Protección de los ojos Slide Show Notes


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Protección de los ojos Slide Show Notes This training session discusses eye protection in the workplace. Your vision is vitally important—think about what would happen if you lost it. That’s why it’s so important to understand eye hazards on the job, and to protect your eyes from these hazards whenever and wherever they are present.

Objetivos de la sesión Usted podrá: Identificar los posibles peligros para los ojos Evitar las lesiones oculares con productos de protección para la vista Usar, realizar el mantenimiento e inspeccionar los productos adecuados de protección para la vista Utilizar los primeros auxilios adecuados en caso de emergencias Slide Show Notes The main objective of this session is to help protect your eyes, and your vision, while at work. Specifically, by the end of the session, you will be able to: Identify potential eye hazards; Prevent eye injuries by wearing protective eyewear; Use, maintain, and inspect proper protective eyewear; and Use appropriate first aid for emergencies involving eye injuries.

Estadísticas de las lesiones oculares Cada día, más de 2.000 trabajadores sufren lesiones en los ojos Cada año, 62.000 lesiones oculares tienen como resultado días de trabajo perdidos La protección para la vista puede reducir el número y la gravedad de las lesiones oculares en un 90% de los accidentes. Slide Show Notes Eye injury statistics demonstrate how important it is to take eye protection seriously. Each day, more than 2,000 workers suffer serious eye injuries. Each year, about 100,000 of these injuries result in temporary or permanent vision loss. These statistics are provided by Prevent Blindness America, a national nonprofit organization. About 62,000 eye injuries each year result in at least one lost workday. Finally, studies indicate that proper eye protection can reduce the number and severity of eye injuries in 90 percent of accidents. Note: Statistics listed on this slide can be referenced to Prevent Blindness America (

Peligros para los ojos Objetos voladores Partículas nocivas de polvo El salpicado o rociado con productos químicos Calor o luz de alta intensidad Soldaduras, cortes con soplete Luz solar directa o reflejada Slide Show Notes Eye hazards depend on the type of work you do, but they are very common in the workplace. Examples include: Flying objects; Harmful dust particles; Chemical splashing or spraying; High-intensity heat or light; Welding, brazing, and torch cutting; and Direct or reflected sunlight. We’ll be discussing these hazards, and what you can do to protect yourself against them, on the next few slides.

Peligro de los objetos voladores y protección Peligro: los objetos voladores producen lesiones en el cristalino Fragmentos, astillas, partículas, arena, polvo Procesos de trabajo Astillar, pulir, trabajos de mampostería Protección para los ojos Anteojos con protección lateral, gafas protectoras o protectores faciales para exposiciones intensas Slide Show Notes Here are ways to protect yourself against the hazards of flying objects. Flying objects present an impact hazard to the lens of your eye. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70 percent of serious eye injuries are caused by flying or falling objects, and 60 percent of these objects are smaller than the head of a pin. These types of objects include: Fragments, chips, particles, sand, and dirt. Take a moment to think about the kinds of flying objects in your workplace that can be an eye hazard. Work processes that can create a flying object hazard include: Chipping, grinding, masonry work, woodworking, sawing, drilling, chiseling, riveting, and sanding. Can you think of the work processes in this workplace that can create flying objects? Eye protection for flying object hazards include: Safety glasses with side protection for many jobs; safety goggles are preferred for jobs with many flying objects; and a face shield might be required if there are flying objects that could injure your face as well as your eyes.

Peligro del polvo y protección Peligro: caminar hacia partículas flotantes produce irritación, enrojecimiento y abrasión Polvo de madera y espuma, hollín Proceso de trabajo Trabajos en madera, pulido, limpieza Protección para los ojos Gafas protectoras para obtener un buen sello alrededor de los ojos Slide Show Notes Dust hazards can be serious in certain situations. Dust particles don’t usually fly at you, but they can easily get into your eyes and cause problems. The hazards include walking into a cloud of floating dust particles, resulting in eye irritation, redness, and abrasion. The cause of these particles could be: Wood dust, foam dust, or soot. You can probably think of dust hazards like these in your workplace. Work processes that create dust hazards include: Woodworking, buffing, and cleaning with air wands and brooms. Eye protection for dust hazards is: Primarily goggles or some sort of eyewear that creates a seal around the eyes. The more hazardous the dust, the more the safety eyewear needs to fit tightly to your face.

Peligro de las sustancias químicas y protección Peligro: salpicar, rociar o vaporizar produce quemaduras, dolor o visión borrosa Ácidos, productos cáusticos, solventes Proceso de trabajo Manipular o procesar Protección para los ojos Gafas protectoras Protector facial sobre las gafas protectoras para exposiciones intensas Slide Show Notes Chemical hazards to your eyes are a significant concern if you work with chemicals. Virtually any kind of chemical can injure your eyes. The hazard comes from the possibility of splashing, spraying, or mists that cause burning, pain, or blurred vision. Acids and caustics, of course, can severely burn your eyes. Solvents can damage your eyes in many ways, depending on the type of solvent. Work processes that can cause chemical hazards to your eyes include: Virtually any job that requires you to work with chemicals or chemical processes. Think about the type of jobs you do that have chemical hazards. Eye protection is very important to protect against chemical hazards: Chemical-resistant goggles are a must if you are working with any liquid chemical that could splash or spray into your face and eyes. A face shield worn over goggles is required if you are working with highly dangerous chemicals such as acids, or in situations with the potential for severe exposure. Ask trainees to name the chemicals and work processes used in their work areas that are potential eye hazards.

Peligro del calor y protección Peligro: el vapor, los líquidos calientes, el aire caliente o las llamas provocan dolor, quemadura de párpados y visión borrosa Proceso de trabajo Operaciones de horno, derrame o fundición de metales derretidos Cualquier operación a altas temperaturas Usar protección ocular como una pantalla o un protector facial reflectante Slide Show Notes Heat is an eye hazard that you might not have thought of immediately. The hazard from heat comes from : Steam, hot liquid, hot air, or flame that causes pain, eyelid burns, and blurred vision. Work processes that could create a heat hazard include: Furnace operations; pouring or casting molten metals; and any other kind of high-temperature operations. To guard against heat hazards, wear eye protection. For operations that could cause splashing of hot material into your eyes and face, wear goggles under a face shield. For operations that do not present a splashing hazard, wear a protective screen or a reflective face shield that will keep extreme heat from your eyes. If your facility has any potential heat exposure hazards, be sure to stress the importance of eye protection in these areas. Often, because the work is already hot, workers are reluctant to wear protective eyewear because it makes them even hotter.

Peligro de las soldaduras y protección Peligro: el destello del soldador o las chispas voladoras pueden provocar dolor, sensibilidad extrema y quemaduras Proceso de trabajo Caminar sin protección cerca de las operaciones Protección para los ojos Protección facial Las gafas de sol son inadecuados Slide Show Notes Welding, brazing, and torch cutting create a number of potential eye hazards. Welder’s flash or flying sparks cause pain, burns, and extreme sensitivity. Welder’s flash occurs when the eyes are overexposed to the intense light of welding operations. This can occur when welders strike the arc a split second before dropping their face shield or hood over their eyes. In addition, the skin or eyes can be burned from intense light and heat. Flying sparks, metal fragments, or slag can enter the eye. The work process that creates these hazards is any kind of welding operation. Even walking past a welding operation and observing it can cause an eye injury. For eye protection when welding, use: A welder’s face shield, which offers the best protection against intense light. Sunglasses are totally inadequate for protection.

Peligro de luz solar y protección Peligro: luz solar directa o reflejada Quemadura de retina, visión borrosa, dolor Proceso de trabajo Trabajar al aire libre en cualquier tarea, trabajar cerca del agua Protección para los ojos Gafas de sol y sombrero Slide Show Notes A final eye hazard to watch out for is sunlight. Overexposure to direct or reflected sunlight can cause: Retinal burns, blurred vision, pain, and even loss of eyesight. Work processes that can create this hazard include: Any job working outside in the sunlight, especially working near water where the sunlight can be reflected into your eyes, even when looking down. Eye protection for sunlight hazards is pretty basic: A pair of high-quality sunglasses and a hat.

Peligros para los ojos y protección: ¿preguntas? ¿Alguna pregunta sobre los peligros potenciales del lugar de trabajo para los ojos? ¿Preguntas acerca de la protección ocular para procesos de trabajo específicos? Slide Show Notes Do you have any questions about the types of eye hazards you might find in the workplace, and about eye protection for specific work processes? It is important for your safety that you understand eye hazards and the eye protection you should use for specific processes.

Use productos adecuados de protección para la vista El 90% de las lesiones oculares en el trabajo se podrían haber evitado con productos adecuados de protección para la vista Muchos trabajadores lesionados creyeron que la protección ocular no era necesaria en su situación particular Cumpla con las reglas de la empresa para la protección de los ojos Slide Show Notes Now we’ll discuss the selection, use, and care of protective eyewear that can protect you from eye injuries. Use proper protective eyewear whenever there is the possibility of eye hazards. Ninety percent of occupational eye injuries could have been avoided with proper protective eyewear, according to OSHA. Note the word “proper” – many injuries have occurred when people thought they were wearing proper eyewear, but in fact were not. OSHA found that many of the injured workers believed that protective eyewear was not necessary in their particular work situation. Follow all company rules for wearing eye protection. We want to make sure that you know when it is necessary to wear eye protection, and know what kind of eyewear to use for each potentially hazardous situation.

Normas para productos de la vista Cumplir con la norma ANSI Z87.1 El equipo de protección para los ojos tendrá la inscripción "Z87" Los anteojos de sol o los anteojos con receta en general no cumplen con la norma Slide Show Notes Proper protective eyewear must meet certain standards. It must comply with American National Standards Institute, or “ANSI,” standard Z87.1. This means the eye protection has met certain standards for resisting impacts, shattering, and chemicals. Proper eye protection equipment will be marked with “Z87” to show that they meet the ANSI standard. Look for this marking on all protective eyewear. Normal sunglasses or prescription glasses usually do not meet the ANSI standard. These could shatter or break if struck by a flying object, and cause additional eye injuries.

Elección de la protección para los ojos Ajuste el equipo de protección a la persona Asegúrese de que se utilice un equipo de alta calidad Asegúrese de que calce bien y quede cómodo Opciones de lentes Slide Show Notes Choosing the right eye protection for the particular person and the particular job is very important. The first step is to determine what kind of protective eyewear should be used for the job. Then: Fit the eyewear to the person who will be wearing it. Protective eyewear must fit well to protect properly and be comfortable. Use high-quality eyewear; it will last longer and protect better. Ensure good fit and comfort. If it doesn’t fit well, it won’t provide complete protection, and you will be inclined to remove it to make adjustments, or not wear it at all. Lens options include antifog, antiglare, indoor/outdoor lenses, and different colors or tints. Your supervisor will let you know if there is a particular kind of lens you should use. Consider having a selection of eyewear for employees to evaluate and try on. Some safety vendors will lend a selection of eyewear to try out.

Mantenimiento de los productos de la vista Estaciones de limpieza Fundas o estuches Reemplácelos cuando sea necesario Slide Show Notes Always maintain your eyewear properly. Cleaning stations include a squirt bottle of cleaning solution and some lint-free paper towels. Use them frequently. You can also use mild soap and water to clean protective eyewear. Use holders or cases to protect the eyewear when not in use. Most high-quality eyewear comes with cases. Get new eyewear whenever necessary. When lenses are scratched or cracked, they are no longer safe. Note that some eyewear have removable lenses that can be replaced without having to replace the entire frame. Modify this slide to describe maintenance procedures for eyewear at your facility. Make sure your employees have access to eyewear cleaning stations or sinks with mild soap and water. Have an easy-to-understand policy for replacing damaged eyewear.

Examine los productos con regularidad Examínelos antes de cada uso Revise si hay lentes rajadas y reemplácelas Reemplace las lentes rayadas Revise si hay marcos y puentes nasales sueltos Haga una prueba de calce antes de cada uso Slide Show Notes Routinely inspect your protective eyewear. Eyewear should be inspected before each use. Check for cracked lenses or face shields, and replace if necessary. Replace scratched lenses or shields if they impair your vision. Also check for loose frames and nose pieces. Finally, fit test your eyewear before each use. Make sure there has been no damage that prevents a proper fit.

Anteojos y lentes con receta Lentes de contacto se pueden usar con PPE si una evaluación de peligro lo determina seguro Existen anteojos de seguridad con receta Los cubre anteojos o los protectores faciales parciales sirven como barreras adicionales Slide Show Notes If you already wear prescription eyewear, there are some important safety points to know. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health now recommends that contact lenses may be worn with appropriate PPE when handling hazardous chemicals provided that certain guidelines are followed and a hazard evaluation is performed. However, contact lenses may not be safe in radiation, high-dust or high-particulate environments. Prescription safety glasses and goggles are available. These will meet the ANSI Z87 standard as well as your prescription requirements. Overglasses or partial face shields are also options as barriers to eye hazards. These are designed to fit over your normal prescription glasses.

Estaciones de lavado de ojos Las salpicaduras con productos químicos requieren la administración inmediata de primeros auxilios A 10 pies ó 10 segundos de procesos de trabajo con químicos peligrosos Enjuague los ojos durante 15 minutos Slide Show Notes Eyewash stations are required by OSHA in areas that use large quantities of hazardous chemicals—especially corrosives—that could be splashed or sprayed into your eyes. Chemical splashes require immediate first aid. This can make the difference between a temporary injury and permanent blindness. Eyewash stations must be located within 10 feet, or 10 seconds travel time, of a work process that uses hazardous chemicals that could be splashed or sprayed into your eyes. Always flush your eyes for at least 15 minutes after your eyes have been exposed to a hazardous chemical. Show trainees how to use the eyewash station.

¿Tiene alguna pregunta? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la selección y el uso de los productos para la vista? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta acerca del mantenimiento y la inspección de los productos para la vista? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre primeros auxilios para los ojos? Slide Show Notes Do you have any questions about selecting proper eyewear? Do you feel you understand what you need to know about using protective eyewear and maintaining and inspecting it? Do you understand about first aid for possible eye injuries?

Puntos clave para recordar Evalúe los peligros para la vista Elija productos de protección para la vista adecuados Use su protección ocular No se convierta en una estadística de las lesiones oculares Slide Show Notes Assess the work you are are doing for possible eye hazards. Whether at work or at home, ask yourself if there is the potential for eye injury from flying objects, dust, chemicals, heat, or other hazards. Select the appropriate eye protection for the job. Remember, for example, that a face shield is for extra protection to wear over safety glasses or goggles, not a replacement for glasses or goggles. Wear your eye protection at all times whenever there may be a hazard. It only takes a split second for an eye injury to occur. Finally, don’t become an eye injury statistic. Using the right protective eyewear whenever you need it will protect you from eye injuries. This concludes this training session on eye protection.