Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.


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Los mandatos.
Los Mandatos.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as tú…we use the informal command form.
Los mandatos….o commands To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as tu…we use the informal command form.
Los mandatos….o commands To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as tu…we use the informal command form.
Los mandatos….o commands To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as tu…we use the informal command form.
Sra. Ward. We use commands to tell someone to do or not to do something Regular affirmative tú commands are the same as the 3 rd person singular, present.
Los Comandos Forma Nosotros.
Los mandatos….o commands •To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tu”…we use the informal command form.
-AR verbs -ER/IR verbs Crear crea create! PreservarPreservaPreserve
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Apuntes: Los mandatos y presente progresivo Gente: Lección 6 Sra. Butsch Nolte Kentridge High School.
Recall: What are the Affirmative Informal Commands for each of these: Comer (to eat) Hablar (to talk/speak) Tener (to have) Venir (to come) Poner (to put/set)
LOS MANDATOS ESPAÑOL 3 Unidad 3.1 y 3.2.
1 How to make commands in Spanish. First of all, commands in Spanish come in two kinds: formal and informal.
Tú ya sabes algunos mandatos… Di (say) estos mandatos en español:
Mandatos afirmativos y negativos con tú cap. 9 - P. 309 Paso a Paso 3.
11.1 Familiar commands ANTE TODO  In Spanish, the command forms are used to give orders or advice.  You use tú commands when you want to give an order.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Mandatos Un Repaso. What is the purpose of a ‘mandato’? ► To tell somebody to do something or NOT to do something.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form. Formal we use “usted”, for a group.
“to do or not do something.” UNIDAD 2- Lección 1 Telling someone with whom you are familiar “to do or not do something.”
MANDATOS INFORMALES Just do it! (or don’t). Mandatos informales afirmativos Give some examples of how you would tell someone to do something in English.
Affirmative Tú Commands P. 168 Affirmative Tú Commands n To give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú…  You take the 3rd person form of.
LOS MANDATOS ESPAÑOL 3 Unidad 3.1 y Tú mandato 3rd person singular of verb (él, ella, ud. Form) 3rd person singular of verb (él, ella, ud. Form)
Los Mandatos de “tú” To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Los Mandatos Informal y Formal. Affirmative tú commands are the same as the él/ella form of the present tense. -AR verbs-ER/IR verbs Crear crea create!
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
How to conjugate and use affirmative tú and negative tú commands
Tú Commands. + Tú Commands To form a positive tú command you simply use the él/ella form of the verb in the present tense.
MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS Y NEGATIVOS INFORMALES. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR?  To tell someone you are familiar with (someone you can use the tú form with) to.
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Regular Negative Ud. Or Uds. Commands The regular Negative Ud. commands are formed by placing no in front of the affirmative Ud. command. The only difference.
Formal Commands! ¡Atención! In this presentation, you will learn about making commands in Spanish.
 Put verb in 3 rd person singular form (él/ella/usted)  Example: Hablar – habla = speak Correr – corre = run Escribir – escribe = write.
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  In Spanish, the command forms are used to give orders or advice. You use tú commands.
Negative tú commands Ms. Pomar Spanish II. When would I use negative tú commands? ► When you’re telling your friend, younger sibling, etc. not to do something!
(Command Forms). 1) Informal (Tú Form) Commands - Informal / Telling somebody to do or not to do something -This is the most common type of command 2)
1 1.Have a snack! (tener*) 2.Eat tacos! (comer) 3.Go! (ir*) 4.Speak! (hablar) 5.Sleep! (dormir) 6.Set the table! (poner*) 7.Be good! (ser*) ¡ TÚ + Práctica!
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Formal Commands Los Mandatos Formales p Commands in English are pretty easy. You just use a base verb form (without a subject, since it’s always.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form. Descubre 3 p
Negative Tú Commands Señor Abels Realidades 2, p356 rrcaabels.weebly.com.
Los mandatos informales Español 2. Informal tú commands (affirmative / positive +) Use the form preguntar --> borrar--> servir--> él / ella / ud ¡Pregunta!
Los Imperativos (Los mandatos) Escucha bien…. Los Imperativos TúTú Usted Ustedes PositivoNegativo habla come escribe hable coma escriba hablen coman escriban.
1 Affirmative Tú Commands Expresate level 2 page 26.
Affirmative Tú Commands P. 45 Affirmative Tú Commands n You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú. n You take the.
Affirmative Tú Commands
Formal Commands! Ten-Hut! In this presentation, you will learn about making commands in Spanish.
(Mandatos Informales)
Los mandatos.
Los Mandatos (Tú) The regular tú commands are the same forms that we use for él, ella, and usted in the present tense.
Mandatos de Nosotros “Let’s” commands y los reflexivos.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Los Mandatos NOSOTROS “Let’s…”. ¿Cómo se dice “Let’s talk”? Mandatos de nosotros include the speaker in the command. Ar  emos Er/ir  amos ☆ Let ’ s.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Affirmative/Negative Tú Commands. Rules When you tell friends, family, or young people to do something, you use an affirmative tú command. To give the.
Los Mandatos Para dar un mandato a un amigo usa la forma familiar “Tú”.
Los Mandatos Commands. Tú + Go to él, ella, Ud form of verb Or tú form drop s Por ejemplo: Hablarhabla Comercome Escribirescribe.
Día 7 Capitulo 3 Mantenerte sano Español 3 Mandatos de tú Afirmativos y negativos ¿Qué recordamos?
“Los Mandatos” Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español.
Los mandatos informales Español 2 Informal tú commands (affirmative / positive +) Use the form preguntar --> borrar--> servir--> él / ella / ud ¡Pregunta!
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  In Spanish, the command forms are used to give orders or advice. You use tú commands (mandatos.
LOS MANDATOS ESPAÑOL 3 Unidad 3.1 y 3.2.
Los Mandatos.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Los Mandatos To give a command or to make a suggestion to someone you address as “tú”…we use the informal command form.

Affirmative tú commands are the same as the él/ella form of the present tense. -AR verbs-ER/IR verbs Hablar Habla Speak! Caminar Camina Walk! Jugar Juega Play! tocar Toca Play! Leer Lee read! Escribir Escribe write! Dormir Duerme sleep! Comer Come Eat!

A few irregular tú command forms p.89 decir ¡di! say! tell! hacer ¡haz! do! make! poner ¡pon! put,place,set! tener ¡ten! have, be! salir ¡sal! leave! ser ¡sé! be! ir ¡ve! go! venir ¡ven! come!

Remember the 8 irregular informal commands by remembering one of these sentences. Ten very venturous ponies did sail the hazy séas. Princess Di haz sé ven ten velvet ponies in her saloon.

Ahora…usa mandatos con estos verbos… 1.Trabajar en el comedor de beneficencia. 2.Hacer un esfuerzo. 3.Seguir con tus estudios. 4.Juntar fondos. 5.Ayudar a los amigos. 6.Ser bueno. 7. Decir la verdad siempre.

Las respuestas… 1.¡Trabaja en el comedor de beneficencia! 2.¡Haz un esfuerzo! 3.¡Sigue con tus estudios! 4.¡Junta fondos! 5.¡Ayuda a los minusválidos! 6.¡Sé bueno! 7.¡Di la verdad siempre!

El mandato con pronombres 1. Object and reflexive pronouns follow and are attached to affirmative informal commands Ejemplo - Dime

Para formar el mandato con un pronombre: Sentar(se) Sienta(te) Siéntate The stress naturally falls on the second-to-last syllable if the word ends in a vowel, n, or s. When the pronoun is added, it adds an additional syllable. An accent must be added to maintain the original pronunciation. *Count 3 syllables – right to left

Para formar el mandato con dos pronombres: When using 2 object pronouns with the same verb, remember that the indirect object pronoun occurs first. Count 4 syllables – right to left Préstamelo pres – ta – me – lo prés – ta – me – lo Préstame pres – ta – me

The formation of the Ud., Uds., Nosotros commands

‘yo’ form of verb:hablo digo duermo sigo como remove ‘o’: habl- dig- duerm- sig- com-

Add opposite endings of verbs arer/ir -e -a -emos -amos -en -an

Hablar…Comer…Vivir Present tense Ud/Uds/Nosotros commands hablo hable hablenhablemos como coma comancomamos vivo viva vivanvivamos

(p. 97)Los irregulares: D- Dardé/den/demos I- Ir vaya/vayan/vamos S- Sersea/sean/seamos H- Haberhaya/hayan/hayamos E- Estaresté/estén/estemos S- Saber sepa/sepan/sepamos

¿Cuál es la forma imperativa (mandato) de Ud./Uds. para los siguientes verbos? 1.sentarse* ______________ Ud.! 2.almorzar _______________Ud.! 3.pagar ______________ Uds.! 4.ir ______________ Ud.! 5.acostarse* ______________ Ud.! 6.repetir______________(Nosotros!) 7.divertirse* ____________ Uds.! ¡ Siéntese ¡ Vaya ¡ Acuéstese ¡ Repitamos ¡Diviértanse ¡ Almuerce ¡ Paguen

Para formar el mandato: Empiece con la forma de YO en el Presente. Menos -O Añada las terminaciones opuestas (excepto la forma de ‘tú’). Tú Ud.Uds.Nosotros ¡Habla!¡Hable Ud.!¡Hablen!¡Hablemos! Hablar: 1.Hablo 2.Habl-

Práctica Verbo Secarlos (Ud) Bañarse (Uds.) Decirle (nosotros) Entregarlas (Ud.) Darme (Uds) Hacerlo (Nosotros) ¡Séquelos! ¡Báñense Uds.! ¡Digámosle! ¡Entréguelas Ud.! ¡Denme! ¡Hagámoslo!

Nosotros Nosotros commands and stem-changes: No stem changes in -ar and -er verbs. (Juguemos, Cerremos) -Ir verbs take the second vowel(s). Ejemplo: Durmamos, Divirtámonos dormir (ue, u) divertirse (ie, i)

Los Mandatos con los Verbos Reflexivos : Nosotros Levantarse Step 1: Levantemos Step 2: Before you attach the ‘nos’ drop the ‘s’: Levantemo___ Step 3: Levantémonos. (Let’s get up!) **We call these the monkey verbs because MONOS means monkeys. Why does the accent fall on the ‘e’? Exception: To say: Let’s go! (ir), Use: ¡Vamos! What would the form be for Irse? ¡Vámonos!

Los Mandatos con Nosotros y el pronombre ‘se’ preparar + se + la Step 1: preparemos Step 2: Before you attach the ‘se’ drop the ‘s’: preparemo___ Step 3: preparémosela. (Let’s prepare it for her.)

Los Mandatos con Nosotros The nosotros command is interchangeable with Vamos a + infinitivo Ejemplo: Vamos a comer en un restaurante. Comamos en un restaurante.