. This is a misunderstanding. While the role agriculture in some countries and some contexts is very important for the right to adequate food, the latter concept is more concerned with individual access to food, whether through production or procurement. For urban people, income security and a well functioning market is more important than production. The Right to Adequate Food is not an FAO Invention Because of the FAO Right to Food Guidelines and the priority accorded by FAO to the right to adequate food, some people think that the right to food was invented in FAO and is therefore not of concern to others. This is incorrect. This human right is recognized in, among others, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and is therefore binding international law for those 153 States that have ratified it. The FAO Guidelines do not change the legal status of the right to adequate food, but provide practical guidance on how it might be implemented. The Right to Adequate Food is not Unnecessary There is a perception that people do not need rights but food. This could be correct in an ideal world. In fact, the best practices to achieve food security are well known – but not implemented, for a variety of reasons. Food insecure people are the most marginalized in a society and thus deprived of political influence. The human rights approach puts those people at the center of development and empowers them to claim their rights. Implementation of the right to adequate food ensures that the well-known techniques and instruments are actually used. The Right to Adequate Food is not Too Demanding on Governments It is argued that the globalized economic system puts enormous pressure on governments to stay competitive (e.g. on taxes) which lead to lower revenues. This is said to limit the possibilities to live up to the function of primary duty bearer. Indeed, the right to adequate food does not deny that governments do face enormous pressure. But there seems to be a misperception of the magnitude of the endeavour to realize the right to food. Governments do not need to provide food for everyone but create an environment that allows everyone to feed him- or herself in dignity. Also, no matter how huge pressure on governments might be, ensuring that nobody suffers hunger always has to be a priority. The Right to Adequate Food does not Require a Big Government Some fear that major investments in institutions and people are needed to implement a right to food strategy. This is understood as a call for a big government and in contrast to the overall tendency to a leaner government. This is based on mistaken premises. The right to adequate food should not be understood as demanding a parallel structure that requires a complete new system. On the contrary, the guidelines highlight that right to food principles should be introduced into existing institutions and systems. If at all, right to adequate food will lead to a leaner rather than a bigger government. In essence the concept means the Right to Feed Oneself, which emphasizes dignity and self-reliance. The Right to Adequate Food is not Too Expensive for Governments Human rights are sometimes seen as luxury and too expensive, and can thus only be tackled at a later stage of development. If the right to adequate food was to be realized overnight this view would certainly be true. Instead, all State Parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are required to realize the right progressively and according to their financial capacity. While it is true that the right to adequate food should not financially overburden a State, it should be realized using the maximum of available resources. The Right to Adequate Food is not a Threat to the National Economy There is fear that the right to adequate food calls for redistribution of assets and resources as well as higher government spending, which could have harmful effects on the national economy and, in the long run, increase food insecurity. This is a misunderstanding. The right to food does not purport any particular economic systems nor does it prescribe any particular reforms of the resource base or the revenue base. Governments are free to decide on their economic policies as long as they are instrumental to realize the right to food and are in line with human rights principles. This means a focus on the food insecure and marginalized. Giving these people a fair chance to feed themselves should not be harmful to a national economy but, on the contrary, beneficial. Ideológico Una amenaza para la economía nacional Demasiado legalista

Disponibilidad de Alimentos Marco Conceptual y Legal Disponibilidad de Alimentos Directamente de tierra productiva (producción agrícola, pecuaria) o de recursos naturales (caza, pesca, recolecta); o b) Alimentos frescos o procesados obtenidos en mercados y tiendas.

Alimentos y Alimentación Adecuados Marco Conceptual y Legal Alimentos y Alimentación Adecuados Patrones dietéticos y de consumo apropiados. Alimentos libres de substancias adversas (patógenos, toxinas, contaminantes, residuos, etc.) Incluye valores de preparación de alimentos y consumo (sabor, apariencia, frescura, palatabilidad) así como aceptabilidad cultural.

Accesible a todos, incluyendo grupos e individuos vulnerables. Marco Conceptual y Legal Acceso a Alimentos Medios financieros personales o familiares para comprar alimentos para una dieta adecuada (satisfacer las necesidades dietéticas individuales y familiares por todo el año). Acceso Económico Accesible a todos, incluyendo grupos e individuos vulnerables. Accesible en todas partes, incluso en áreas remotas. Accesible a víctimas de desastres, conflictos armados, grupos indígenas, étnicos, etc. Acceso Físico

¿Qué novedad hay acerca del Derecho a una Adecuada Alimentación ? Un enfoque en el derecho a una adecuada alimentación hace de los grupos vulnerables el centro de la atención y se enfoca sus derechos humanos. Image: FAO_18737_G.Bizzarri.jpg, FAO_18739_G.Bizzarri.jpe, FAO_4876_J.Ciganovic.jpg (crops) Apela por una acción responsable de todos los miembros de la sociedad, incluyendo al sector privado, el cual ha estado alejado en la periferia de los programas de desarrollo La sociedad civil apela por un cambio y redirección de las anteriores fuerzas mencionadas hacia beneficios sociales equitativos

Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada ¿Qué es nuevo en el Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada? Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada El Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada complementa el concepto y el programa de Seguridad Alimentaria con: los principios de los derechos humanos, y los aspectos legales de los derechos humanos. DISPONIBILIDAD ACCESO ESTABILIDAD UTILIZACION Speaker’s Notes: Food security is a technical concept and is needs-based. The beneficiaries include vulnerable groups who are objects of potential benefits. A right based approach to a food security programme broadens its scope. It changes its objective, making the acknowledgement of human rights and right to adequate food its prime objective. The individual will not remain the beneficiary of projects determined by policy goals, but will become an empowered partner of the programme. He or she will participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of the programme and claim his or her rights. Human rights are not negotiable, while policy goals change according to the political environment. The right to adequate food complements the food security concept and programmes with the legal aspects of human rights and the human rights principles. The legal aspects make the individual an agent of change in a way that enables her or him to hold the government accountable for its obligations and to seek redress for violation of their human rights. A right to adequate food approach calls for responsible action and commitment from all members of society, including the private sector. Therefore, concerned civil society makes strong calls for corporate social responsibility, fair trade, and food sovereignty. NO DISCRIMINACIÓN DIGNIDAD HUMANA RESPONSABILIDAD PARTICIPACIÓN EMPODERAMIENTO TRANSPARENCIA REGLA DE LEY Reconocimiento de los derechos humanos

¿Qué novedad hay acerca del Derecho a una Adecuada Alimentación? La soberanía alimentaria es el derecho de los gobiernos nacionales a: Definir su propia alimentación y agricultura; Proteger y regular la producción agrícola local y negociar de tal manera que se logren los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible; Determinar hasta qué punto quieren ser independiente; Restringir restringir la salida de productos de sus mercados; y Dar a las comunidades locales basadas en la pesca la prioridad del manejo del uso de los recursos acuáticos. La soberanía alimentaria no niega la comercialización, sino más bien promueve la formulación de políticas y prácticas de negociación que sirvan a los derechos de las personas a la alimentación, y asegurar una producción sostenible, ecológica y saludable. Este elemento de protección incluye las bases del derecho a la alimentación adecuada pero sigue siendo objeto de controversia en la comunidad internacional; no así el derecho a una adecuada alimentación.

Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Es un concepto legal basado en los principios de los derechos humanos, que se focalizan en los individuos como titulares de derechos, sobre todo el hambriento o sub-nutrido Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Es un concepto político que se centra en las necesidades de los pequeños productores y su derecho a producir Soberanía alimentaria Seguridad alimentaria Es un concepto técnico basado en las necesidades de grupos vulnerables, a través de programas y políticas Speaker’s Notes: The current definition of Food Sovereignty is as follows: Food sovereignty is the right of national governments to: define their own food and agriculture; protect and regulate domestic agricultural production and trade in order to achieve sustainable development objectives; determine the extent to which they want to be self reliant; restrict the dumping of products in their markets; and give local fisheries-based communities the priority in managing the use of and right to aquatic resources. Food sovereignty does not negate trade, but rather it promotes the formulation of trade policies and practices that serve people’s rights to food and to safe, healthy and ecologically sustainable production. This umbrella statement includes right to adequate food concerns but remains contested and unapproved by the international community, unlike the right to adequate food.

Parte II: El Papel de la FAO Speaker’s Notes: Explain the role of FAO on pursuing the progressive realisation of the Right to Adequate Food. Make awareness of the need of UN officers and country teams to support the efforts for the implementation of the Right to Food at national level.

Derecho a la Alimentación y el Mandato de la FAO El Papel de la FAO Derecho a la Alimentación y el Mandato de la FAO Constitución Los Estados que aceptan esta Constitución decididos a fomentar el bienestar general intensificando por su parte la acción individual y colectiva a los fines de: “elevar los niveles de nutrición y vida de los pueblos… y contribuir así a …liberar del hambre a la humanidad”

La Cumbre Mundial para la Alimentación 1996 Declaración de Roma: “Nosotros, los jefes de Estados y Gobiernos... reafirmamos el derecho de cada uno a tener acceso a alimentos sanos y nutritivos, concordando con el derecho a una alimentación adecuada y el derecho fundamental de cada uno de no padecer hambre”. Speaker’s notes: Note the reference to the Right to Food in the first paragraph of the declaration. COMMITMENT ONE We will ensure an enabling political, social, and economic environment designed to create the best conditions for the eradication of poverty and for durable peace, based on full and equal participation of women and men, which is most conducive to achieving sustainable food security for all. The Basis for Action 13. A growing world population and the urgency of eradicating hunger and malnutrition call for determined policies and effective actions. A peaceful, stable and enabling political, social and economic environment is the essential foundation which will enable States to give adequate priority to food security, poverty eradication and sustainable agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development. Promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food for all and the full and equal participation of men and women are also indispensable to our goal of achieving sustainable food security for all. Objective 7.4: To clarify the content of the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other relevant international and regional instruments, and to give particular attention to implementation and full and progressive realization of this right as a means of achieving food security for all. Desde este evento, FAO se implicó activamente en la promoción del Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada.

Plan de Acción de la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación (Objetivo 7.4) Invita al alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos a definir los derechos relacionados en el Artículo 11 del PIDESC y proponer maneras de realizarlo a través de las directrices voluntarias.

El Marco Estratégico para la FAO 2000 - 2015 Un enfoque para la seguridad alimentaria basado en los Derechos Humanos. Pretende asegurar el acceso de todas las personas en todo momento a alimentos suficientes, nutricionalmente adecuados e inocuos, como se aprobó por la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación en la Declaración de Roma.

Las Directrices Voluntarias Voluntarias - no constituyen una obligación legal Están dirigidas a todos los Estados: Estados partes y no partes del PIDESC Reconoce el papel de los implicados Herramienta Práctica: Qué hacer Consenso de todos los Estados en el significado de Derecho a la Alimentación y las maneras de implementarlo

Estrategia de Implementación del Derecho a la Alimentación en FAO Fomentar la comprensión del derecho a la alimentación y de los enfoques basados en los derechos humanos, así como difundir su utilización por parte de todo el personal de la FAO en su trabajo; Elaborar métodos e instrumentos para ayudar a las partes interesadas en la realización del derecho a la alimentación;

Estrategia de Implementación del Derecho a la Alimentación en FAO Informar y educar para que los titulares de derechos y deberes, la sociedad civil y el público en general sean más conscientes del derecho a la alimentación y lo comprendan mejor; Prestar apoyo a las primeras fases de la aplicación del derecho a la alimentación y de las Directrices.

Los siete pasos que los gobiernos deberían realizar Lista de prioridades para la implementación del derecho a la alimentación: 1 IDENTIFICAR LOS HAMBRIENTOS Y LOS POBRES 2 REALIZAR UNA EVALUACION MINUCIOSA 3 ELABORAR UNA ESTRATEGIA DE SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA CONTUNDENTE 4 IDENTIFICAR OBLIGACIONES Y RESPONSABILIDADES 5 CREAR UN MARCO LEGAL Seven steps of implementation Reply to question frequently asked by governments: what should we do concretely then? What does it mean in practice? We have thought about this a lot, and concluded that actually, it is not rocket science, and that ESA is already working on most of the areas. You will notice of course that the seven steps could also look slightly differently, recourse should perhaps fit under legal framework etc. Also, while we suggest that there is a linear logic to the seven steps, in practice, many countries already have undertaken some of the steps suggested. For instance, human rights institutions have started monitoring the right to food, without there being a clear policy, institutional framework or enabling legislation. Le me just go through the areas, one by one. Identifying the hungry and poor is mainstream FAO wisdom: Food security and right to food advocates alike point out that before addressing poverty and hunger, the groups and individuals have to be identified. methodologies for doing this prominent part of ESA’s work. Right to Food contribution is to insist even more on disaggregating of data and discrimination. ESAF’s work on vulnerability assessment (mainly Christian Lovendal) links closely to this first step (see Lovendal’s publication “Tomorrow's Hunger: A Framework For Analysing Vulnerability To Food Insecurity”). In fact, when we wrote the rtf assessment guide, we were inspired by ESAF’s work. Some of ESA’s research, e.g. “Measuring Vulnerability to Food Insecurity” by Pasquale Scaramozzino. 2. Assessment is also conventional wisdom, for instance advocated in draft World Development Report on agriculture. Right to food unit has been taken the normative work further here, preparing a right to food assessment guide. Informally, this guide was shared with some ESA-colleagues (mainly ESAF). A workshop could be arranged with some ESAF colleagues (e.g. Jim Tefft, Kinlay Dorjee, Christian Lovendal) who work on related issues to discuss the draft guide. 3. As Barbara said earlier, the Right to Food Guidelines provide a guide to the elaboration of a sound food security strategy. They also cover all the other steps, but at some stage, a formulation and deliberation process has to take place, and we recommend it be on the basis of a vulnerability and situation assessment, in the two previous steps. This is of course an area of intrinsic interest to ESA: FNPP (i.e. ESAE (Kostas and Jean)) supports food security strategies in Kenya, Zanzibar, Bhutan and Mozambique. 4. We all know that food security is a cross sectoral issue and many actors involved, requiring horizontal and vertical governance coordination. Right to food insists on these roles, and responsibilities being clearly spelled out in a transparent way. In addition, we promote coordination and civil society participation in policy making. 5. Human rights insist on legal protection of human rights, assets and entitlements. The unit is producing a guide on the legal framework, from constitutions to framework laws and sectoral legislation. Legislation is also important for institutional aspects. Indeed the legislative guide we are working on goes into some detail about institutional roles. 6. We have been working on monitoring from a human rights perspective, to determine what that means and how it is different from more traditional monitoring of food security, in particular FIVIMS. They are to a large extent the same, but right to food insists also on the right of the rights holders to be informed about the results, and the identification of structural causes. The main topic of the next SOFI will be Monitoring - why not discussing how to do monitor from a hman rights perspective? 7. Everyone agrees that access to justice by the poor, especially in rural areas is crucial. We advocate local level recourse mechanisms that have the capacity to use human rights as part of the normative framework, as well as strong roles for the courts and national human rights institutions. This may or may not require legal reform. Sometimes capacity strengthening and information would suffice. 6 MONITOREAR EL PROGRESO 7 ASEGURAR LOS MECANISMOS DE EXIGIBILIDAD

Parte III: El Derecho a la Alimentación en el Perú

Avances en hacer efectivo el Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada en Perú Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria 2004-2015 Bbrindar las condiciones para mejorar la disponibilidad, acceso, uso y estabilidad de alimentos que garanticen la seguridad alimentaria y nutrición de la población peruana, en especial de los grupos vulnerables, y contribuir con la soberanía alimentaria del país Meta del Plan General de Gobierno al 2011 Reducir la Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en 9 puntos en 5 años Declaración de Lima sobre la Desnutrición Infantil Compromiso de los Presidentes de los Gobiernos Regionales a trabajar de manera conjunta para contribuir al logro de la meta nacional Programa Juntos contra la Desnutrición Infantil Que incluye mejoras en la focalización de beneficiarios y en la oferta de servicios, reorientación de la condicionalidad y evaluación de impacto Estrategia CRECER Disminuir en 9 puntos porcentuales la desnutrición en niños y niñas menores de 5 años, con prioridad en menores de 3 años en situación de vulnerabilidad nutricional y pobreza, bajo el enfoque de derechos, protección del capital humano, desarrollo social y corresponsabilidad.

Anteproyecto de Ley del Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Concepto El derecho a una alimentación adecuada es el derecho humano de las personas, sea en forma individual o colectiva, de tener acceso físico y económico en todo momento a alimentos suficientes, inocuos y nutritivos con pertinencia cultural, de manera que puedan ser utilizados adecuadamente para satisfacer sus necesidades nutricionales, mantener una vida sana y lograr un desarrollo integral Exigibilidad Es exigible ante las instancias judiciales y administrativas la eliminación de la discriminación en el acceso a los alimentos, así como a los medios y derechos para obtenerlos, por motivos de etnia, color, sexo, idioma, edad, religión, opinión política o de otra índole, origen social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición social

Anteproyecto de Ley del Derecho a una Alimentación Adecuada Temporalidad de la Asistencia Alimentaria La asistencia alimentaria que brinda el Estado es temporal y busca el logro de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, en la perspectiva del libre ejercicio del derecho a la alimentación Articulación de Políticas del Estado Determinación de las prioridades y lineamientos de política y los programas, proyectos y acciones a ser incorporadas en los Planes Sectoriales Instalar e implementar un sistema de monitoreo y evaluación del cumplimiento de las metas y los objetivos de la ENSA Articulación Regional y en el ámbito municipal

Día Mundial de la Alimentación – 16 de Octubre 2007 El Derecho a la Alimentación: Haz que suceda El Día Mundial de la Alimentación espera aumentar la conciencia pública acerca de la situación de hambre y desnutrición en el mundo e incentivar la personas en todo el mundo a tomar acciones contra el hambre. I’m just going to finish by reminding all of you that this year’s World Food Day theme is the right to food, which we hope will provide an added incentive - that’s a concept economists tend to like - to have something to show on 16 October.