Actualización para los clubes rotarios


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Actualización para los clubes rotarios ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO Actualización para los clubes rotarios All text in <<TEXT>> is suggested approach, instructional, or identifies slide transition/animation. <<Introduction by presenter, opening remarks, comments. Can read quote on screen and apply to the future of Rotary in 10-15-20 years>> Today, I will provide an overview of RI’s strategic planning efforts since July 2009. We will share information on the strategic issues being faced and considered by Rotary International, the approach being taken to address these issues, offer thoughts about club’s perspectives, and offer other information. But, before I begin, can I ask by a show of hands how many of you are aware that RI has a strategic plan? How many of you in the crowd have been involved to some degree with an organization or business in their long-range planning efforts? How about those who have led the effort? Okay, so I know strategic planning can be a bit of a sleeper or cause many eyes to glaze over. So I hope I can make it a bit entertaining “El mundo evoluciona constantemente. También nosotros debemos estar dispuestos a cambiar”. Paul Harris, 1935

¿Cómo será nuestro futuro? ¿Cuáles son nuestras expectativas? ¿Cómo podemos seguir teniendo relevancia y reanimar a los clubes? ¿Encara Rotary una “plataforma en llamas”? We all recognize and understand the commitment, compassion, and internationality of Rotary from our perspective as Rotarians. However, not everyone understands what motivates us and what we do. The RI Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee have been considering many strategic questions and issues in providing support to clubs and Rotarians in their endeavors. RI has a long-term plan which preserves our history, identifies a vision, and looks to how this can be achieved in an orderly manner. With the world’s changing times, we need to assess our organization and critically review ourselves to understand whether we are moving in the right direction and remaining relevant with the age and time. What are Rotary’s “burning platforms” or issues that must be addressed to remain relevant in the future? I will highlight those in the upcoming slides

Pensamiento estratégico Si los líderes jóvenes organizaran hoy mismo un club de servicio integrado por voluntarios… So, this question….<<Presenter can read the question above and finish it off with “would it look like the Rotary club models of today?”>> Surely, many clubs have talked about this…maybe even acted on it to ensure your club is a club that our younger generations and future leaders will want to be part of. RI and the Board have had this same discussion--“Is our current model broken?” This is a very difficult question to answer, but clubs around the world need to determine if they can change with the changing demands of prospective members, communities, and others. And we’ll consider some of the biggest issues a bit more throughout the presentation.

Ciclo de la planificación estratégica Permanentemente/anualmente Verificar el progreso, evaluar la situación y actualizar, según sea necesario Trienalmente Encuestar a los rotarios, realizar un análisis detenido, modificar según sea necesario y remitir un informe al Consejo de Legislación RI’s plan and the process that supports it continue to evolve. It was formalized through COL in 2004 even though planning in Rotary started in the 90’s. The COL and Board understood the importance of analyzing the organization continuously and mapping out a course for its future. The 2004 COL was also the advent of RI Strategic Planning Committee. Through collaboration with this committee, the board undertakes a major review of the plan every three years including surveys of Rotarians and focus groups—of Rotarians and non-Rotarians. Our plan is continuously monitored and, when necessary, adjusted to reflect the needs and desires of our primary stakeholders—Rotarians around the world and the communities we serve. We will highlight these survey and focus groups results in the upcoming slides.

Progreso y buenos resultados <<Graphics on slide automatically animate without speaker having to do anything other than click to next slide after delivering suggested message below.>> Let me quickly highlight just some of the most significant successes over the past 2-3 years. Polio eradication is ever so close …. Only four endemic countries remain. The number of cases is a moving target, but the first few months of 2010 year look promising—only 33 reported new cases vs. 68 in the same period last year. We expanded our polio funding needs in collaboration with the Gates Foundation…and we are more than half way to our $US200M goal Greater understanding and recognition of Rotary especially our commitment to polio eradication by unprecedented campaigns to light up iconic landmarks around the world the past two years New public relations materials that offers greater opportunities for clubs and districts to promote Rotary like never before RI’s continued efforts with social networking sites in spreading the word about Rotary More focus and impact emphasized in the Foundation’s future vision plan These are just some of the examples of progress. Rotary is building on these successes and continues to promote these as we face more challenges and issues. 5

Percepción de Rotary por parte del público ¿Quién? ¿Costoso? ¿Logros/resultados? ¿Asistencia obligatoria? ¿Inflexible? I mentioned the focus groups. RI completed many focus groups of Rotarians and non-Rotarians. The non-Rotarian groups were international and focused towards professional men and women ranging in age from 35-55. They were conducted in several parts of the world (e.g. South Africa, Australia, Argentina, USA, Japan, webinars, teleconferences, etc.). Several focus groups were conducted with members younger than 35 with less than 2 years of membership. What were some of the key perceptions we continue to hear? <<Text around the circle appears individually after you make first click>> Limited awareness of purpose and accomplishments Not “cause” focused—generally, Rotary does good Lack of flexibility in meeting requirements Exclusive because clubs are typically by invitation only Elitist, as many see us as only business people and professionals Limited diversity in members—too many old, white men Requires significant resources needed to become member <<Red circle with slash appears on next click>> So, how do we reduce or eliminate these perceptions? Or, do we even care? From the board’s perspective, RI does. Rotary must address many if not all of these perceptions if our image is to be consistent and correct. ¿Falta de diversidad? ¿Exclusividad? ¿Elitista? JTO

Conclusiones de la encuesta – Opinión de los rotarios Clubes en crecimiento, vibrantes e innovadores Clubes centrados en el servicio, orientados a la acción El público conoce los logros alcanzados Menos programas y comunicaciones, pero más eficaces Mejor liderazgo con menos directrices de RI RI also conducted a survey in July/August 2009. 14,000 Rotarians were asked to participate with 35% responding. And, what was the key feedback? Growing, vibrant, and innovative clubs while promoting of the importance of the local and global network of friendship and fellowship. Fun, exciting, flexible and action-oriented clubs which are meeting the needs of prospective members and communities Focused service efforts on key humanitarian issues that appeal to its membership, prospective members, and those communities they serve. Engaged and participating members who help those in need, the less fortunate, and underprivileged while still providing opportunities to serve where and in any manner they see fit. Increased quality members who are committed to the history, causes, and purposes of Rotary Simplified messages and programs reflecting the true purpose and mission of Rotary. One respondent noted something very prominent: “Rotary should be the most recognizable global network of everyday men and women working together to accomplish extraordinary measures.”

Imagen y reconocimiento de la marca ¿Cómo lograremos que Rotary sea la opción preferida ante la escasez de recursos voluntarios? <<Slide animation happens automatically. No action necessary by presenter. At end of points below, click to proceed to next slide.>> Now this may be somewhat of a controversial slide. But let’s be honest. One of the key messages from both the surveys and focus groups was “how does Rotary differentiate itself from other volunteer organizations for the scarce volunteer resource?” That resource today is being pulled in so many ways. Either the human resource, financial resource, or time resource. Can’t we all speak to that in some degree: My church, religion, or other spiritual meanings My community programs and schools My alma mater My employer My specific causes—cancer research Don’t we “compete” with many other organizations for the volunteer resource? How do we make Rotary the first choice with so many choices? Let’s think about a bit more.

Crear una visión La visión de Rotary consiste en ser la organización de servicio de preferencia, con clubes dinámicos y orientados a la acción, cuya intervención contribuye a mejorar vidas en todas las comunidades del mundo. Just a quick tangent about vision. In mid-1990’s Bill Gates Jr. noted in “The Road Ahead” that the information highway and personal computers will transform our culture dramatically. He noted that personal computers had altered work habits to some degree, but they hadn’t really changed our personal lives much—YET. His visions of the future seem so obvious today—like being able to trade theater tickets or check your child’s school records instantly. Yet, many of them seemed so impossible just a short 15 years ago. Of course, some of his visions have not been realized today…but just give it time. <<Click here to pull up vision statement and make Bill Gates image disappear>> As for Rotary’s vision, the Board agreed that we need on focus on being the best, premier, or greatest organization known for service with action-oriented clubs and members who make the extraordinary seem ordinary. Can we imagine the future where Rotary is stronger than ever, recognized by everyone – community leaders, prospective members, potential partners, governments, non-governmental organizations, and others – as the volunteer organization of choice? 9

Valores fundamentales So what differentiates Rotary from others? In 2007-08, the RI Board adopted these 5 core values as part of the strategic plan. In the Strategic Planning Committee and Board’s opinion, these are the non-negotiable characteristics of Rotarians. Which single value differentiates us from other volunteer organizations? DIVERSITY? FELLOWSHIP? LEADERSHIP? INTEGRITY? SERVICE? In fact, it is probably different for each individual in this room. But, in all honesty, it is likely a combination of all the above Service without fellowship doesn’t meet your needs. Integrity without leadership falls flat on its face Fellowship without diversity may not offer differing perspectives and attitudes So, the Board believes that what differentiates Rotary is the fact that we value all of these attributes in our clubs and members. And, we are one of a few that provides all of this in one organization. Definiciones en

Declaración de la misión Brindamos servicio a los demás, promovemos la integridad y fomentamos la comprensión, la buena voluntad y la paz entre las naciones a través de las actividades de compañerismo de nuestros líderes empresariales, profesionales y cívicos. The mission statement is basically the same with one minor revision from “promoting high ethical standards” to “promoting integrity”. It is a small but important change. It encompasses the ethical history of our organization, but uses a term that is more relevant in today’s world. Based on the focus groups’ feedback, ethics was seen as preachy—how are your ethics better than mine? Integrity seems to be better received in today’s world.

Conceptos básicos: Prioridades y metas Apoyar y fortalecer a los clubes Áreas de concentración y ampliación de servicios humanitarios Mejorar la imagen pública e informar al público Promover la innovación y flexibilidad en los clubes Equilibrar las actividades en las cuatro Avenidas de Servicio Promover la diversidad en el cuadro social Mejorar técnicas de captación y conservación de socios Formar dirigentes capaces Extender la presencia de Rotary Alentar la planificación estratégica a nivel de club y distrito Erradicar la polio Aumentar el servicio sostenible, centrándose en Jóvenes y adultos jóvenes Seis áreas de interés espeha cial de La Fundación Rotaria Aumentar alianzas estratégicas y relaciones de cooperación Organizar proyectos de importancia, a nivel local e internacional Unificar reconocimiento de la imagen y la marca Difundir entre el público nuestro servicio basado en la acción Promover los valores fundamentales Enfatizar el ideal del servicio a través de la ocupación Instar a los clubes a difundir las oportunidades para establecer contactos y sus actividades características The Board has agreed to simplify the strategies into three specific priorities effective 1 July 2010: Focus RI’s activities on supporting, strengthening, and developing clubs to fulfill Rotary’s mission. Clearly, membership grows from strong and viable clubs, and the appeal of Rotary continues to lie in Rotary service and networking initiated through our clubs. Rotary has to promote the benefits of the “NETWORK” Align RI and TRF’s program focus with the most popular humanitarian service interests of Rotarians.  Polio eradication remains the clear humanitarian priority. It was evident from the surveys and research that Rotarians demanded focus from RI to support clubs’ service efforts in other key humanitarian. The RI Strategic Planning Committee and Board agreed that focus on the Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus and youth and young adults should yield significant outcomes with focused approaches. In addition, it aligns with what Rotarians already identify as their primary humanitarian service interests. Portray a clear message to the world about Rotary’s actions and successes both locally and internationally. Unifying our brand image is a big challenge globally. <<TRF’s six areas of focus are: peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development.>>

Clubes más grandes, mejores y más audaces <<The three Rotary wheels appear in sequence about 2 second intervals.>> Another approach in selling the Strategic Plan is promoting the Rotary of the future as a bigger, better, and bolder organization—and it can only happen in the clubs. The priorities and goals of the plan are looking to focus clubs on these three adjectives. Let me expand on this thought in the next few slides. 13

Clubes más grandes Diversificación del cuadro social (edad, sexo, etnia, raza) 2. Mejorar técnicas de captación de socios Mejorar técnicas y tasa de conservación del cuadro social The characteristics of bigger clubs are relatively easy to define. Diversifying our membership will improve our recruitment and retention efforts. Our clubs can better represent the people in our communities which would then make prospective members more comfortable in joining. Recent demographic surveys tend to indicate some interesting statistics: Male to female ratio is 85% to 15% globally. It’s much better in some parts of the world, but still lacking in true gender diversity. Part of the challenge is cultural in certain geographical locations. Approximately 68% of our members are 50 years old or older while the largest age demographic in our organization is the 50-59 year old age group (29%). It is roughly estimated that our members’ average age is approximately 57-58 years. Approximately 79% of the membership base is still working in some capacity Are we attracting the younger business professionals? How can we change our approach to make it easier and more beneficial for them to join? We must have bigger and better ideas to recruit and retain the leaders in our professions, businesses, and communities. As community leaders, we can have a greater effect on the younger generations. 14

Clubes mejores Equilibrio entre las cuatro Avenidas de Servicio Promoción de valores fundamentales Planificación a plazo más largo Formación de dirigentes Destacar diferencia entre Rotary y otras organizaciones: unificar nuestra imagen Un “producto” para enorgullecernos. It is more challenging to define a “better” club, but the goals in the revised plan that orient toward having a better club are offered here: Balance in all four Avenues of Service—club, community, vocational, and international service. Clubs should emphasize the importance of balanced activities to keep members involved and interested. Each avenue of service could be attractive to individual members. Use the core values to promote what Rotary is all about. As we spoke about earlier, the core values truly differentiate what Rotary is all about and ties nicely into the Four Way Test and the Object of Rotary Clubs should think longer term—not just one president’s year. It is critical that clubs spend the time to consider the challenges and issues facing them and apply their leadership skills in identifying longer-term solutions for the club. In developing leaders in the community, Rotary offers an opportunity to advance ones skill set and professional capabilities. We owe it to those in our communities to help them help themselves. In the long term, we make our product more attractive to all, and clubs find it easier to say we are a better club for that. 15

Clubes más audaces Flexibles e innovadores Orientados a la acción Proyectos significantes y sostenibles Promoción de oportunidades para establecer contactos y actividades características The characteristics of a bolder club. Here we begin to step out of the box a bit. We want to foster flexible and innovative clubs. However, to foster innovation we must start by empowering our club leaders to actually lead. To step beyond management and simply making the clubs better. The leader must determine where the club needs to go and take that club there. Action oriented means a club getting things done, taking action to solve community problems. Significant and signature projects in the community will display boldness within the community. Bold moves will vary by culture, but they could involve real focused service—maybe on water and sanitation efforts or poverty alleviation; an after 5 club for the next generation of leaders, a club taking on one really large, local project that defines that club and it becomes the image of service in that community. It becomes our “signature” in the community where everyone knows who has completed the work. And, let’s not forget about promoting Rotary’s networking opportunities—it sells today, especially in a down economy. Rotary was started for networking opportunities. We typically shy away from promotion of Rotary as it is seen as self-serving. However, in order for our image to be bolder, we should be comfortable in promoting what we do and what accomplishments we’ve achieved. 16

Nuestros clubes – ¿Audaces o anticuados? ¿Participación o asistencia rutinaria? ¿Demasiado estructurado o se divierten los socios? ¿Muestra representativa de la diversidad de la comunidad? ¿Ambiente acogedor para los nuevos socios? ¿Proyectos y programas interesantes e inspiradores? ¿Potencial para el bien? So, this question may ruffle some feathers. Where does your club fit in this question? <<Speaker can highlight all or some of the points on the screen. The message is intended to get the group thinking about their club and whether changes are needed.>>

Ser rotario o rotaria ¿Por qué me afilié? ¿A qué pertenezco? ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Por qué me quedo? ¿Por qué no comparto la alegría del servicio rotario invitando a un amigo o una colega a afiliarse? So, if we all had to write an elevator speech to describe being a Rotarian, what would it look like? Would answering these questions help everyone in promoting what Rotary is all about? Can we all say we are in it for the same reasons? I would bet 1.2 million members would come up with several different speeches. It’s challenging to tell someone what Rotary is all about. We do great work; we offer fun and fellowship; we lead and inspire. But, is that what prospective members are looking for?

¿Por qué hago esto? So, how do we better promote what being a Rotarian is all about? <<Click to start displaying the graphics. Four graphics will appear in 2 second intervals. They will disappear on their own. Once fourth picture disappears, you can click to next slide.>>

¡Para hacer de éste un mundo mejor! To make a difference in the world and make it a better place. <<Four pictures automatically appear and disappear.>>

Próximamente RI y la Directiva: Especificarán medidas a tomar y fijarán metas Concretarán plan de comunicaciones Perfeccionarán proceso de implementación Alinearán estructura de comités de RI con trabajo asignado Delinearán funciones de la Secretaría destinadas a apoyar el plan Finally, to close with some next steps. The Board and RI Strategic Planning Committee will take this strategic plan and put some actionable plans in place starting in July 2010. It will require a collaborative approach between the Board, Strategic Planning Committee and the staff to ensure that the actions align closely with the plan’s desired outcomes—its measures and targets. RI and the Board will define measures and targets to assess and monitor its success in implementing the plan. The committee and staff will finalize the communications and implementation processes in the upcoming months while the Board will work with the general secretary in aligning the RI committees and Secretariat services.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO “Jamás debemos permitir que nos convirtamos en una camarilla super exclusiva, aferrada tenazmente a las tradiciones del pasado…” Paul Harris, en la Convención de RI de1918 Rotary is at a crossroads to the future.  The revised RI Strategic Plan is the roadmap to emphasize Rotary International’s core purpose – to support the clubs and our movement’s pursuit of programs and activities that promote the Object of Rotary.  The revised plan attempts to build on Rotary’s past to secure the Rotary of the future. I thank you for your time. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be here with you today. QUESTIONS?