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Mandatos Un Repaso. What is the purpose of a ‘mandato’? ► To tell somebody to do something or NOT to do something.

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Presentación del tema: "Mandatos Un Repaso. What is the purpose of a ‘mandato’? ► To tell somebody to do something or NOT to do something."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Mandatos Un Repaso

2 What is the purpose of a ‘mandato’? ► To tell somebody to do something or NOT to do something.

3 There are several kinds of commands ► Affirmative “Tú” ► Negative “Tú” ► Formal Singular ► Formal Plural

4 How do you decide which one to use? ► “Tú”- when speaking to someone that you are familiar with (friends, little brothers and sisters, etc.) ► Ud., Uds.- when speaking to someone that you are not very familiar with, or an older person. (Somebody with authority)

5 How do you form the affirmative “tú” command? ► 1. Verb(Hablar) ► 2. Conjugate in él, ella, ud= present tense= Habla ► 3. Add ¡ != ¡Habla!

6 Not all verbs follow that pattern ► There are eight irregular affirmative “tú” commands. ► Ten, Ven, Sal, Ve, Haz, Pon, Di, Sé

7 Negative “Tú” ► NO ► Conjugate the verb in the “yo” form of the present tense ► Drop the o. ► Add the Opposite Ending (ar= es; er, ir= as)

8 For example ► No ► No hablo ► No habl ► No hables (we use the –es ending because it is an –ar verb)

9 Or ► No ► No hago ► No hag ► No hagas (we use the –as ending because it is an –er verb)

10 Spell Changers ► In the negative form there are certain spell changers you need to know. ► -Car= qu; -Zar= c; Gar= gu.

11 ► No toques = tocar ► No empieces= empezar ► No juegues= jugar

12 Formal Commands ► Start with the yo form of the present indicative. ► Then drop the -o ending. ► Finally, add the following endings: ► -ar verbs: -e (for Ud.), -en (for Uds.) ► -er and -ir verbs: -a (for Ud.), -an (for Uds.)

13 Hablar ► Hablo ► Habl ► ¡Hable Ud!

14 If I wanted to make it plural ► Hablo ► Habl ► ¡Hablen Uds!

15 Tener ► Tengo ► Teng ► ¡Tenga Ud!

16 Irregular Verbs (Formal) ► dar dé Ud. den Uds. ► estar esté Ud. estén Uds. ► ir vaya Ud. vayan Uds. ► ser sea Ud. sean Uds. ► saber sepa Ud. sepan Uds.

17 Making a formal command negative ► If you want to make a formal command negative you just add ‘no’. ► No hablen uds., No haga la tarea, etc.

18 ¡Practiquen Uds! ► Give the mandato for the affirmative “tú”, negative “tú”, formal singular, and formal plural forms of the following verbs: ► Tener, Venir, Salir, Escribir, Bailar, Cantar, Poner, Pedir, Hacer, Ir.

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