Pronouns Referring to items already mentioned


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Direct Object Pronouns. DOP A direct object _____ the _____ of the ____ in a sentence. receives action verb.
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 A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb.  Busco un libro. (I am looking for a book).  Compré unos guantes. (I bought some.
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Direct Object Pronouns. Direct Objects  tell WHAT or WHOM receives the action (of the verb)  ALWAYS a noun or a pronoun  MUST HAVE AN ACTION VERB.
Direct Object Pronouns. Mi Cuentito Cada día yo chupo una piruleta. Yo chupo piruletas porque son mis dulces favoritos. Compro piruleta a la tienda con.
Pronombres de objeto directo Direct Object Pronouns.
Álamo. What is the direct object? » The direct object is the word in the sentence that receives the action of the verb. » The direct object can be either.
Direct Object Pronouns Español II. Direct Object Pronouns The direct object in a sentence receives the action of the verb. Nouns used as direct objects.
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Capítulo 7 25 of 54 The verbs ir and ser are irregular in the preterite. Note that they have the same forms.
Español 1 Direct object pronouns!. A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb The direct object is the who or the what of the sentence.
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Direct Object answers the questions “who?” or“what?” about the action in a sentence. Tells who/what receives the direct action of the verb.
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Direct objects and direct object pronouns
Direct Object Pronouns
Direct Object Pronouns
Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns
Direct object pronouns
Transcripción de la presentación:

Pronouns Referring to items already mentioned Los pronombres Lo, La, Los, Las Pronouns Referring to items already mentioned

Direct Objects Definición A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. Ejemplo Compré la toalla playera. I bought the beach towel You can find the direct object (D.O.) by asking yourself this question: What did I buy? I bought the towel.

Direct Objects What is the direct object? Ella escribe los apuntes. She writes the notes. Subject: Ella Verb: escribe Direct Object: apuntes (what I write) ¿Invitaste a Marcos a la fiesta? Direct Object: Marcos - (who I invited)

Direct Object Pronouns Pronouns replace the direct object nouns in a sentence. They must agree with the noun they replace! They help to avoid repetition. The direct object pronouns always come right before the verb.

Direct Object Pronouns Singular Plural Lo - it, him (masculine) Los - them (masculine) La - it, her (feminine) Las - them (feminine)

Using Pronouns Ella compró los anteojos del sol. Direct Object: los anteojos del sol Replace with: los (masculine plural) Ella los compró Yo miré la toalla en la playa. Direct Object: la toalla. Replace with: la (feminine singular) Yo la miré

Using Pronouns ¿Invitaste a tu amigo a la fiesta? Direct Object: tu amigo Replace with: lo (masculine singular) Sí lo invité ¿Compraste el bastón en la tienda? Direct Object: el bastón Sí, lo compré ayer.